2d ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair


Well said

Never make it weird or awkward

1 3
2d ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair

Has anyone here noticed the Great Noticing yet?

2d ago  The Hub
Trillionaire Mod


Not to mention the amount of women who will never call you back. None of them will truly judge you for trying

I've tried to fuck numerous women that didn't want to go home with me and they kept taking to me afterwards because i accepted rejection like an adult and they never judged me for it

1 6 + 2
2d ago  The Hub
2d ago  The Hub


The spam and pray method stopped working around 2022 but during the lockdown you wouldn't believe how easy it was. You could search geotags to find older posts then just spray dms. There were girls posting "I forgot how much I miss men :("

It's best used to be a stand in presence, then as you acquire more followers you can casually share it with people you meet while out and about and make moves accordingly. This gets especially strong when there are mutuals between you e.g. Someone who knows a friend or better is following a plate or FWB.

2d ago  The Hub
Trillionaire Mod


Favorite on your device, U lazy fuck

2d ago  The Hub

This right here is why I ALWAYS push for same day/night lays.

2 3
2d ago  The Hub

@Antelope haha, I'm actually sitting back and laughing... so vindictive..

this is past the decline, we're in a full blown collapse now. Weimar Germany conditions. Mussolini would be proud :)

2d ago  The Hub


bro i already said idc what people said wtf was this essay

2d ago  The Hub

@Lionsmane8 America actually made The Gospel anti-semitic... retards.

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