3mo ago  The Dark Winter


a feature of inflation is that, while it results in higher prices, it also erodes the debt value in real dollar terms.

That's about the only feature of inflation. Meanwhile it erodes the buying power of the currency and all that goes with that. Sounds like it belongs in the category of Reagan era "Voodoo economics."

3mo ago  The Hub

@kv2_0833 Awesome. At that point though, going from a 6x PPL to U/L or full body splits is probably a net positive for both gains and longevity even with just 3-4 days/week.

3mo ago  The Hub


Wouldnt put it past my guy here to be doing a rotating PPL two days a week total

6 days PPL a week plus cardio and swims is going hard tho

2 1
3mo ago  The Hub


Doing PPL x2/week

??? Wut

1 1
3mo ago  The Hub

@financehardo420 dislocated while swimming huh? Seems like your shoulder joints were naturally quite loose

What did they fix in surgery?

I dislocated mine pretty badly several years ago during climbing and it popped twice last year, and is now keeping me from wrestling etc. I never did an MR but figure some tendons are torn and im guessing not able to be reattached at this point.

Gonna get that MR and an evaluation soon. Last times the doc just figured i was fine because i can lift and do basics, but fuck that.

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3mo ago  The Dark Winter


I assume you’re alluding to the relatively high interest rates imposed this year.

1) They’re higher than in a long time, which increases the cost of the debt. But they are also slated to trend downward already this year.

2) The rate hikes are in place to combat the similarly high inflation rate. It’s important to remember that a feature of inflation is that, while it results in higher prices, it also erodes the debt value in real dollar terms.

I.e the interest costs increase but the total value of the debt is reduced, resulting in a similar balance.

1 1
3mo ago  The Dark Winter

@coolsocks00 Good on you for citing a primary source such as a FRED chart. How persuasive toward your claims will this chart be with 2023 included though?

3mo ago  The Dark Winter


These are political talking points perpetuated by the media. Political.

I strongly disagree. What media outlets or politicians/parties are talking about these issues at all right now? They're focusing on trivial wedge issues while ignoring this elephant in the room.

I also disagree with your conclusion that the size of the national debt isn't a problem when it doubled from the 80 year average of ~65% to 132% in one fucking year. What you say about debt leverage only works when debt is sensibly managed. Since 2020 it's like America has gone into fuck-tomorrow mode like a gambling or drug addict,''

Tracking the necessary data isn't the problem It definitely is.

I'm not saying tracking the data isn't necessary; it obviously IS necessary for rational planning and control, and the ability to do so has scaled up well over the last century thanks to technology.

The problem is we don't have the will to keep sane, rational, personally responsible and accountable entities at the controls of the economy in either government or corporate arenas. Everything is getting corrupted into dismantling the engines of wealth production and "privatizing" public assets, and funneling the spoils to a small elite class, paypig masses bedamned.

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3mo ago  The Dark Winter


That “pay raise” is the direct result of inflating the currency.

What i wrote holds water when adjusted for inflation. The rest of your argument is based on the assumption that it doesnt.

3mo ago  The Dark Winter

@lurkerhasarisen @mentorpheus

we’re living well above our means on borrowed money. That “works” for a while. You can live pretty well on borrowed money. People do it all the time. Most people have significant debt.

Look at it this way.

You have debt and are making monthly interest payments of $1000.

But simultaneously, you’re getting a $1100 monthly pay raise. Usually more.

You have the best track record in the world and you have the time and ability to get an additional part time job if you needed to.

You’ve also done this for many many years and have seen worse times and have more tools at your disposal than ever before.

You wouldnt be that worried.


Federal Outlays: Interest as Percent of Gross Domestic Product
Graph and download economic data for Federal Outlays: Interest as Percent of Gross Domestic Product (FYOIGDA188S) from 1940 to 2022 about outlays, federal, percent, interest, GDP, and USA. |
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