@First-light as far as I know it's written in the bible that good sees you as married as soon as you unite(sleep with here) with a Woman (see Genesis 2:24), but that's just my interpretation.
"You have to give her reason to work hard. How the two of you arrive at that in harmony is not easy at all." (I don't know how to quote lol)
Do you have any good resources on how to achieve that?
This reads like you have FOMO. if you can get that under control, you'll be happier and better able to make decisions for your life.
If you let FOMO control you, you'll always flit from one thing to another with no real direction.
Thanks. This helped me realize this has been a huge issue when I do commit.
@Mate1212 Women just don't have that much burning desire in a solid relationship.
Women crave positive change. That is what gets them heated up. Its when things are dynamic. When things are steady their desire wanes. They already have what they desired -you. It was getting you that they really desired when they were all hot and wet for you.
When they have had too much experience, they can't stop craving a new cock to jump on because it always goes flat for them sexually with time.
It always does and one of the biggest challenges for men is this. She has to work hard enough to keep wanting you enough to hold you. You have to give her reason to work hard. How the two of you arrive at that in harmony is not easy at all.
Look at her carefully. Is she good enough? If she is you are unlikely to get much better. You will get a lot more excitement from newness but not much better in LTR than a woman you can respect and desire who respects you and gives it up when you ask.
I am always a bit curious when someone fears God from cheating but not from fornicating outside marriage. I am also curious when someone mixes polytheism (Karma) with a singular monotheistic use of God. The old gods do not care what you do with your knob. They have bigger things to worry about. The god of Abraham does get excited about the use of knobs but its all a sin to him unless you are wed.
Read MoreWe fuck like every day we spend together,
but I have to always initiate it.
Welcome to being a man.
Does this mean she doesn't have genuine burning desire?
Not necessarily.
there is something in me that says, that I won't find someone better especially with a clean dating history as she has and that booty personality combination.
The odds certainly aren't great.
What would you do?
Enjoy her as long as possible, but that's just me. You still need to make your own decisions.
This reads like you have FOMO. if you can get that under control, you'll be happier and better able to make decisions for your life.
If you let FOMO control you, you'll always flit from one thing to another with no real direction.
Just some food for thought.
@woodsmoke No she hasn't, I'm just questioning whether she has genuine burning desire.
Has she actually done anything wrong? Or are you just letting your testosterone do all your thinking for you?
What's up guys, I'm new here. I do have a question. Im in my early 20s and almost 2 years into a relationship with a girl that was a virgin before. Rollo Tomassi always said that sex is the glue that holds the relationship together. We fuck like every day we spend together, but I have to always initiate it. Does this mean she doesn't have genuine burning desire? I haven't meet here now in person for about two weeks and I've noticed I can live good without here. But don't get me wrong I like here. Now I'm thinking about breaking up with here and go spin those plates again! ...But there is something in me that says, that I won't find someone better especially with a clean dating history as she has and that booty personality combination. What would you do? Break up and spin the plates or stay in the relationship? Cheating isn't a option for me because I fear the karma and god.
Read More@Typo-MAGAshiv being red pill doesn't mean everything about the world is bad just means you realize dating is broken you can still make money , start a business , get a dog , get a cabin , go hunting and smoke a fat blunt !! just cause there are 304s plotting on you doesn't mean everything about the world is bad