No, typically I enjoyed her presence. The sex, personality. They were all attractive but had a shit ton of red flags, mainly drug use (which I myself partook in) and were attention seeking either via social media or service industry work.
Most of them if you removed drug use would be solid individuals but unfortunately post break up, they all went overboard. Losing themselves to mainly coke and booze.
then LTRing the one that hung out the longest.
Was that the only criterion? That she stuck around?
Most definitely.
Like I said one big issue in my past was spinning multiple plates, then LTRing the one that hung out the longest.
I've had the habit of giving women the benfit of the doubt because they hung on so long and that always bit me in the ass.
Elevating the quality of the woman behind the pussy will hopefully resolve some of that.
Going from machines to free weights, I can push the same weights but dammit if the stabilizing parts of the lifts are on fire.
Think wrists, forearms for push/pull movements.
It seems like the natural progression. Once you can consistently spin plates, ONS/STR lose their thrill. Typically the pussy isn't worth the baggage that comes with it.
Compared to maintaining a healthy LTR, it's like women on easy mode. No real attachment. No concerns for them past the surface level bull shit.
Understandably guys may stay here for years to avoid heart break. Probably did myself.
or pull some shit that runs them off
Guilty of this. Trying to avoid making it happen again. Sick and tired of hurting the ones I love. Damaging them in the process.
Just once I wish one of my LTR girls would get their shit together. Start living a life that would make me jealous.
Unfortunately they all spiral out of control. Which I hate to see. One I still care for (not about) any of my exes/live in girls.
More so it's a blow to my ego being a reflection of my poor choices in women.
Read MoreMan I spent too much time on the Left Coast.
Unfortunately she didn't exhibit any qualities that made her a good long term partner.
Fuck the urge to lift anytime I walk into the gym on a rest day is too real.
If you forced me right now at gun point I would recommend keeping your n-count under 50.
Most women make it hard to respect themselves.
Honestly I'd agree with Typo, it depends on the man, his lifestyle and what he wants at his current stage in life.
I'm past 50 by a substantial bit. I've had three serious heart breaks since I started dating and after each I went through a ho phase. I traveled around the country, doing sales and was involved heavily in the party lifestyle.
It wasn't unsual to see men and women from my social groups sleeping with 3 different, sometimes 3 completely new partners a week.
This last one is the only one I said I'm going to start hunting for quality over quantity and it wasn't because I've had my fill, it's because my mind set has changed. I'd like to settle into something longer term with the potential for building a future together.
I realized this towards the end of my last relationship. Unfortunately she didn't exhibit any qualities that made her a good long term partner.
Should have ejected sooner because we both suffered for my inability to just move on.
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