1y ago  The Dark Winter

@Initial-Glove I saw this had happened a few times where republicans who were due to win comfortably in the exit poll... then lost, but by a handful of votes. Very suspicious that this keeps happening in key marginals.... and only ever in one direction.

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1y ago  The Dark Winter

Lads, wtf is happening over there in the US? Are you all feeling ok? Can somebody please explain why the country appears to be voting quite so heavily for self-destruction while the results of that are ongoing all around them?

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1y ago  The Hub

@theultmatecad Kanye has always been mentally disabled. He's got like multiple neurodivergent conditions. I sincerely doubt he's a legit antisemite

1y ago  The Hub

@adam-l "Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government." I think they said it better.

1y ago  The Hub

@Jocbro The moment you can't walk away is the moment you've thrown away the most powerful card in your hand and the dynamic is now fucked. She can and will change her mind at any point, rationalise away the past and walk away the moment she realises you can't walk away from her - because that's a social indicator that you are the lower value one of the two of you. Women date up, if you don't behave higher value then you will get found out and she will leave you. It is only a matter of time at this point.

Find other things to do with your life. She should only ever be a nice addition to things, not the centre of your universe.

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1y ago  WhereAllTheGoodMenAre

@whytehorse2021 If memory serves there is one genuine matriarchy in the world (an actual matriarchal society that has survived through history) and they're basically still in tribal times. Pre-medieval levels of technology and existence. Women are generally useless at leading. It's another of these statistical distribution things. You'll get crap male leaders and the occasional good female leader, but generally speaking you want men leading things.

It's another reason why diversity is so damaging. Not only is it dumb to follow arbitrary characteristics, but if you examine the stats on these arbitrary characteristics then you'll get some clear distributions which say "straight white men and gay white men are basically the way to go to lead things." Even when we engage their irrational bollocks on their own terms they're still wrong. Imagine being that stupid... Dunning-Kruger effect is real.

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1y ago  WhereAllTheGoodMenAre

@whytehorse2021 You're underplaying things in my opinion. More specifically though the point you make about how women have turned out as basically the below average male performance could have been seen from the outset. Women are the control group and men are the experimental group in the grand evolutionary experiment. Their statistical distribution of skill, drive, talent, intelligence etc (any area where they can legitimately compete against men without an obvious biological drawback like physical activity) they always turn out as a gender to have a statistical distribution which is simply smaller. So the performance prediction is more reliable, but generally worse quality in almost all cases where you get to the top end and even in the above average bracket.

The excessive consumption and being lazy isn't a woman thing, it's a human thing. We are designed to be lazy in order to preserve energy because we evolved in an environment where there was no abundance of food/drink.

Which brings us to the trad con women or fucking all the hoes. Humanity is naturally polygamous as a result of female hypergamy. A small number of men at the top will take a number of wives and produce lots of children and the rest of the men will go without and not really do much with their lives. Said men deciding to rise up and murder the men at the top is a perfectly reasonable strategy in my mind, hence why there are militaries and guards and so forth for all the men at the top. Though why monogamy? It's made the most successful societies in all of history. The reality is that reproduction is probably our strongest driving force as both men and women - while women can share a man at the top, it's less than ideal because he can happily withdraw his commitment at any time without any real consequences. For guys, monogamy provides a chance of reproduction because there are more women out there who would have taken a higher SMV guy but now can't because their SMV isn't high enough. So they readjust their sights and take the best they can get (which has always been the core of the female sexual strategy.) The guys are motivated and society gets better because men build everything and getting more men invested in society makes society flourish.

We are currently in a collapse because we've abandoned this model in favour of marrying women to the state without a way for the state to walk away. This total lack of dread creates the worst of all worlds - polygamy without the dread factor to keep the woman in line. This has subsequently destroyed demographics across the world - the pill feeds into this and is possibly the most destructive thing to have ever happened in human history - and the economic realities are starting to hit. It certainly didn't help that all our "leaders" decided to follow the Chinese lockdown policy for said Chinese virus.

The plantation as you put it, is good when managed well, your interpretation is just distorted by the reality of seeing what the current plantation looks like, which I agree is shit.

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1y ago  The Hub

@SeasonedRP GB News also did a good special episode covering the victims of this rushed vaccine. If memory serves the risks of a severe problem are officially at about 1 in 8,000 which ranks as "uncommon" rather than "rare" (has to be less than 1 in 10,000 to be considered rare.) Though I have heard some estimates putting it as high as 1 in 300. Also reminds me that it's a good idea to always qualify the "serious side effects" part because it means "requires hospitalisation" which, when you're thinking about fit and healthy people, having a 1 in 5,000 chance of going to hospital to protect you from a virus that poses you no real risk anyway... it's insanity.

The special: www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0yhwbjrreu

1y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool You should try to avoid reading too deeply into the ramblings of the mad imho.

1y ago  Ask TRP


You do whatever you like, but my girlfriend doesn't do X

A powerful line that is.

Another one in my holster:

“I can’t take you seriously if you do that type of shit”

“I thought you wanted me to treat you seriously”

many guys coming to TRP see LTRs as the gold standard

Yeh , in a way, it’s the opposite.

I wrote a post about this “you aren’t ready for a ltr.”

Ltrs are harder since now, her problems become your problem. Boss being a fag, friendship group drama, etc. All of these wouldn’t be your problem if she was a plate.

Then, you got the vast, vast majority of guys wanting a ltr simply because it’s easier than trying to get laid with multiple bitches. Too lazy, and too scared to put themselves out there.

They’d rather consistently eat that one subpar and bland fish from the grocery store than go out hunt into the cold sea for some juicy and varied fish.

It’s a double whammy.

Ltrs are harder to manage and guys typically enter them with scarcity mentality.

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