2mo ago  5th Generation War


Bro. You are a massive anti-Semite rn

Listen to the architect herself; Barbara Lerner Spectre.


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2mo ago  5th Generation War

This seems like a good place for this.

Sweden went full misandrist several years ago, and libtards (used to) love comparing “progressive” Sweden - with it’s culturally and genetically homogeneous population - to “regressive” America - in which a demographic group that makes up about 4% of the population is responsible for about half of the mayhem that happens here.

When Sweden went full retard, Swedish men became Passport Bros in numbers not seen elsewhere. Barrels of ink were expended in articles about how Swedish women were losing “their” men to a massive influx of Thai women. Rather than realizing that their system was broken, they doubled down on more libtard policies.

Case in point: accepting massive numbers of young Muslim “refugees” in sufficient numbers to significantly disrupt their “progressive” Scandinavian culture.

Now parts of Swedish cities are indistinguishable from parts of “blue state” US cities, except that Sweden’s swarthy ne’er-do-wells have automatic weapons and hand grenades.

Anyway… enjoy:


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2mo ago  5th Generation War

Highlights and thoughts about the week in college protest crackdowns.

  • Netanyahu in a speech characterized the college protests as Anti-Israel and Antisemitic. American media, law enforcement, and politicians almost all seemed to accept this interpretation unquestioningly and incorporated it into their verbal and physical responses to the protests.
  • The number of Jewish participants in these protests has been pretty much completely absent from MSM coverage
  • One example, a Piers Morgan show clip I watched, when the guest mentioned Jewish Voice for Peace, there was an obvious cut and the next sentence was on to a different subject
  • The area around UCLA is a heavily Jewish neighborhood. The "Outside agitators" at UCLA's peaceful tent city were a mob of Jewish thugs who attacked the students with metal pipes, commercial grade fireworks, allegedly diseased mice, large pieces of barricade; eventually breaking through the skirmish line and stealing the protestors' tents and belongings. This went on for 5 hours while numerous LAPD officers stood nearby and watched while doing nothing. The next morning, the LAPD swept into what remained of the camp, arresting the protestors and clearing the area
  • A Jewish and Muslim protestor at a different college (forgot the name now) describing the police raiding the peaceful camp and committing all of "The Violence." Students and professors alike were forcibly slammed to the ground during arrests. They described the approaching line of cops, and how behind them came the smiling Chancellor of the college and a crowd of outsiders carrying American and Israeli flags
  • Commencement and graduation ceremonies cancelled or greatly limited in scale. The Valedictorian of UCLA barred from attending much less speaking. Video of lines of police running in from the sidelines to squelch dissent at a ceremony that did take place
  • Calls for doxxing and cancelling any student who spoke up for Palestinians- meaning withholding their diplomas and letters of recommendation, and setting up employment blacklists. The American Right has been particularly vocal about this action
  • What nobody is talking about (particularly those complaining about "disruptions"): There will be NO graduation ceremonies in Gaza for who knows how long because all 11 colleges and universities there have been destroyed and flattened by the IDF.
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3mo ago  5th Generation War

@carnold03 Western countries are suicidal

3mo ago  5th Generation War


3mo ago  5th Generation War
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3mo ago  5th Generation War


3mo ago  5th Generation War


Will you sacrifice yourself for the great Zion?

I'm sure Lurkercuck and Typoshit are rubbing one out at the thought of a Great Messianic World War.

3mo ago  5th Generation War


your opening silo


Iran has announced that the drone attack is finished, and that it was intended as a measured response to Israel's consulate attack. Not sure how much each of these drones cost, but probably much less than Iron Dome/Patriot missiles which cost $100,000 per pop. American munitions manufacturers are the happiest people on the planet about this attack.

3mo ago  5th Generation War

@Lionsmane8 So is taking up arms against a heavily militarized police state; knowing that the peaceful means haven't been exhausted ofc

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