@woodsmoke Hey, Woodsmoke, how is the healing process moving along?
They wipe with their left hands,
Yeah it's true, they use the other one to keep the balance touching the grassound
@Schummacheers fake!
They wipe with their left hands, not their right hands!
@woodsmoke Jamilia is some standard issue black entitled woman [think 'ain't nobody got time for that'], the dude from picture is a super old meme. Question? Just the opinion, you one never know when will that handy in life. Plus:
Karen, Jamilia, spinster would probably be spiting the venom, seen it in the hospitals.
I'd go for Chad, or what you have described.
I'm assuming the Jamilla option is in reference to the picture. Either way, I don't get it.
Given the choice, I'd take the old dude. He's been there, done that, bought the T-shirt and wore it 'til it got threadbare and he repurposed it to wipe a patient's ass.
yet having to ask a girl who looked like she's barely out of puberty to literally wipe my own ass for me
Assume you have a choice, who would you prefer to help you out
That's the funny thing: I've been commuting ~35 miles to and from work every day for years on that bike, most of that on highways and freeways. I had a close call a couple years back when traffic backed up suddenly and the guy behind the guy behind me didn't stop in time (his vehicle hit the one between us with enough force to knock it forward and bend the frame over my back tire) but, other than that, it's been pretty smooth sailing.
I got hit in the town I live in going 35mph down Main. It was literally the scenario @Typo-MAGAshiv has repeatedly outlined in which the rider is doing everything right and still gets creamed because the driver wasn't paying attention at the wrong moment. The only thing I could have done that might have made some extra difference was to be wearing my plated pants as well as my jacket, though I suspect my leg and kidneys still would have gotten busted up because that was the direct point of impact.
Read MoreSeeing a pic of your leg made me realize that…
Anyway, sorry about your episode. I used to have a bike, and I rode a lot, myself. I always wore full gear, and I almost always stayed in town where the top speed limit was 45. I was a very defensive driver, and I always rode with the attitude that I was invisible, and/or that anyone who saw me wanted to kill me.
The possibility of being killed or maimed outweighed the fun I derived from riding, though, so I traded in my bike when it was time to replace my car.
Get we’ll soon, brother.
@woodsmoke link for picture of cats doesn't work