1mo ago  5th Generation War


The ICJ says whatever the U.S. State Department wants it to say.

Another broad dismissal that goes completely against the reality of the situation. Did you not read the South African case for genocide, the ICJ's ruling finding it plausible, and the USA's rebuttal to and denial of that?

The State Department hates Israel and Saudis and wants to cozy up to Iran.

Have you not looked at the way the US has sided with Israel, where something like 94% of the world population stands against their actions? Or that the US government and the Neocon cabal have close ties with and military bases in Saudi Arabia? Or that the US has been threatening to attack Iran for decades and has recently redoubled this rhetoric?

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1mo ago  5th Generation War

@MentORPHEUS The ICJ says whatever the U.S. State Department wants it to say. The State Department hates Israel and Saudis and wants to cozy up to Iran.

2mo ago  The Hub

@woodsmoke A good reason why women should not vote or be in any kimd of leadership.

2mo ago  Bodybuilding

@Lebbaeus 135 is fine for your bodyweight. Lots of differing views on proper amount of protein. I suggest roughly 2 grams per kilo plus or minus 10%.

2mo ago  Bodybuilding

www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1hYObyCH5k. An outstanding lifter showing exemplary form on conventional deadlifts. He was a few years older than me, and I was never at his level, but we knew a lot of the same people. One of the youngest winners of nationals if I recall right. He pulled 700 in his mid-50s. He recently had kind of a mysterious death.

2mo ago  5th Generation War

@adam-l And it cleverly exploits the herd instincts of the professional class. They all want to fit in and be one of the cool kids, so they lap it up. I never thought I'd see a 75-year old retired, very successful professional proudly say that his grandson/daughter is nonbinary. I thought about telling him he needed to have a talk with his daughter in law but kept quiet.

2mo ago  5th Generation War

@Lone_Ranger Not necessarily a shadowy conspiracy, but a lot of money being pumped into it by foundations, and serves elite interests. Didn't happen organically.

2mo ago  5th Generation War

@SeasonedRP as regards gender fluidity, I believe its appeal to the elite is that it can combine male-level focus and productivity with female-level submission. Also, it has the gender issue as its exclusive battle ground, not leaving any space/energy to be devoted to class issues.

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2mo ago  5th Generation War

@Lone_Ranger Seems like the trans movement, as was the feminist movement, is a top down push by the elites. A unisex serf worker class that doesn't form families or reproduce is an oligarch's dream.

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2mo ago  TheRedPill

@cuztrpp Don't have those kind of conversations. You can't go by what women say, and those kind of discussions won't get you anywhere. Keep things light and playful and see how it goes. If you're talking to and seeing other girls, it doesn't matter. Don't negotiate how soon she'll have sex; she's just throwing up anti-slut defense. Now maybe she wouldn't have that night regardless, but so what if you're seeing other girls? Keep things fun and she'll want to see you again and then things will happen when they will.

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