4w ago  Chode Mail (r/TheRedPill)
Chode Slayer


This'll blow your mind:

You don't even have to wait for them to reply to their ban message to mute them. Go into the outbound message in the modmail, and use the mute dropdown menu.

This is in old reddit's modmail. Your screenshots appear to be cancerous new reddit because u r teh ghey.

1 2 409 vcards
4w ago  Chode Mail (r/TheRedPill)
Chode Slayer


Clean up your act i already do that

I ban them permanently and then mute them for 28 days in rapid succession and then remove the comment that got them banned just for good measure. Sometimes I type snark in the ban notes field just to rile them up

The problem is after 28 days the mute expires so this one got notified and he had his screed ready to go already

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4w ago  Chode Mail (r/TheRedPill)
Chode Slayer

@Vermillion-Rx I used to love making fun of the tards in my ban messages

I saw a few complain about their ban in other subs, but admit that their ban message was actually pretty funny

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4w ago  Chode Mail (r/TheRedPill)
Chode Slayer


Lmfao. I just make sure my ban message troll can't somehow get me banned.

I love putting a emoji on the ban or repeating their words back and other shenanigans

4w ago  TheRedPill

@Typo-MAGAshiv @TulioHumanos

Sidewalk rule

Funny story from my distant past that’s tangentially related.

I was dating a girl and as we walking near a pier on Long Island we came across a goose. We didn’t have wild geese where I came from so I had no experience with them: I figured it was just a bird.

Anyway, the goose was really pissed off about our presence (in retrospect, her goslings must have been nearby), but that didn’t occur to me and I thought it was just a big, noisy, cute bird.

My date seemed alarmed and told me that they can be very aggressive, which was certainly news to me. Without any conscious thought I instinctively shoved her behind me and stepped between her and the goose.

Major turn-on, that. Who knew?

4w ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)
Never Shit-Posts

@Kloi is that what happened to you?

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4w ago  Chode Mail (r/TheRedPill)
Chode Slayer

@lurkerhasarisen I always loved it when they'd impotently edit a removed comment to whine about their ban

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