7mo ago  JQuery_v1

@destraht "I recommend that you go suck off some hot tranny dick after showing her a good time."

Sorry dude, I don't want to mess with your dad.

7mo ago  JQuery_v1

@destraht I know the media has absolutely no nuance these days, but I wouldn't consider Hunka a nazi anyway. It's like the Finnish who allied with the Germans to fight the Soviets, no one accused them. Enemy of my Enemy and all that. People forget the Holdomor that the Soviets inflicted on Ukraine 10 years earlier that killed millions.



"The Germans made three political concessions: It was stipulated that the division would not be used to fight Western Allies, and would be used exclusively to "fight Bolsheviks". The other concession was that its oath of allegiance to Hitler was conditional on the fight against Bolshevism and in the fact that Christian (mostly Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church) chaplains were integrated into the units and allowed to function (in the Waffen-SS, only the Bosnian division and Sturmbrigade Wallonien had a clerical presence). The latter condition was instituted at the insistence of the division's organizers in order to minimize the risk of Nazi demoralization amongst the soldiers.[11][page needed] Indeed, Nazi indoctrination was absent within the division.[12]"


"On 23 September 2020, the Ukrainian Supreme Court ruled that symbols of SS Division Galicia are not connected with Nazism and therefore cannot be banned in the country."

Of course, now the do-gooders in Europe is working to extradite a 98 year man that was 18 when he signed up and had zero power. Probably will do something like 10 million counts of murder. Something the allies didn't do back after the war against people not accused of explicit war crimes, because they weren't virtue signalling idiots.

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14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) - Wikipedia
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8mo ago  The Dark Winter

@Antelope Knew the guy was dead as soon as he made the deal with Putin.

8mo ago  The Hub

@destraht You talking a drink or weed?

8mo ago  The Hub

@destraht You have to be gay to be on reddit these days, to not be banned. We're in the era of peak civilization now (don't mistake me for calling it peak culture). That means ducks are gay, swans can decide their gender, and chicken eggs are pan-sexual. As well as the entire other sea of lies I won't mention.

Unfortunately, until the crash comes, which it will from overextended humanity vs limited resources, we're going to have to live with the insane asylum and the Zeitgeist of the times. Not because it has to be this way, but it's also the era of fat, sated, overfed but barely content weak men that aren't worth a damn and will be fed into the fire in any serious upheaval.

And I'm not particularly convinced resources will cause the crash and just more insanity like a slow moving Seattle Chaz insanity spreading throughout society. Afterall, democracies don't last much past 200 years in history and we're seeing why the last decades.

The good news in this case is all things come to an end, bad or good. Best thing to do is prepare to take power when times go bad and never relinquish it.

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9mo ago  The Hub

@houseoftolstoy We're going to live through that within a century and there will be no place to run to. Maybe eastern europe.

I knew exactly what South Africa was going to turn into 30 years ago with all that Mandela bullshit people were shoveling. Nothing, especially a society, goes the way of an extraordinary individual like Gandhi or Mandela, but towards its average. The writing was on the wall so much, that SA transferred its nukes out because the last white leaders were scared what would happen.

It's no prescience, we've already seen it in all the Northern cities which used to be beautiful. Detroit 100 years ago was the "Paris of the West". But the first migrations from the southern states started around WW1, same old story as always. Then Whites fled for suburbia come post-WW2 and got blamed for it. Meanwhile, if they move back into the cities they once built it's called "Gentrification" and to be resisted at all costs. They don't even hide this.

Now the same is happening to the European cities. Back in the 90s, I never felt unsafe even in the "worst" neighborhoods in some countries. Now it's slowly turning into America.

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9mo ago  The Hub

@Desaint Yeah. Calhoun found the young males could not find a meaningful spot in the mouse societies as all the roles were occupied.

Some mice became metrosexuals (super groomed but useless), some just went on the attack. But in general, society spiralled downward.

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9mo ago  The Hub

@Vermillion-Rx I think the fastest way for a guy to be redpilled is to just read TwoXChromosomes on reddit after having some irl experience, doing work and so on. But I think the guy in question has to be at least post-college age (or 25+) to really get it.

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9mo ago  5th Generation War

@woodsmoke "Overpopulation is only a problem in cities where people cram themselves into mausoleum-sized apartments..."

Overpopulation is not where you live. It's what the environment can provide. You lay siege to a modern city and most residents will be dead within months. Because they have no food, no electricity, no heat, no cooling, perhaps no water. That's the problem with seeing where human settlements end as the limit to overpopulation.

The world was already overpopulated 10,000 years ago, where hunter-gatherers didn't breach 10 million. They hunted numerous species to death and plants didn't grow in neat rows in nature. In other words, the way that nature ordered the world limited us to that amount of people.

Then people began to farm and grow. About the limit of this world was reached around 1700-1800. Growth of very slow. About 1 billion. Malthus calculated 2 billion (iirc) was the absolute limit and he was not wrong. For the tech of the time and the limiting factor which was nitrogen that soil bacteria could take and affix from the atmosphere. There was a limit to how fast they worked.

This limit got subverted a bit by industrial farm but what really bought us into the modern paradigm around 1910 by the Haber-Bosch processed invented by Fritz Haber. Synthetic fertilizer, nitrogen, amino acids, protein. A bit more was expanded upon by Norman Borlaug with his green revolution, grains that could grow better in more conditions, etc.

Anyway, that bought world population from 1900's 1.6B to 8B now. Simply the fastest it's ever grown.

So if we're talking about overpopulation, then we need to talk about threats to the paradigm and not just land. There is water shortages, drawing down the water table, climate change heating up bread baskets of the world too much (even if just a few days, just enough to ruin crops which is all that matters), running out of fossil fuels (will happen but more distant), phosphate, and so on.

You see, the more we build up on this world, the more threats we will have on the jenga tower. Everytime we add more people, we need to take more from the environment, a lot of it not replenishable on human timescales. This is not debateable. And one day that Jenga tower will fall, unless you believe in Star Trek future (it's a happy deus ex machina type story but fiction).

Idk if that's tomorrow or 300 years from now. I just know it's coming. All that "empty land"? That's human thinking. We share the world with millions of species, they need land too. And if we kill them off (which we have done), well a narrowly bio-diverse world is less able to adapt or survive. But that's what we're headed towards. More for us and less for everything else. Cause there can never be enough humans, or whatever. Amazon? Clear cut for meat. Oceans? Overfished and replaced by jellyfish.

But all you see is the human settlement which couldn't survive a week on its own. And suburbia is not sustainable either. Too much government build road infrastructure for too few people. One of the reasons cities are poor. Building out sewer and all other things was a nail in the coffin cause it was paid by debt which meant credit card for next generation. And the more that this is built out, the more to fix. It's a well-known problem that suburbia isn't paying for itself, it was well-known already by the 1980s if not earlier. That's why bridges and shit galore around me are falling apart. This will only translate until the dollar is no longer accepted as reserve currency and the American credit card no longer accepted worldwide. Another one of those, now or in 50 years problems, but it'll come.

Anyway, people oughta know how the exponential function should work.


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9mo ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv I don't see that happening and think it's optimism at its basest. At best, a caste system of lighter skin ala India should hard times come back (it likely will).

The reason it will happen like this is people get programmed who they are attracted to as kids. This is called the Westermarck effect. Up to age 6 or 8, the features in the adults around a child is later what they see as attractive as a mate. Therefore, it's pushed in the pop culture and schools. My area looks nothing like I did growing up and less and less that do. The west is being overrun quite systematically.

Liberals know this instinctively and is why they push diversity at every institution and every area. It's why Obama tried to diversify the suburbs with the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulations (later revoked under Trump). It's why Israel has a segregationist country. And so on.

There might be a few holdouts, like that Alexander-the-Great era white tribe in Pakistan (3,000 people?) but the masses will be mixed.

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