2y ago  Politics

Trump/Putin 2021


2y ago  Politics

Food for thought

3y ago  Politics

How to save our Constitution, Freedom, and Free Markets with a Carbon Tax - A theory and proposal

No need to blast you all on the impending crisis of our individual freedoms, sovereignty, and constitution brought on by our tyrannical leftist overlords clawing for power, but here is an overlooked tool that might prove itself to be vital to the survival of our nation. Milton Friedman was right. One of governments sole roles is to step in when what two people do affects a third party. Deregulation of society is completely possible through pricing mechanisms on externalities being upheld by the government. An externality is simple, if A sells B a product and a pollutant hurts C for $25 worth of medical costs, as long as that $25 is payed out then the deal can be made. The governments only role is ensuring the externality is paid. In practice, the costs of externalities relating to cancers and serious injury become so absorbent that the producer must innovate to survive without any regulation, force, coercion, or government overreach. This whole topic is interestingly explained and discussed by some (not too delusional) academics at the U of Chicago (the Temple of Friedman) here:


While most of you here don't need any explaining, the issue of regulation is that once established, an irreversible access and avenue of control by the government has been established to intrude on our lives and create market inefficiencies that drain society. The EPA, FDA, SEC, almost all three letter agencies are guilty as charged. Zoom out, look at Europe and China, and we can all see where this is headed. But what if I told you that almost complete deregulation is possible and we can save our fellow Americans from an impending doom with a tool proposed by the left itself?

When the gag factor and knee jerk reaction to the idea of a Carbon Tax has subsided, regardless of where you sit on the fence of the climate science data, the reality is that it functions as an externality of our economic operations and daily lives. By establishing an efficient pricing mechanism on carbon, all regulatory proposals can be shot down and negotiated by implementing this tax. Try and ban gasoline cars and trucks? Here's a proper tax, fuck off. Try and ban natural gas drilling and fracking? Here's a proper tax, fuck off. Try and ban Bob's small regional trucking distribution business? Here's a proper tax, fuck off.

Now you might be wondering, "what happens when the left just asking for a tax on everything?". Here's where the entire political game gets shifted on its head:

Deregulation can begin by erasing and dismantling the arbitrary statutes and regulations hurting Americans by regulatory agencies and their power structures. All regulations can be priced based on efficient markets and real scientific data. And here's the even bigger kicker, all currently unjust taxes (i.e. California) can now be struck down on the basis of proving there are no externalities to be paid. An entire structure for eliminating unnecessary taxes based on free markets and reality can now flourish. The tyrannical overreach of government regulations can be fought and slain through the free will of the people. The fight may never end, but this may turn the tide.

While this may seem a bit absurd, I believe that a Carbon Tax may be the trojan horse of Conservatives and right-winged libertarians alike to save our beloved country. I ask that all of my fellow Americans consider these facts, think outside of the box, and fight for like hell for the freedom and liberties we are so fortunate to have.

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3y ago  Politics

@redpillschool Just as women (not other men) Red Pill men in the realm of sexual strategy, politicians (not pundits) Red Pill me in their arena.

3y ago  Politics

@MentORPHEUS you're starting to sound like some of the right wing conspiracy nuts!

3y ago  Politics

Low key conspiracy theory: I wonder if the comic book character Kamala Khan appeared around the time forces decided to run Kamala Harris in the future?


Kamala Khan - Wikipedia
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3y ago  Politics

Jesus Christ... another one of those "I'm voting the other guy because Trump is the devil incarnate" people

I honestly can't comprehend the mental gymnastics needed to imply one candidate is a clean slate purely because one hates another candidate

3y ago  Politics

@MentORPHEUS Also, that population projection, WOW!

3y ago  Politics

@MentORPHEUS Agreed. The alt-left will decry people not being attracted to trans people (they area already starting this narrative), but you sure as hell cannot negotiate attraction, let alone legislate it.

What we will see is goofballs (mainly on the left) virtue signal by attempting to convince themselves to be with trans folks as though it's normal, but the fallout will be both hilarious and sad. Mental illness is a hell of a thing.

3y ago  Politics

(2/2) I disagree with his prediction in section M.

m) Mark my words, in the near future, a cluckservative will loudly demand that men enter a government marriage contract with MtF transgender individuals (i.e. they still have XY chromosomes) who identify as 'female'. The cluckservative will cartoonishly gloat about how much he is doing to uphold 'traditional marriage' without seeing anything odd about pressuring men to enter this arrangement. "So what if she was born a man? You will only be a real man if you marry her!", they will bellow. To be clear, I am not criticizing the transgender person (who is just being used as a prop), but rather the cluckservative.

n) If you are wondering why I am giving this much space to demolishing this already universally despised group, it is because it is on the brink of total collapse, and without the cluckservative anvil, the 'feminist' hammer will not be able to propagate nearly as much misandry. Cluckservatives are the pharisees of today, having led us down a long, dark path to a strange, ugly place, and still continuing to urge others along. Many men have thankfully stopped following, and therefore a major realignment that ejects cluckservatives into the dustbin of history is imminent, wherein there is an opportunity to fill the vacuum with something better (race nationalism, another goddess-cult ideology populated by even less impressive men, and therefore no women, is not it, as it languishes in an even more primitive layer of the human brain).

o) Lastly, remember to call them 'cluckservatives' and point to this SEO-optimized list for reference. That will cause a 'Streisand effect' that hastens their welcome demise from political relevance and makes misandry harder to propagate. If you question whether the Misandry Bubble has in fact partially popped, as predicted exactly 10 years ago, the ongoing implosion of the once-powerful phalanx of cluckservatism is a reliable metric that it has. If you are looking for a way to fight back against misandry, you will make much more headway attacking cluckservatives than attacking female 'feminists', since women already have a low opinion of cluckservatives. Remember to train women you are sexually involved with to get cluckservatives to platonically cover some of her expenses while feeling privileged to do so, as described above in 16(h).

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