10h ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair

My favorite names for our Dem Candidate:

  • Hindu Nuffin
  • Que Mala
  • Cum Allah
  • Cackling Kamala
  • Kamala the Chameleon
  • Obamala Harris
  • Michelle Light
2 2 2,024 fcks
10h ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv I can guarantee that he didn't say shit to his wife and just stopped fucking. Then they had the conversation after she was upset.

10h ago  The Hub

@Musicgoon78 Jesus. I had thought these retards were just lazy do-nothings trying to cope with not getting laid. I wouldn't have guessed that someone who fucks would engage in this retardation.

I can just imagine the conversation, too...

hey babe, we can't have sex until further notice. Some guys on the internet said that if I retain my semen, I'll unlock all kinds of powers.

1 2
7h ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv Fuck. Take it up with firefox.

11h ago  The Hub

And I just can't help it...

2 2
11h ago  The Hub

Hay guise, muh wife is angri at me. I stopped banging her and now she is angry all the time and there's no intimacy. Why is dis?

1 2
9h ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
Urban Hoe Guerrilla

@woodsmoke Late as usual to the convo. You are right on the money. Posts like these are good enough for a conversation in the tribes, but they cannot be permitted in the forums because they do not fit the theme and are going to be bad optics even if it is carefully presented. Discussions are fine, showcasing them is not.

cc: @polishknight, @Typo-MAGAshiv @lurkerhasarisen.

Reply To polishknight - Are our standards unrealistic? Should we settle? What is good enough? At what age should we just give up?

5h ago 2024-07-26 20:36:59 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Forum

You have been banned from r/femaledatingstrategy

20 1
Reply To Typo-MAGAshiv - Jennifer Aniston is sick of being single

5h ago 2024-07-26 20:27:00 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Forum
WAATGM Endorsed

I refer to women like her as "Bum magnets". Because they are repelled by decent men. And they become repellent to decent men too.

29 1
17h ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
FDS Dinner Donor


As you know, I am much more open to "adjacent" content than most. As long as it highlights some key aspect of the WAATGM phenomenon, I'm good with it.

But this one should not be published because of the reasons previously mentioned:

  • Bad optics
  • Not her fault
  • No obvious CC riding
  • No obvious bad attitude
  • etc.

BUT... it does have value as it does reinforce or hint at a few of our favorite topics/flairs, including:

  • The epiphany phase
  • Hitting the wall (perhaps literally in this case. Sorry that was horrible. Ill delete this line later.)
  • Leftovers(ish)
  • Looking for a "good character guy" (as she put it) - now that her other options are gone

It's a great story, if true. But I vote no. We can allude to this story as needed in the future. So it can serve a purpose. I would just not let it fly for all the aforementioned reasons.

Still one hell of a compelling story.

Important Note:

This discussion brings up our ongoing moderation challenge here; Censorship.

Over the years, I have yanked many a post on /r/waatgm and a few other subs that I modded, for the optics alone - even when everything else fit. And I think we should all be mindful of straddling that fine line between being open in our speech on one hand, and opening ourselves up to claims of racism, ableism, etc.

Instead of looking at it as censorship, we do something more akin to self- policing. Is this a subtle semantic difference? Sure. But we all get what that means.

CC: @deeplydisturbed, @houseoftolstoy, @Impressive-Cricket-8, @Land_of_the_losers, @lurkerhasarisen, @moorekom, @MelkorHimself, @ogrilla99, @woodsmoke

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