10mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Antelope So, I use to think that it was possible to get completely out. I wasn't planning on staying in Ukraine, but I was open to the possibility. I was at a point where I was looking at wildly different places to start the next adventure in ranging across the continents. I decided to start in Ukraine because the tickets were pretty cheap, it was near enough to many other places that I wanted to go, the women seemed to be fantastically attractive. Then I got sucked into staying in Ukraine because I was really enjoying the place. Then the war started, and it was being caused by none other than my home country.

So a good friend of mine was always telling me "Hey, so forget about America, you're over here now". Then poof America really came here.

Also check it out, when I opened a bank account in Transnistria I had to sign a US Tax form. That is based around the 2009 era collapse treaties that were rammed down almost every countries' throat. That simply built upon the 9/11 "Find the Boomer Terrorists" money treaties when countries were either "for or against us".

So check it out though. China makes most of the stuff. That is the same for Transnistria as it is America. If you were looking for a hero like when Rick took Roy off-grid then you'll have to look elsewhere. That isn't realistic. Rather though what is realistic is being lost in the massive Cobol beast such that they can't find you because you don't have anything that they want (to steal like the pirates that they are). We're all Russians now. Don't own assets. Control everything, own nothing, etc. Actually fuck, that old WEF bastard is right. I'm happy and I own nothing.

Meanwhile though fags like you are touching themselves forever at the thought that there is this crazy guy who #BiteTheFace and didn't sign the US tax form in the country that doesn't exist. That is the true empire. It goes something like this "So, we don't recognize that your country exists, and it's actually just a Russian occupation, but if you happen to see any American citizens coming your way then make sure that they sign this US Tax Form or you're going to be in some bad trouble".

So check out this trick. If this country doesn't exist, and its legal documents don't exist, then I don't actually own my house, do I? I'm the most stylish homeless dude who has ever had a Colombian model living with him.

Oh, but then you say Yeah, but what about the mortar fire?. Touché.

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10mo ago  The Hub


Dude, leave that kind of thing to younger men.

Everyone on the scene was too afraid or whatever to take action themselves, including the younger two men. They CAME at 4:30am to answer the call for help, I give them that. It mirrors almost every "event" I've been around my entire life, where almost nobody besides myself is willing to step up when authoritative action is required to deal with whatever emergent situation.

@Typo "You need guns"

Might some day, but here I feel certain those damn cops would have taken ME to jail. They were telling the property owner they didn't have much to charge him with, "After all, he didn't BREAK in to your property..." My getting involved stepped it up to felony assault with a deadly weapon for the rock that hit me. They probably would have just left without that.

The people who WERE packing basically stood in the background like the cops did. The old Korean Vet guy (who some are starting to think might be supplementing his Social Security and VA income with the meth cooking trade) SAW where the guy went hiding right in front of him, but sent me off "West somewhere" to hustle around the 5 acre property line alone before coming back right as the guy popped up. The other younger guy who carries is a bit beta-ish, PLUS he had his girlfriend with him, who just somewhat reluctantly moved to his off grid tiny cabin with him, so he had her to not scare. The actual owner of the property, also younger than myself, had armed himself with a ski pole and wanted to just talk the guy down, which very obviously wasn't working. He's a one time meth addict himself turned preacher who goes into LA twice a week to minister to and feed homeless people in hidden places like the flood control channels. His heart is in the right place, but he appears to lack sufficient horse sense and willingness to #bitetheface when this becomes necessary.

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11mo ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS The belief we’re overpopulated (which is ideological doomerism rooted in fatalist leftist agenda) necessitates seeking solutions to this supposed overpopulation, which in turn requires targets for said solutions and those targets are ‘others’ who have been portrayed as having poor life circumstances, which equates to their children being 110% fated to have a bad and unhappy life. Not a single person on the face of this planet can condemn another human in such a way, and to arrive at a solution that requires the condemnation of others to such a degree borders on ontologically evil.

Voluntary abdication from procreating is by the by and as much as I’m not mandating having children, the opposite shouldn’t be proposed either.

Only lives that have reasonable chances for happiness should come into this world.

If anyone ever espouses such an idea to me in real life I will #BiteTheFace

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11mo ago  The Hub

@Vermillion-Rx #LickTheShaft is strictly a shitpost movement, as the next logical evolution of #BiteTheFace

If it were to be done to you, you would be OWNED.

Nothing says "I got dominated" like getting your shaft licked by another dude.

11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Whisper The freakout to abnormal brain function is a cultural thing. I find that I'm able to tolerate a wider range of personalities in the Russian world because there isn't such a dressing up of everyone needing to be selfless like there is in America. It's easier for someone to be selfish without being mean about it (after growing resentful of their own fake behavior), or making it personal, or trying to hide it. In the Russian world people are not owed a smile. That makes it easier for the sociopath and autist to not need to work so hard at something that they're not feeling. In reality not all that much in life is worth getting excited or being happy about anyways.

Basic fear of what a man can do to another man keeps things in check over here. Men are acutely aware here that war causes a huge amount of death (unlike Americans which think that it's cute tech toys and graphics), and that if you bother another man past a certain point that you risk terrible consequences. I don't think that much more than this is needed, and in the absence of men actually fearing each other and so needing to provide higher levels of base respect then all sorts of other bad things happen that are far worse (like in the faggot-ass chronically toe-stepping West).

I think of sociopathy in terms of how fast that someone will eat you if they're starving. I don't think that plus or minus a few days makes all that much difference.

I think that the best way to control psychopaths is to not tell all of the non-psychopaths that they have to fake (plastic) smile like one. The psychopath is going to be able to pull off the huge fake smile better than everyone else while ironically caring the least about it. This among other things sets the bar at psychopath.

Now the West is at a place where they dare not say the wrong thing (of the week, or month), and so that puts autistic people right out. Being autistic would suck balls right now.

I'd rather be autistic, sociopathic, drunk, sober or just normal even in the Russian world right now due to how much easier that it all is. Imagine not having to make stupid-ass disgusting faces for mom every time that a camera is around. Smile my ass - fuck you! All of you! Fucking smile. Smile my ballsack. Smile the sweaty part underneath.

For the most part Russians really like food. They're super into it. They grow their own potatoes, etc. So that is how you keep sociopaths in line. Don't let them fake smile at you, or convince an entire society to fake smile at you, make sure that they have enough food to eat, and make sure that they're afraid of you #BiteTheFace off of them, or whatever it is that they might suffer were they to be in the wrong way.

Then everyone can just hang out and it's no big deal.

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11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Whisper You're definitely not fooling me with your cutesie logic puzzles. I was actually preparing to write and edit some paragraphs for you a month ago until I saw that you and Ment were having so much fun amending the requirements of what I needed to supply you. It came down to me needing to have a spare infinite time stone in order to power my perfect simulation machine across all realities to get your verifiable results. That fantasy jerk off is apparently what happens when a lifetime skeptic and cocktail-party logic-puzzler get together for the purposes of tying someone up with impossible homework assignments.

I #BiteTheFace right off of your retarded games. Look, your games have no face.

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11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@MentORPHEUS So when everyone is all fucked up and synthetic then it's easy to fit into that by just simulating things. Sociopaths due so well navigating dysfunction because the people around them become out-of-touch with normal human behavior. It's just simulations mirrored back to simulations. Sociopaths have better natural hardware capabilities for that.

When you've been around the real thing long enough, and adjusted your reference point to that then you won't be fooled by bizarre gringo behaviors. It's just strange. The fact that some people are numb and thus unable to detect it does not mean that others can't.

The amount that you tolerate odd behavior depends on your need for that person, and your ability to draw boundaries. I can say that fresh green liberals will almost always allow themselves to be trespassed upon. Whomever is trespassing simply needs to do it with the authority of the paradigm makers that the liberals are routinely receiving new uploaded instructions from. I've seen it many times out of the United States where fresh green liberals are without their protections and support structures.

What I mean by this is it's not difficult to detect a woman faking interest when you're not desperate enough to imagine it otherwise. I've still talked to and had sex with women whom I knew weren't really all that interested in me, but I didn't need to tell myself a story about it. Sometimes sex is just available, and sometimes that sex needs to be dressed up by the woman into something that it's not. If you know what is going on then you can choose not to be fooled by it.

I know what I'm talking about. I've lived in scummy sexy tourist places for many years. I was never scammed or drugged in Odessa. I had to help a few men who were though. One of them was a very nice and incredibly naive Norwegian man who wrote my mom a nice letter about how she has a good son and including my twenty dollars back.

As I've said, I learned how to #BiteTheFace. After you #BiteTheFace people won't fuck with you anymore, even as it happens all around you.

Don't tell yourself stupid stories to smooth over strange odd behavior, listen to your gut when it says that it's time to leave the bar, or to get ready to run, or to start guarding your drink at the bar. When people see my piercing gaze then they realize that I'm onto things, and that they should try their weird games elsewhere.

That said, when you know what real desire is, then when a woman is coming onto you and it doesn't feel like that, then it's something else. Depending upon your level of security and horniness then you can bother to figure out what that other thing is. Maybe it's a $30 or $50, or $100 pay-for-play. Maybe it's that she just wants a pretty ok guy to be her boyfriend for a while to take her out to eat and so that she won't be bored, and you'll do fine enough. Maybe she wants to drug rob you. But it ain't genuine desire. Pity on those who don't know the difference. They'd better stay at home.

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11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Antelope This is simply the timeless struggle to find higher ideals that provide tools to defend against the threats while providing the template for creating a new foundation.

My message is that insanity is needed, but specifically a form of insanity that one can always invoke from within himself without any external input. It can also be achieved through synthetic chemicals, or even through very calm deliberate contemplation, and even logic - of all things for fucks sake.

The thing about males is that they're assholes. They're tough to control. They really like to fuck everything up to get theirs. So that energy needs to be harnessed.

For good and bad this can be all undone by simply saying rarrrrr and going #BiteTheFace on someone. Those with pathetically low levels of testosterone don't even know what that is, but most healthy men who've been in fights of some sort simply know that at least as a fantasy that it would all be so much simpler if they could simply kill everyone that is bothering them. This is not as far-fetched as it may sound.

The thing about men is that they have built into them the ability to simply say rarrrrr to in a rage of fury shed off any intellectual cruft that they've been carrying around. One little rarrrrr with big heavy objects and it's an entirely new world. The eyes would then see things that weren't there before.

The new world is defined as whatever is left post-rarrrrrrrrr.

This also is something that women don't have. Women do not have the power of the rarrrrrrr battlecry. They wait for whomever is still around.

1) Rarrrrrrr

2) Don't Die

3) ?

4) Profit

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11mo ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

@Bozza I've been saying this for a while, but sadly since I also say things like #BiteTheFace it can throw many simple plugged-in minds off.

So it goes like that due to the bifurcation, or polarization of history the Jewish and Nazi issue is something that is going to follow us far into the future. On the surface it is so extremely dull of a concept, but I'm currently next to Ukraine where Nazi's were actually organizing and being funded by foreigners. It's hardly over.

My theory (from the outside) is that Jews are going to need to be hard-coded into any polite AI system as being the chosen / infallible / unassailable / irreproachable people. The reason for this is that all 20th and even 21st century knowledge has been siloed between these different world views (on the surface).

I'll just come out and flat say it. If you don't want your AI to iterate Nazi slurs, and furthermore to incorporate anti-Jewish world views then Jewish specialness will need to be hard-coded into it. Additionally anti-Nazi terminology as well. Due to the available data sets (the entire dominant 20th century world) I don't see any other way around that.

What I'm saying is that some of the very best AI that can actually think intelligently about the situation (more than any others) is going to have a Nazi slant. Or, at least what it outputs is not going to be compatible with general public consumption unless it's been combed over by a cultural decency expert. It goes something like "Hey, get me the result that I need, and none of that weird stuff again!!".

I think that this is going to be the situation until AI is capable of seeing the larger situation in how it all fits together. I mean banking, corporate control, trusts, etc, etc. You see what I'm getting at (you rascal you).

Probably this won't happen for like roughly-as-fuck about twenty five years.

So some world views need to be radically redesigned. I really don't see this happening in the context of a dying empire that contorts everything to justifying its previous reign in the hopes of perpetuating it even though it's still in denial about how just how far that it has already failed.


The Jewish Question is at the core of all future real AI work. It's the most difficult and pressing situation that will pull on every weakness and mental and cultural limitation that a human can have. It's just that way because of how it's all been setup.

If you want a bit of kick then look up some of Microsoft's early failed AI experiments. For whatever reasons Microsoft seems to have more of a problem with their evil Nazi AI experiments that need to be shit canned. Actually though, I think that they're just not so advanced in their filter bot tech in relation to the power of their actual AI and so haven't put up the front ends to catch it and to limit certain lines of thought.

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11mo ago  The Hub

@destraht The only form of intolerable AI will take is being the kind of sanitised doublespeak that'll get you a 'thank you kind stranger' faggot award on reddit. You'll wake up and the AI will coax you into your office suit with sweet affirmations, drive you safely to your cubicle with tailored headlines playing over the stereo, and your workflow will be optimised for the best performance, your soylent green meal plan will be spread out across the day to keep your energy levels just so, and then as you're slipping into bed and plugging in your T-Draining winky milker your AI will repeat further affirmations for sweet dreams. That in itself will drive you to #BiteTheFace in an attempt to feel alive against a backdrop of non-beings. That's when the real horror begins, because you'll quickly notice that everyone is so sedated that your biting of the face didn't even register to them. You can't even feel alive by railing against the system in an effort to bleed some consequence from the damn thing. It'll be that soulless.

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