1y ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
Urban Hoe Guerrilla

@kevin32 Tradthot: the name itself implies the contradictory nature of the animal. I think Tradthot chameleon is unnecessary.

I suggest we take a vote and settle on the name per that.

  1. Tradthot.
  2. Tradthot Chameleon.
  3. Tradtrap.

My vote is for 3)tradtrap.

@lurkerhasarisen, @loneliness-inc, @typo-magashiv, @deeplydisturbed, @melkorhimself, @impressive-cricket-8, @goodmansaysfuckyou, @houseoftolstoy, @aldabruzzo, @Land_of_the_losers, @ogrilla99, @sleepyweaselisawake, @woodsmoke

Gentlemen, we are thinking of featuring tradthot profiles and we are looking for a suitable flair. The choices are as above. Please choose one or suggest a better one if you have one.

9 2
1y ago  The Hub



Why the fuck didn't you post that at the WAATGM forum?! Mega bailout and entitlement princess!

Have some vcards!

Tag: @moorekom, @Kevin32, @lurkerhasarisen, @houseoftolstoy, @woodsmoke you all should bust his balls for this too!

Hell, @goodmansaysfuckyou, if you come out of your coma anytime soon, I hope you pile on as well!

1 4
1y ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair


lol u dun goof'd their tags

FUUUCK! And I tried this time. FML. I deserve the ridicule. But only THIS time.

@lurkerhasarisen @moorekom @goodmansaysfuckyou

1 2 4,983 fcks
1y ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR.

@fumbor @Lionsmane8 @Durek_The_Bald @sean_karaya

if any of you go to her Instagram, keep the commentary here. Don't bother her there.

A) it's harassment, and we're better than that.

B) if nothing in the entire thread within this tribe could get through to her, what makes you think bothering her at Instagram will do anything?

C) if any of the WAATGM mods sees it, we will ban you from WAATGM under our rule 4.

CC: @moorekom, @lurkerhasarisen, @Kevin32, @DeeplyDisturbed, @woodsmoke, @goodmansaysfuckyou

1 6 + 2
1y ago  The Hub


All I've done is sleep today.

I have had more sleep these past few days than I usually get in a month. It's been nice.

Been a long year.

No joke.

1y ago  The Hub


Right back at you.

All I've done is sleep today. Been a long year.

1 2
1y ago  Ask TRP


With all that being said, MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS to you and yours. I hope that you have a good one.


1y ago  Ask TRP


Normally I would bust your balls for rambling like one of my plates when she gets tipsy but I'm too tired for that shit right now.

I am an expert in Not-a-Fucking-Thing, so my advice is worth what it costs. All I can offer is:

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Parenting is hard and there is no exact one size fits all solution to the plethora of problems that arise. Leading children is no different than leading adults. It takes experience, knowledge, wisdom, patience, trust, and love in amounts proportionate to the need of the other person. The only thing that I have been able to figure out in all my years in leadership roles is that the only thing that matters is respect. To have their respect you have to provide something worthy of that respect. If you want them to follow, then you have to be the example worthy of emulation.

When you are tired, exhausted, and want to quit, just remember that The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But you have promises to keep, And miles to go before you sleep, And miles to go before you sleep. There is no rest for the wicked and even less for the protectors of the innocent and weak.

I would like to see myself as an elder statesman sort of man - or on my way to being one. I would also like to see myself as a good man - or at least trying to be one.

If that is your lot in life, then go for it. I prefer the background since I am more along the lines of the guy that you call when diplomacy and statesmanship has failed and the time has come to spit upon your hands, hoist a black flag, and begin slitting throats.

But I have made mistakes (small ones, but they had a bad impact), and I still cry tears of regret and loss sometimes. It is harsh and deep and can send lesser people into despair. But knowing that there are at least a few men - you two and several others here - who know how and when to bust balls, and when to throw a pile of sources or advice is valuable to me beyond measure.

Ah, Regrets! Yeah well join the fucking crowd. We all (most at least) have regrets for things that we would have done differently. Those that claim to have no regrets are either sociopaths with no empathy or sympathy for others or have never had tried to do anything. Failure and the regrets that accompany it is a learning moment. Those that have never tried and failed will never fully learn anything about life. I suggest that you check out the lyrics to Willie's song-- "Nothing I can do about it now" www.youtube.com/watch?v=prgpr7vansu or one of my personal favorites (that I think is probably the singularly iconic RP male song) Frank's -- "My Way". www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqzdasjwgpg

I regret much that has transpired in my life and learned much along the way, but I categorically refuse to waste any time or tears on it. FIDO brother...FIDO!

With all that being said, MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS to you and yours. I hope that you have a good one.

I also second Typo's response. No-homo!


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1 4
1y ago  Ask TRP

@Typo-MAGAshiv @goodmansaysfuckyou

You all may know that I am a single father. And my daughter is awesome. So I am blessed beyond words. She is 15 now and to my knowledge she has not had even the slightest of shenanigans.

For now.

I don't think parenting is like this kill shot sort of thing. You don't just instill a value and it takes hold. You have to repeat it without being repetitive, strong without being overbearing, stern without being too strict (otherwise they rebel - ask me how I know this one!), and soft when necessary, but never weak. As men we sometimes forget how fucking tricky this is!

I also do not speak to my own mothers and sisters any longer. Even if I did, they are the last people I would seek advice from.

So I come here once in a blue moon for insights, And between the two of you, I get an overabundance of support and wisdom. And for that I will be eternally grateful. You have no fucking idea.

I have written very long pieces for this form and our last home, so I like to write. I did dozens of those interview style THOT takedown things - which some loved and some hated - but the engagement was through the roof. (Reddit did well when it added the ability to see views/impressions. That was cool af to see.

Then the few "tales" and short stories. It is how I can preach to my kids, or share a message with other men - without standing on a soap box and finger wagging. That old TRP shit talking swagger is for younger men. It works sometimes.

So when I need fodder, pretty much the only place I have left that allows such things is here. Our library (sidebar materials) is voluminous, but it doesn't cover everything.

I would like to see myself as an elder statesman sort of man - or on my way to being one. I would also like to see myself as a good man - or at least trying to be one.

But I have made mistakes (small ones, but they had a bad impact), and I still cry tears of regret and loss sometimes. It is harsh and deep and can send lesser people into despair. But knowing that there are at least a few men - you two and several others here - who know how and when to bust balls, and when to throw a pile of sources or advice is valuable to me beyond measure.

And I know you know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

Happy Tuesday gentlemen.

And thanks.

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