4y ago  The Hub

@Stigma Steak. But it's never that dry.

4y ago  The Hub

What’s everyone go to protein powder?

4y ago  The Thunderdome


So that’s a no then.

Your perception is nullified by your very own adoption of an ideology that lectured you on how to broaden your perception. You have bought into a new form of dogma and replaced the concept of God with the overman and you fail to see how you worship at a new altar.

Everything I need to transcend modernity and hedonism and become the superior man has been handed down to me through generations of successful ancestors, and I’m not going to turn my back on that in a pseudo-attempt to appear superior to manlets on the internet.

Have a good one, dude.

4y ago  The Thunderdome


You are presenting your opinion and ideology as fact, as if you impose the argument you are making as an inherent truth. I presented you with the counter-argument to what aspects of Christianity are corrupt, rather than the ideology itself, which you have rejected from a place of denial within your own ideology. How can we form a basic discourse around these matters when you can’t see out of your own trench?

You can’t keep relying on telling me what I have or haven’t read (as again, you present this as fact and you are quite incorrect) as a way to say ‘I won’ as it once again makes this discourse redundant as you stare at your feet in your own trench.

I presented you with the idea that the overman can be met from different aspects of the soul - which is the formulation of my argument - and you disagree (which is your right) but then you tell me the only reason I don’t agree is because I haven’t read the material. I have read the material, and I disagree. If we can move on from your infantile and incorrect point we might move this discussion along - if you cannot, please refrain from bothering any further.

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4y ago  The Hub
4y ago  The Hub

@adam-l @Stigma While I can't accept credit for Abrahamic powers, I do excel at dropping the appropriate seed crystals into supersaturated solutions. Credit to the pugilists themselves for eventually reaching a higher level of discourse, albeit more through attrition of lesser methods than goal oriented behavior.

4y ago  TheRedPill


Glo likes to accuse Rollo and Rian of reducing TRP to a product and repeating ‘Hypergamy’ ad infinitum - without reigniting the fire and winding them all up again, Glo fails to see the rampant hypocrisy in his singling out of Rollo and Rian.

4y ago  The Hub
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