4y ago  The Hub

@rKKKselected This the one?

4y ago  The Hub

@bloodexorcist Yeah I was overthinking the whole damn thing, messaged my PT and he pointed out the difference between fats and saturated fats. Doh! Thanks though

4y ago  The Hub


Awesome, I was getting confused with fats and saturated fats and thought I’d bought a whole load of shit that wouldn’t help me. Turns out it’s all good! Thanks for your help anyways

4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero Do what you want man, I just wanted to know about some shakes.

If you’ve got advice on fat/protein balance I’d appreciate it, seeing as you seem to know shit

4y ago  The Hub

@Magnus_Pym thanks dude, just trying to work out my meal plan. My fat intake seems to be taking up a lot of my calories, any recommendations to balance it out so I can get more protein in there?

4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero That’s entirely your prerogative my dude, I’m not even flinching at you being a keyboard warrior. I asked a question, you answered like an absolute knuckle dragging roid abuser.

‘Nah dude, don’t go in for that shit. It’s full of X shit, stick to good sources of protein.’

Oh shit, I didn’t know! Thanks for the heads up @Caldero

So yeah, whatever man.

4y ago  The Hub

@bloodexorcist For sure, I’m on board with the advice. If protein shakes are bad I’ll avoid them! Cook by trade so it should come easy

4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero I’m not questioning the advice, I’m questioning the manner in which you’re giving it out. I recommend an up to date blood test because I think you’re injecting too much T.

4y ago  The Hub

@Caldero ...the absolute state of you. Get your hormones back in balance bro, not a good look.

4y ago  The Hub


Haha, my PT just gave me my protein and calorie daily intake. Steak is probably a good shout. Lots of steak. For now though, I’ve stocked up on nuts.

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