2y ago  The Hub

@slutmagazine @Tennisball1- Hmm. I'd argue that he botched the first chance, and she lost some attraction. Chasing through approaching to make up for the initial fail would probably just lead to disappointment - that's scarcity, if you ask me.

I'd say do the opposite and just ignore her completely until she gives you another chance, then you can possibly redeem yourself. Don't even look at her. Ignoring women is a secret weapon because they are so used to being showered with attention in life, they will take it as a challenge to get it from you if they're interested and it seems like you don't give attention out so easily. This is probably why she caught you off-guard and sat in front of you initially - because you weren't like every other guy in the gym thirstily staring, she had to work for your attention by getting in your direct line of sight and engaging in conversation.

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2y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool Wow, talk about not respecting boundaries... "you should ask before filming me in my house" - the stream should have ended there, but she just kept going on about how their marriage was saved by the red table. I think she was trying to get a reaction out of him with him not realizing he was being filmed, but he clued in on that she was recording and stayed cool despite the disrespect. I really hope society as a whole shames the everliving shit out of that witch.

2y ago  5th Generation War

@OtPayOkerSmay I am reminded of the schoolkids who would gang up on and berate me for being the smart kid.

The knowledge one accumulates and cross-links with everything else he knows is important in cumulative ways. If you go with just-so narratives and meme level talking points, you end up building a broken worldview whose predictive value gets worse and worse over time, and the consequences come to bear on everyone eventually. You're supposed to stand on the shoulders of giants, but always seem to choose standing on the shoulders of freaks instead.

If a person isn't proud and eager to share their sources and thought processes supporting their stated beliefs, it doesn't incentivize others assigning them credibility and gravitas. I think there's something fundamentally wrong with people like that.

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On The Shoulders of Freaks
A classic on the Dr. Demento show. Written by, Henry Phillips.Check out more of his work at http://www.henryphillips.com/ | YouTube
2y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool She looks like a supervillain - can't even look pleasant for a photo at a major event. But, you know Hollywood is going to make her some boss babe protagonista in upcoming film roles.

I made a post in a thread about Will/Jada about how I think she'll take the spotlight as a heroine, and women will be inspired to cuck their husbands/boyfriends because this strong and empowered queen got away with it.

2y ago  TheRedPill

@first_ofhername Did I miss a memo or something? Are tiktok rages being converted from speech to text and uploaded here, or something? Someone should file a bug, clearly the programming is messed up... her programming.


"Why didn't he fall into my pussy trap? I saw a fat wallet behind those good looks, so I was, like, easy; and he treated me like I was easy - it's, like, men who are supposed to be the easy ones!!! I also let him, like, defile and, like, degrade me, just to grease the deal a bit; but that, like, totally didn't work in my favor to get his commitment! Like, srsly?! Men are pathetic. Men are the predators for not accepting me for the, like, abusive and hateful bitch that I am! [I'll stop with the 'likes' here... That was taxing to write, I'm sure it will be taxing to read]

It's men's fault that I thought I could secure commitment with just sex. It's men's fault that us women bat out of our league and chase the top tier of men that have plenty of options (most of them being girls that are far better than me), and it's also their fault we don't give the guys who won't pump and dump us the time of day; at least until our options run dry and we need to sucker some lonely ugly schmuck who doesn't know better. WAIT... EVEN THOSE GUYS ARE STARTING TO FIGURE IT OUT? FUCK. Well, I guess it's time to start a tiktok or go get mad at a fringe internet forum. ... forum it is."

Accountability: the last thing you can expect from a modern woman... and even then: do not get your hopes up, because you probably won't see personal accountability at all.

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2y ago  5th Generation War

@slutmagazine I think it's basically that the soyboys, goobers, and leftist simps are so quick to gang up and demand sources as validation, and won't believe anything that doesn't have a source; even if it's common sense. Keep in mind these are the same people that will use wikipedia as a primary source, and they suffer from crippling confirmation bias.

Add to that the fact that pretty much anyone that tries to go against the narrative and is truthful in some regard is quickly labelled "racist transphobic far-right pig..."

Basically you have to beat them to the punch and admit it's from racists, or else they'll try to dig you into a hole about how you're referencing racist far right sources. Based.

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2y ago  5th Generation War

@destraht Appear strong when you are weak, and weak when you are strong.

2y ago  The Hub

@Jocbro Be extremely careful... Women want what they can't have (since they're told they can have it all, y'know), so she'll always want what she couldn't have to prove something - you're attainable, he's not; he'll always take precedence in her heart over you. That's my 2 cents at least

2y ago  The Hub

@adam-l Yeah, narcissism for women has been normalized for various reasons:

1) Act like men - chase high-status careers and compete with men, screw as many different people as you can (normalizing sluttish behaviour is a topic of it's own) - they exhibit the narcissism that is normal for men. We need the narcissism because we are competitive by nature, and need to believe in ourselves even when the odds are stacked against us.

2) Indoctrinated to believe they can have it all - whether it's narcissist teachers in formative years, the narrative of prince charming, or society pandering to women as a whole; they feel that the world is their oyster. They throw away something great (usually romantic partners) because they think and are told they can do better, then they hit the wall and realize they should have accepted great years back - nobody is perfect, but they think perfection exists because indoctrination has sold to them that they are perfect creatures.

3) Social media - scratches an attention/validation itch and makes women think they are the centre of the universe, which makes them extremely egoistic without them ever having to build or work on anything of value to rightfully back that ego. The ego makes them think they can keep climbing to get perfection in a partner (reinforcing the hypergamy of their nature), until they've completely fried their pair-bonding ability. Nothing tells them they aren't perfect, they don't take criticism or advice from men because they feel they are above us socially (social media, y'know), and simps and weak men give them attention and validation even though they don't deserve it

They reach their 30s single and miserable, and misery loves company: so they join the cause of indoctrinating the next generation to be narcissists. They encourage slutty behaviour, or cheer a girl on to leave a perfectly good man - peer pressure is such a powerful force with women, but slut shaming is somehow wrong even though it's needed if you ask me. Shaming women for being unbearable in whatever way is muh soggy knees, so I think we need to normalize slut shaming and other forms of shame to turn things around.

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2y ago  The Hub

@destraht I think this goes to the single mother issue - they immigrate with only their mothers, so they turn to gangs and violence to find the masculine energy that they require to be whole. Perhaps the system needs to look at only allowing full families into the country, as we already know single motherhood drastically increases the chance a teenager or young adult will end up getting involved in criminal activity

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