1mo ago  5th Generation War

@Lionsmane8 Hmmm, this link works while the identical one above does not! Wonder what censorship fuckery underlies it.

1mo ago  5th Generation War

@Lionsmane8 Interesting... it gives a "Youtube is not currently available on this device" from this link, but the link still works fine from where I posted it on Reddit.

Let's try again and see what happens.


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1mo ago  5th Generation War

@MentORPHEUS link is off

1mo ago  5th Generation War

“Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponents fate.”

― Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

Female MOSSAD agents are definitely subtle, I'll give them that. If the government decides to take you down, or take you out, they're going to use those closest to you to accomplish it.

1mo ago  5th Generation War

@Vermillion-Rx For surveys, which this probably was, 90% CI is fairly typical. Would like to know why the weird 84% but can't tell from this

1mo ago  5th Generation War


Wtf are "whites", "hispanic", "black", "asian"??

Why are you still using cartoonish "racial" color codes.

I really don't get it.

Spanish people don't see themselves as Mexican nor Nicaraguan.

Slavs don't see themselves as Germanic no r Anglo-Saxon.

Han Chinese don't see themselves as Japanese, Korean or Malay.

And Congolese don't see themselves as Touaregs and definitely not as "African American".

Like wtf?

You out of all people should be above this childish classification.

Why are you falling for this race baiting politics?

The battle is vertical.

1mo ago  5th Generation War


Agree with your assessment that whites still rate themselves the highest, although every group rated themselves the highest. Could be attributed to a lot of in group/self identity related theories

That being said, without being able to zoom in without blur to find the study itself they say it's a 84% confidence interval (that's much lower than the typical 95% confidence interval used in psychology studies and 99% for some medicine fields.)

It's actually somewhat unclear if they set a confidence interval in advance or bullshit one after, their number is very strange. That being said 20% swings in ratings from any of the non white groups to the white group ratings would usually be pretty significant in stats.

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1mo ago  5th Generation War

@redpillschool "rate itself higher" at what? "rate each other" at what?

1mo ago  5th Generation War


However the conclusion is massively less disparate, according to the researcher. Would like the underlying

5 + 1
1mo ago  5th Generation War


Not sure about your statistics education but it shows whites have a narrower band as defined by the researcher but still rate themselves the highest

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