1d ago  The Hub


@mentorpheus came up with it.

Nah, I can only accept credit for LOLing and praising whoever came up with it.

1 1
1d ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
Respectful reprobate


The only people with whom I've ever felt much difficulty communicating were small children and literal imbeciles. I once knew a guy with cerebral palsy (I think) whom I had difficulty understanding at first because of his limited verbal ability but, once I'd become familiar with how he spoke I could talk to him just fine.

Compared to that, talking to someone 25 years my junior is trivial.

1d ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
WAATGM Endorsed

@Typo-MAGAshiv @Lone_Ranger @First-light There's a lot in this particular comment from her including that she found these old geezers disgusting when she was young but now she wants them because they're "age appropriate" which shows how female attraction is defined by social convention rather than her own desires.

Men know what a pretty woman looks like whether we're 18 or 80. This is simply determined by what we find desirable including sometimes women who are more petite, or fat fetishes, etc. but women fret about what other women and "society" will think of her choice.

Apologies for not calling you out @Typo-MAGAshiv: I cut and pasted the moderator list I found on the reddit site.

1 2
1d ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
WAATGM Endorsed

@Typo-MAGAshiv @Lone_Ranger @First-light There's a lot in this particular comment from her including that she found these old geezers disgusting when she was young but now she wants them because they're "age appropriate" which shows how female attraction is defined by social convention rather than her own desires.

Men know what a pretty woman looks like whether we're 18 or 80. This is simply determined by what we find desirable including sometimes women who are more petite, or fat fetishes, etc. but women fret about what other women and "society" will think of her choice.

Apologies for not calling you out @Typo-MAGAshiv: I cut and pasted the moderator list I found on the reddit site.

1 2
1d ago  Chode Mail (r/TheRedPill)


I do not remember that one.

she first came in screeching about concerns for all the violence we supposedly cause by having a few laughs, and brandishing her scientific credentials.

We all took turns roasting her while reassuring her that we do not promote or condone violence.

IIRC, @goodmansaysfuckyou was the one who dug up her post or comment about her previous prostitution, and @lurkerhasarisen was the one who started calling her "Amy Farrah Fowler". I bet if you searched the modmail for that, you'd find the thread.

She kept coming back after being banned and muted (multiple times).

That really doesn't narrow it down much.

1 3
1d ago  Chode Mail (r/TheRedPill)

@Typo-MAGAshiv I do not remember that one. The one that clearly stands out to me is a woman with whom I was experimenting game tactics on (for shits and giggles). She kept coming back after being banned and muted (multiple times).

1 4
1d ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR.


what would they talk about? They'd have nothing in common?

That objection always made me laugh. What the fuck kind of asocial retard can't converse with people of any age?

I'm a fucking misanthropic introvert, and I can converse with just about anyone of any age.

3 3
1d ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR.

I could kind of see it as a weekend leftovers post.

Edit - or "bitch" flair. Either one works.

1 1
1d ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
Sr. Hamster Analyst

@Typo-MAGAshiv wait, hang on a cottonpickin minute... are you trying say that men prefer younger women?

If true, that's disgusting. But I don't think it can be true - what would they talk about? They'd have nothing in common?

1 2
1d ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv yeah, sounds a bit sus.

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