7h ago  The Hub

Hay guise, muh wife is angri at me. I stopped banging her and now she is angry all the time and there's no intimacy. Why is dis?

1 2
12h ago  The Hub


Can I salvage this LTR?

You're better off not.

Firstly, because it's a long distance relationship. There really is no such thing as a "relationship" over a long distance. So you don't even get to practice relationship game on her, even as a temporary sparring partner.

Secondly, because the "relationship" is already sexless, you have nothing tangible invested in it that justifies trying to turn things around, and you're better of moving on to the next.

The uphill battle of winning back desire in an already stale relationship is unnecessary, compared to the more enjoyable experience of maintaining desire from the beginning.

If being in an LTR makes you "lazy", you haven't really internalised TRP. A relationship should motivate you to be even more hardcore TRP, and enjoy it in the process. If you find maintaining desire to be a chore, you simply don't get it yet.

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21h ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv Yes, we don't disagree. I don't see psychology and biology as separate. Women are built differently by nature, and this manifests itself at all the levels of their functioning.

5 + 1
1d ago  The Hub
Trillionaire Mod


You are fasting not starving when you are alone. There is company and sex if you want it but you can also go look for more from life if you like.

Well done. You won and then you walked away from the table with your winnings.

Thank you for this. I think despite my success there i was just disappointed with my outcomes. I wanted more of what i couldn't get there and wanted to get away from whores and snakes.

I've still been practicing a lot 3-4x a week surprisingly with girls that wanted to keep hanging out with me. I've been going out to a far less popular venue on Fridays (once so far) and it's dead but i get to practice with my best dance partner at the dead place too.

True, I'm not starving. Unlike before venue years i was fearful. I guess i just don't know what my texts step look like and that's why i feel lost

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1d ago  The Hub

Me M(24) and my LTR F(24) have been together for 2 years, she was a virgin before she met me and gave it up in 2 weeks. The first year she was interested in me sexually, often times initiating sex when we are together. Now in the second year she has moved long distance due to her job, when we are together (sometimes only one day a month) she denies and does not iniate sex.

After being in this LTR I had begun to get lazy and comfortable again resulting in my previous BP'ed mentality coming through.

Something related to this topic is that my LTR feels uncomfortable discussing about anything sexual.

Can I salvage this LTR?

1 304 vcards
1d ago  The Hub

@adam-l the psychological stuff along with our gynocentric culture would certainly exacerbate the problem, but the problem is very much rooted in biology

Again, even women who are grounded in reality have terrible spatial reasoning

This goes back to men being hunters, and women being gatherers

We see/detect motion better than they do, and can judge distance and aim and throw more accurately.

They can see tiny differences in color better than we can, which is why (along with immaturity) they get so frustrated with us when showing paint samples and we say "they both look the same!"

2 4
1d ago  The Hub


Christians and Muslims united with the same goal:

Jews in Mars!

cc: @Ill_Will7

1d ago  The Hub


Their spacial reasoning fucking sucks, even the ones who are somewhat grounded in reality.

A realistic, analytical approach to the natural world would take away much of its aesthetic appeal.

Cynic hedonism is a mode you lock into, and it comes with a fuckton of weird quirks.

1 2
1d ago  The Hub


The female imperative is about gender supremacy.

Transfer of power, transfer of dependency.

It's all about power and control.

It's about leveraging female sexuality to gain ever increasing leverage over male Labor.

Being "dependent" on your owned labour is a threat to the slavemaster.

1d ago  The Hub

@adam-l I hope more people realize that

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