5d ago  TheRedPill

@SeasonedRP my wife is far better with a pistol than that Amy Schumer lookalike, but yeah. That was pathetic.

1 2
5d ago  TheRedPill

@Typo-MAGAshiv This whole Trump assassination thing with the women scrambling kind of brought this more to my attention. Even the republican female Senators cry about being harassed in military when you know they were just screwing their way up.

1 3
5d ago  TheRedPill


There was one time at my favorite venue that an older guy (probably 50) kept coming up to me and squeezing my inner groin

For the first time in my life i understood why women hate that above and beyond that it's creepy. It doesn't make you want to punch back and causes a lot of discomfort

That being said yeah if they can't handle that good luck with combat. Just saying it is still shitty

1 4
5d ago  TheRedPill

@SeasonedRP my wife is a medically retired police officer, and I agree. That career was bad for her.

1 3
5d ago  TheRedPill

@Lone_Ranger Seems like most women who join the military are either lesbians or looking to screw their way up. Military (or police) is not a natural role for a woman.

1 3
5d ago  TheRedPill


The very fact that women can't handle a bit of 'inappropriate' behaviour is living proof that they should not be in the army. because its proof that they are simply too delicate.

because combat is inherently about not nice things happening. And if you can't handle some solider patting you on the butt and saying 'hi there sugar tits', trust me, you're not going to be able to handle combat.

2 8 + 4
5d ago  TheRedPill


Nah, that was when I was in the West.

The boss was a woman anf she caught the whores lying (they claimed that I was the one that harrassed them).

5d ago  TheRedPill


Got work place harrassed twice.

Both girls got fired over it.

If true, you've made Morocco's look more appealing.

6d ago  TheRedPill


Okay, the others were funny

I didn't find mine funny at all.

I still get pissed off when I think about it.

I'm mostly pissed at myself because I stayed with that entitled bitch for another month after that.

1 3
6d ago  TheRedPill


Got work place harrassed twice.

Both girls got fired over it.

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