4mo ago  The Hub
4mo ago  TheRedPill

That + personal experience + a functioning brain is pretty much all that's needed to form autonomic opinions on which "advice" is worth listening to, and which isn't.

I have a theory that this is already happening, that a major portion of men are lurkers who read and apply the sidebar don't register and don't write anything because they don't have the need to, after all TRP isn't that complicated. That however isn't all and (for various reasons) some still need to ask about this or that.

4mo ago  Bodybuilding

@lurkerhasarisen There probably are some parallels to be made between having multiple plates on your bar.

2 45 fcks
4mo ago  The Hub

@carnold03 What's the problem tho, can't you'r main guy just resurrect them?

4mo ago  TheRedPill


Cheap shots" as in pointing out that someone who is endorsed was incredibly wrong about the most important thing (Covid)

Everyone (or perhaps most) who was endorsed before trp.red was endorsed for sexual strategy related topics. Whatever his opinion of covid is, his endorsment isn't for agreeing or disagreeing with covid narrative, or any other narrative. TypoMagaShiv was given a point, even tho he is worshipping US veterans as the best class of people ever (I'm simplifying). I don't agree with that, but that doesn't mean he can't write a good RP post or reply.

2 6 + 2
4mo ago  TheRedPill


themes of "rating systems" and "endorsements" to "help the new guys think correctly"

The points are not awarded for correct answers. The points are awarded for good insight into what is being discussed.

It's every individual's own responsibility to filter information - to take what they think is valuable, and to discard what they think is retarded.

That assumes competence on the part of the reader. Most guys who ask question on askTRP aren't competent, they are barely unplugged newbies asking how to get their ex back. This is compounded by the issue that some of the people who write replies aren't competent either. Hence a system is needed to point out people who are more likely to be competent than not.

I'm generally of the diplomatic persuasion, I quite enjoy reading the writings of people who are not

Nobody is stopping anyone from doing so.

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4mo ago  TheRedPill

@destraht The points are not for the people who receive them, they are for the readers to be able to tell a a comment from a user who has some grasp of the RP vs a comment from someone who perhaps doesn't have as good one. A point isn't a reward ("you win at RP hooray!"), it's a comment weighting system not based on popularity (votes) but on trust.

2 3 138 vcards
4mo ago  TheRedPill


This (approval) is from the guy who was the most possibly wrong that he could have been about the most important thing that has happened to anyone during the entire history of The Red Pill

Do explain what that was.

1 1
4mo ago  The Hub


Listen to the first 20mins. Rollo explains how DHS is using NGOs in an attempt to divert traffic from major manosphere accounts on and off social media.

Some time ago there was an interview with Matt Taibbi (the guy behind Twitter Files) in which Taibbi describes how Elon Musk wasn't keen on researching even more of the Twitter's internal workings and external sources, basically this was where Musk and Taibbi paths diverged and the "file releases" ended. I doubt manosphere is the main target here, but it's something to consider given the fact that Twitter is currently the most "free" speech site out there.

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5mo ago  The Hub


Secondly, actually swallowing TRP requires you to act in the world as it is, not as you think it should be. The world is your oyster; take exactly what you want and leave the rest without second thought. Harboring some kind of resentment over something this retarded is a blue pilled waste of energy.

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