4mo ago  Development Updates

Bug report: the "what's hot" feed hasn't updated in 21 hours, despite activities across several tribes:

6mo ago  Development Updates


Bug report: The notifications counter isn't resetting like normal after viewing them


6mo ago  Development Updates

Bug report: The notifications counter isn't resetting like normal after viewing them.

6mo ago  Development Updates

Bug report, trying to use the "search this tribe" feature just dumps you into the Public Square.

7mo ago  Development Updates

@MentORPHEUS I like to think of it as a value add.

7mo ago  Development Updates

@destraht Jeez, you can't even respond to a technical matter without throwing in several helpings of ad hominem.

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7mo ago  Development Updates

@MentORPHEUS Learn to use web browser developer tools. Sometimes they'll have an image as an inline base64 encoded data that is hard to extract, or even in slices of divs using the same method, but often enough they're simply intercepting and canceling javascript events. Firefox and Chrome both have tools where you can select the element to see the source. Then you just copy the image URL that way. You can try to paste it into a new tab to see if it's what you think that it is.

Basically you're a sad boomer cry babying about joshua trees as you sweat your balls off in ignorance to the sound of your gnarled up moaning.

7mo ago  Development Updates

@redpillschool Cool, thanks for that. My problem lies on the copying side of the equation. Most websites block casual image grabbing now by design, otherwise I'd just download them to use rather than copy to clipboard.

7mo ago  Development Updates

@MentORPHEUS IMG tags aren't supported. But you can copy and paste images into a status like this

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7mo ago  Development Updates

Are [img] tags supported here? Not sure if server side anti hotlinking or website side, but I was unable to post a low hanging fruit joke reply involving fruity jackets.

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