1y ago  The Hub


Where do you source new films to watch from?

I have never watched Titanic as even not repilled at the time I was repulsed by romance being all over it.

I have watched another great film happening on the ship 'La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano'. I wasn't rp'ed then but from what I remember today there is 0 romance story and I can't even remember any women having any role affecting plot.

Erupts into boisterous laughter before elaborating by calmly saying, "youtube."

Every studio, media production company, and media distributor large and small on Earth maintains an account there. Look for trailer channels, short film channels, film-making channels, music instruction channels, music production channels, classic film archive channels, classic cartoon archive channels, recap channels, radio drama archive channels, and the list goes on. Decide for yourself if something is worth your time to watch, listen, learn from, worth your money to support, or adding to your own library.

The internet grants you access to the entirety of human knowledge and the freedom to engage with it as you see fit. You know it's there. All you need do is reach out and take it. It's yours!

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J Jonah Jameson Laugh - Spiderman
Yeah this was... funny... | YouTube
2 1
1y ago  The Hub

@Chantfire show see to be redacted a lot either by this YT guy or TV. I conclude it from that ROllo didn't seem to respond to guy calling RP 'ideology'

Watching this I feel discomfort. You can't change anyone's opinion in 60min and definitely not on the show although maybe some listeners will get the message and find RP much sooner then myself.

My fave part was that woman story about her hindbrain fighting husband opinion yet agreeing with him on neocortex level.

1y ago  The Hub



I should have use points.

In general I can't see men being so fucking competitive while women having control of the money at the end. Unless the conclusions are drawn from the same place where women draw them from: very top x%.

1y ago  The Hub

@kurkumaonce have never watched Titanic

Don't bother, I can tell you the ending

1 2
1y ago  The Hub


themoviedb could be a good starter for dual star strategy.

I have just checked their reviews on 'The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022)', and they seem to reflect common folk criticism.

1y ago  The Hub

@carnold03 Where do you source new films to watch from?

I have never watched Titanic as even not repilled at the time I was repulsed by romance being all over it.

I have watched another great film happening on the ship 'La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano'. I wasn't rp'ed then but from what I remember today there is 0 romance story and I can't even remember any women having any role affecting plot.

3 1
1y ago  The Hub

I have listened to Rollo's yt 'No one is coming to save you'. There I have picked on 2 things that do not really add up in my head.

  • men are more competetive
  • women decide about/hold over 50%of money/spending

It would only add up to other conclusions, men are more competitive then women but not when it comes to pussies - in such case they will give up control/money which kind of counter the high competitiveness as that supposed to run across life. Men in top x% are competitive rest stumbled upon money by hard work.

My theory is not ideal and is freshly formed. What do you think.

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