7h ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR.
Reply To mustangfrank1 - I am a woman. Why should I have to pay? That’s a man’s responsibility.

7h ago 2024-05-18 15:35:07 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Forum

Heads I win tails you lose.

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Reply To rber - Hobbies and Ways to Naturally Meet Girls? Dancing?
Hey guys, I'm 32 now. I've been red-pilled for about 9 years (or at least I consider myself to be). When I was younger, I had my fair share of cold...... [more]

9h ago 2024-05-18 14:18:11 Ask TRP Forum

Verm is super into that.

I still have to test this out but yoga. Morning yoga classes on the weekend is where you’ll probably find those types.

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Reply To Red_dead - Thoughts on using money as a Tool to get Women?
Been doing some thinking on this due to recent experiences. What are thoughts on using money to give you leverage in attracting women? I understand the general consensus is you become...... [more]

9h ago 2024-05-18 14:16:09 Ask TRP Forum

My take: IF you’ve got it like that; go for it.

That assumes you’re budgeting responsibly (saving and investing 50%+ of your income) and can afford to do shit like get tables/yachts/etc WITHOUT going into debt and still being able to pay your bills etc. works out better if you’ve got some boys and you all split the bill on things like this.

However if you’re spend on lifestyle prohibits you from saving/investing responsibly then no; you can’t afford it and you would be absolutely foolish to try and pretend to be something you’re not.

Added note: I see guys on tables all the time w zero bitches; or even worse ones that come, drink their booze, n leave to go fuck chad. Sad fucks dropped hella cash to not even get laid. Moral of story: do all the other work that makes women genuinely attracted to you (muscle, style, charisma, etc) and then the money becomes an added bonus.

You could be a rich fat fuck and you might get laid but they don’t have burning genuine desire for you. You can be a brokie but jacked and they’ll want you more. I’ve been fat as fuck w a rolex and tables n buying drinks and did not get laid much. I’ve also been 10% bf doing the same thing and got laid effortlessly being in shape.

Bonus sauce: only compliments I’ve ever got on my watches were from other men. Take that as you will

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Reply To polishknight - The tough question: Move to another city or get plastic surgery?

9h ago 2024-05-18 14:10:03 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Forum

"If I can be a 9 (versus a 7), my options will expand."

So typical. There's a reason Kevin Samuels would tell women "you can't say 7" when asking them to rate themselves. Few women would admit to being a 5 or a 6, because that's too mid, but they know if they inflate themselves to an 8, the obvious question becomes, "If you're that hot, why are you still single and struggling?" So they go with "I'm a 7" to prevent an ego meltdown.

Lady, the eligible men who instantly and surreptitiously evaluate you on a daily basis say you are not a 7. If she's a legit 5 at age 29, no amount of surgery is going to dry her tears as the epiphany phase sets in.

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Reply To joyboy - Should I unironically get therapy?
I've taken steps to reduce my resentment and jealousy like I was suggested by users here. I deleted all dating apps, stopped using social media, reduced porn (I was clean...... [more]

9h ago 2024-05-18 14:02:07 Ask TRP Forum

No; therapy is for pussies.

I think in another comment you mentioned you are 5”5. While that’s not going to kill you; I can see from that how you’ve got some difficulties with the ladies. To clarify: just bc you’re a short king doesn’t mean you can’t get bitches. Plenty of stories ab 5”something dudes that are cool as fuck n get hella pussy. You will however, have to put in a lot more work than the standard 6”2 chad and that’s just how it is.

You say you’ve got a good build of muscle; maybe try cutting to 10-12% bf. Beyond that there’s plenty of things you can do to increase your smv. For starters: good haircut (clean business professional cut, with tapered sides (2 or less) and maybe a fade. Dress edgy: t shirts that compliment your muscles, pants that compliment your figure (think lululemon abcs slimfit; birddogs shorts (4-5in inseam). Good colognes (LV, Hermes, etc). Good hygiene (duh). Extra pro tip: new balance sneakers and Nike air forces give you ~an extra inch. Rock those.

Get those bases covered and overall make sure you look presentable on a day to day basis.

Next: charisma. You develop this overtime by becoming more social and outgoing. Get friends - like minded bros (ideally ones that get bitches). Go out more and just see how ppl interact w each other. Having a solid group of friends to hit the bars with automatically gives you a bit of credibility plus extra confidence(you shoot a shot w a chick; she turns you down; you can laugh ab it w the guys). Smile, laugh, develop a dope personality. Do this well enough and you can become a “life of the party” type of guy. It’s that inner confidence that gets you bitches.

Ppl say a lot you’re not gonna find wifey in the bar/club. And that’s true but rn you don’t need wifey; you just need some bitches. Go to BARS not clubs. I am 5”8 I’ve still got a slight advantage but it’s harder for me to pull in a club than in a bar. In a bar there’s still noise but you can still have convos. Go around and talk to chicks. It’s really a trial n error thing; you’ll see what kinds of approaches get good results vs the ones that don’t. The bar is a great place bc ppl go there literally to meet other ppl.

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Reply To mustangfrank1 - Husband asks wife to work to help support household, she leaves, claims he was abusive

9h ago 2024-05-18 13:42:51 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Forum

Thoughts and prayers, sweaty.

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Reply To joyboy - Should I unironically get therapy?
I've taken steps to reduce my resentment and jealousy like I was suggested by users here. I deleted all dating apps, stopped using social media, reduced porn (I was clean...... [more]

10h ago 2024-05-18 13:18:41 Ask TRP Forum

I tried therapy multiple times and found no value, but I went to a program through the VA called DBT intensive program and that was the only therapy that helped me. They did actual skill building and forced me to work on things I dont want to do and held me accountable if I didnt do it

3 1
Reply To polishknight - The tough question: Move to another city or get plastic surgery?

10h ago 2024-05-18 13:16:37 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Forum
Sr. Hamster Analyst

It would be interesting to know how she acted at the age of 21? Did she only want attention from the top 20% of men? Did she have a thing for bad bois, thugs and criminals? Now, at 29, Boo Hoo WAATGM? I have seen, in my lifetime, 3 women throw their lives away chasing unicorns. Average men were not good enough for them. Now, in their 30's they are passed over by the men they rejected years earlier. These women, in their 30's, lost their advantages of youth and fertility.
When I was divorced and single at 38, my first GF was 27, the next 27 and the next who became my second wife was 24. She was 5'7", blonde hair and blue eyes.
I went to single events and saw women in their late 20's and 30's. Some of the women were better looking than me, but I did not want the baggage that came with them. I could see bail out in their eyes. Married 25 year and 3 sons.

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