2w ago  Women Behaving Badly

Young woman turns drinking at a friend's house into DUI, Hit-and-run, refusal of DUI tests, and a childish meltdown and complete lack of cooperation with the police. She even acts like a shithead towards hospital staff trying to help her.


2w ago  Women Behaving Badly

Reminder: You can watch the video by clicking the "Watch on Youtube" link. Some channels have this setting enabled and it doesn't allow even the thumbnail to get shown on other websites.

2w ago  The Hub


"touch grass".

I hate that phrase with a passion for many reasons,

To me it has an Ephebo-y vibe as well.

"If tHerE's GrAss oN ThE FieLD..."

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2w ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS I was going to defend the old "grass on the field" thing, but figured I'd better google the age at which women get pubes before I did.

Glad I looked; that's younger than I thought!

2w ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv I'd sure hate my IP address to be catalogued as having searched that question!

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2w ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS haha, the question that I asked was when women first get pubes

I'm pretty sure I'll be OK, and not just because of the diction

1w ago  Ask TRP
Senior Endorsed

@OPStolen Congrats on the job and all.

Because of your move, she has become "Geographically Undesirable." Unless she's willing to move to the same area (at her own expense, don't pay to move her out there) to continue with you, the relationship has necessarily ended.

End things with her kindly. You now have the toolset to vet and connect with a local woman as good or better.

1 3
1w ago  Ask TRP


Because of your move, she has become "Geographically Undesirable."

Strongly seconded.

1w ago  The Dark Winter

@redpillschool I'm old enough to remember the attempt on Reagan. Wonder if this shooter will turn out to be anything like the kind of nutcase that Hinckley was. His weird obsession with then child actress Jodie Foster would make grist for all kinds of Red Pill theorizing and speculation!

I don't like Trump as a person or the prospect of him as President again, but I'm REALLY glad the attempt wasn't successful! As it stands, this event will probably turbocharge Trump's popularity in the short and medium term.

5 + 1
1w ago  The Dark Winter

Trump picks his running mate. (SIIIIGH!)

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