Be wary of the PurplePillDebate sub, where redpillers and bluepillers come together for pointless debates, where neither side can agree on the color of an orange after years. It used to have a mix of RP/BP/Other mods but as time went on, I see only the BP there. Most of the RP mods seem to have rightfully bored and moved on without designating a replacement.
Not gonna post a multipage sob story, so the gist of it is that I had a reddit account since 2009 with no problems -- maybe a few sub bans but that's normal -- yet since the last 5 months got admin suspended 4x even if my posting style didn't change. Three of them over for PPD posts. Mostly for off-color humor. Got two different ones overturned and working on #4 now but doubtful, if it don't work, it'll be perma ban.
Reddit obviously has different parameters in place to be more banhappy than ever the last year, but the gist of it is the PPD mods never initiate a report themselves on a post to appear "neutral", however once someone else does to a redpiller, they will gleefully jump on it and kick it upstairs, no matter how weak it is. It seems an algorithm simply rubberstamps a suspension to these mods send in and they know this -- so the appeals is an uphill battle.
To give an idea, a BP insulted me, I insulted them in the exact same wording, they got nothing, I got temp-banned from the sub and further reported to the admins for "violence". It was weak enough to be overturned but took a week, but that's the bluepillers operate.
Already unsubbed in case I make it back. Don't risk your accounts arguing with the perpetually butthurt.
Read More2y ago Red Pill Me
@carnold03 Times have simply become too good and easy but that, too, shall pass. Individualism only works when you can survive as an individual. This was not true for most of history and it will no longer be true in a few decades. A group enforces it's own rules/customs/instincts as a unified sense of survival, that any one individual may not possess, or it falls apart and to the wayside to more successful groups.
Individualism existed amongst men of merit for quite long time, those who could afford it, such as Sir Isaac Newton, or to Nobility but not to the common, mediocre man. That was a luxury that the fossil fuel age, notably oil, allowed. I should note, even with Newton and royalty/nobility, examples of degeneracy and going off the deep end was rife but the overall number was small enough as to not matter in the greater scheme of things.
The role of individuality in biology is to give the group enough variety so it has a greater chance to adapt to changing conditions. A team composed of only swimmers will lose big if the next challenge is a marathon.
Individualism without restraint, though, often goes off the deep end. Sir Isaac Newton wasted the last decades of his life on trying to change lead into gold and solve riddles of the bible. Tesla married a pigeon.
American (and thus Western) Individuality hardly started with the boomers, we just need to see the swinging (19)20s for that, but that's when it hit critical mass. And it has been downhill from there.
Read MoreI'm a follower of Collapse. There are currently 19 ecological collapses going down -- ocean acidification, dwindling freshwater supply, soil erosion, etc -- any of which can cause a civilizational collapse but, of course, climate change is the greatest amongst these.
One of the reasons people downplay or deny climate change is the effects look so small, they can't imagine it would have a big effect. CO2 is measured in parts per billion and it's reflecting 1 more watt per 1000 back to earth than it used to. Like really, so what?
I think the problem is one of baseline. People think cold is maybe 32f, 0c, or maybe even 0f if you're living south of Alaska. With a forecase of a 1% change doesn't sound like much. Earth's average temperature is 57f. So the layman thinks 1% difference is half a degree. That's all? Indeed, if that were only the case.
But the real difference is absolute 0, 0k. As in -273c or -460f. So that's 1% change becomes a 5f/3c swing upwards. Not so tiny anymore. Suddenly knocking us out of the goldilocks zone earth was in since the end of the Ice Ages.
Now the other fact to keep in mind is turning 32f/0c ice to 32f/0c water takes the same energy as taking 32f/0c water and turning it into scalding hot 170f/77c water. This is called the latent heat of fusion, and the phase change of a solid of ice to a liquid just takes crazy energy to occur either way.
When the arctic melts during the year, the highest amount of ice is the accumulated buildup over the dark winter in end March/April and then the hot summer comes and starts melting this down to a low in September. Back in the early 1980s, almost the entire arctic ocean was still ice covered by September and it just thinned out a bit. Decades earlier it was even more expansive, even in summers.
These days, come September, it's mostly ocean and maybe 1/3 ice. And it keeps shrinking over time. The relevance is that ice reflects energy but water absorbs nearly all of it. Now you got these giant areas absorbing way more heat when it used to reflect into space.
What's that going to do? Imagine an air conditioner in the summer sputtering. It still works but is on the blink. Then it completely shuts down? What happens to that room? Yeah, it'll heat up and fast. That's the global hemisphere's situation in the northern hemisphere. Now go look a globe or map and look where most of the earth is located?
So what we're looking for is called a Blue Ocean Event. Basically when the amount of ice is so small by September, it's negligible. Still won't matter because September is the tail end. But then that BOE moves to August and then July. When the sun is still shining and can heat all that extra ocean suddenly nice and warmer.
The future isn't going to look like some sudden apocalyptic movie even where shit is fucked overnight though. Statue of Liberty face deep in snow in 24 hours. It's gonna be boring at first. What's going to go down are crop failures. It doesn't need to be hot all the time, just a few days or weeks to fuck things over good. Like Ukraine this year, food prices going up good until it hits some exponential curve cause there's not enough to go around in even westernized nations. With the safety margin we have - ie ethanol crops for cars and livestock crops -- it'll take a good long while. Until it isn't. The titanic had built in protections. You could flood what, 6 compartments, before the ship was in danger? Yeah, that protected it.
Anyway, some firm predictions in the immediate future: southwest USA is fucked in the next decades, especially inland far from ocean like Las Vegas or Phoenix. Rural areas doubly so. Housing market is hot there like everywhere, with houses popping up left and right. Straining the rapidly declining dams faster. Contrary to common sense but in line with greed, developers will keep building until they can't sell.
What will result is a bunch of people of means moving. Probably to the PNW, to the Great Lakes. To the Mid-Atlantic States. Personally I think Pennsylvania and upstate NY is good. PA has a ton of water and water ways and lakes. Upstate NY is hollowed out in many areas.
Anyway, that's my next 2-3 decades take on things. I'm only in my 40s, not sure if I'll be alive still when shit hits the fan for real, wouldn't surprise me either way. Would hate to leave a kid in this world though.
Read More@deeplydisturbed Okay, then tell me why the arctic extent in September keeps decreasing in size if it’s just hysteria?
That is one of the easiest things to look at and not need a degree to analyze.
2y ago The Dark Winter
@houseoftolstoy There's not a lot of good guys in this story. But who cares about polemicizing? If Russia takes over Ukraine, they have power over the west with a lot of oil and the wheat harvest in addition to its own, in addition to other resources.
@deeplydisturbed Sorry, I don't see a video.
- Why have the predictions bandied about for the past century or so, not come to fruition?
Depends on what predictions and by whom. Anyone can make a "prediction". It would be their job to defend it. For example, the "ice age predictions" were less than 10% of studies from 1965 to 1979, while 62% predicted warming. So I'm not really sure what you want there? It was the main stream media back then being mostly retarded. Am I really supposed to react to old lamestream media?
Most of the realistic predictions have been faster than predicted. Sorry if all you pay attention to is headline grabbers of some flakes.
Now, Amazon clearcutting. That's for agricultural land to supply palm oil and soy for livestock and grazing land. Yeah, we should stop that but won't. That's the shit that happens when the world is at nearly 8 billion people and counting, many becoming 1st world consumers of coffee and shit. Shouldn't have had Nixon open up China back in the early 70s.
But planting trees won't do shit. Not millions. Not billions. There's over 3 trillion in the world. That shit they plant in nice neat rows for the cameras doesn't last more than a few seasons before they die out. No plant diversity, no ecosystem, etc. Just another human plan gone down the fucking tubes.
Read More@TiberiusBravo87 I looked into the NOAA adjustments thing, and without the adjustments Global Warming would be even more emphasized than now. You can find enough articles explaining the why of the adjustments, but let's just say instrumentation isn't perfect, along with a lot of other things -- a station might be in the middle of nowhere for decades, and then subsequently surrounded by sub/urbanization with lots of black asphalt around it - changing readings.
Anyway, all you have to look at is arctic sea ice extent in September. If this is all a hoax or hysteria or nonsense, why does it keep declining decade after decades? Since the 1850s iirc, and in all the satellite record 1979 onwards?
I've been around for a while. I remember when the denial lie was that warming wasn't happening. Then it became it flatlined around the 1990s. Now it's all a "cycle" but they never mention what cycle?
There are obvious cycles. Day and Night cycle. Earth getting the sun's radiation during the day heating up and then cooling down as it faces away, radiating it out to space. The seasonal cycle as it tilts up and down making summer and winter. The elnino/lanina cycles. And a bunch of others.
So which cycle is this? Would love to hear it. The ones claiming it never mention the actual cycle.
Read More2y ago Red Pill Me
Double standards only arise when it's a man choosing a woman. When it's a woman, it's simply called "standards", "you go girl!", "be a queen", or some asinine variant. Landwhale wants Brad Pitt? Big beautiful woman doesn't let society's oppressive expectations get her down!
Trying to argue double standards with facts is tacitly acknowledging the double standard argument as legitimate. Which I never would do anyway. They may be excellent facts, which will never be acknowledged anyway, but that's besides the point. I have a dick, would never pick a partner with a dick. Is it a double standard? Idk and don't care, my pole goes into a female hole.
@TwoInchesOfShaft Trannies are the worst form of predatory medical abuse on the young and dumb.
I wonder how many are coupled to single mothers with only (or low count) children.