1y ago  The Hub

@Jocbro I'm mgtow in segments. Meaning I'll take 6mo-2 years off at a time. Then have some fun for a couple months with women and then mgtow again. I never intend to marry because there is no marriage material at my age. Barely any right now straight out of HS for the younger guys cause the society turns them all to shit (rather, they aren't decent by nature and need something to form them otherwise they default to a base state).

The entire world is going this path thanks to globohomo so I'm not holding my breath for improvement in my lifetime.

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1y ago  The Hub

Saw this on youtube by random chance and reminded me perfectly of the legendary "Don't Talk to the Police" video. Fascinating study in not talking to the police, for they are not your friends.

Case of a 15 year old boy being killed by his gf/ex, her new bf, her brother, her roomie-friend, and a dude that had no real stake in it all. Just mass psychosis orchestrated by dumb ass kids and a thot. Of course in Florida.


Anyway, the brother (a ginger) is the one to break first, before the police even had leads. Told his mom and she called the cops instead of lawyering up first (dumb bitch watched and believed too many cop shows). He breaks super fast. The video is a fascinating insight into the typical manipulative games cops play (I'm your friend, you need to come clean, I'm disappointed, etc). The manipulations are easy to spot outside the situation.

Anyway, what struck me of the situation is this group of dumbasses all talked to the police openly and without a lawyer. What did it get the ginger who was super fast to talk and spill everything (cops didn't know shit)? A life sentence for 1st degree premeditated murder. No plea deals, no bargains, nothing. Just because he couldn't keep his dumb ass mouth shut and thought the police were his friends because they speak of high minded ideals. Dumb fuck. Literally wrote his own ticket to jail and for most of his life. Of course, if he had an IQ worth mentioning, he wouldn't have killed the kid over a cheating thot (two technically, if you count his sister).

If you haven't before, watch Don't Talk To the Police. Even if all the kids were inevitably going to jail, if they had played it halfway smart, all but the big killer would have seen single digit sentences or even less. Maybe pleaded out almost completely to manslaughter a couple years instead of decades.

This is the original "Don't Talk to the Police" video, it may save your freedom one day or years/decades of your life. If theses dumbasses had known it, they would have been far better off. Instead, there rotting in a prison somewhere.

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1y ago  Tech Talk

@carnold03 Is it because Rowling is a TERF or some other issue?

I really don't know what to think of that issue. On one hand, you have the oft mentally ill and narcissistic claiming they are dolphins like Kyle's dad -- although the transdolphins I unfortunately know act way more aggressive and confrontational like guys when confronted about their delusions. So I can agree with JKR there.

On the other hand, she writes books that inspired an entire generation into victimized larping that likes to pretend all political opposition right of Trotsky are automatically nazis to be punched. Plus as a virtue signalling as a pretend-feminists, she was complicit birthing the latest modern era of male hate and white knights.

Think I'm just gonna sit back and watch the fireworks.

1y ago  The Hub


@Lone_Ranger We’re headed towards collapse of modern civilization for many reasons. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

Thing is, you can’t educate 95% of men to be strong. They need to be molded from birth and environment. Words aren’t going to cut it. It will be a long time before enough strong men arise again, probably far beyond our lifetimes.

Also, Russia is no threat. They experienced a massive braindrain the last year, anyone with a brain escaping conscription is doing so. Demographic collapse. Their army and weapons suck.

China is the threat.

Lift with your knees, not with your back, yank!

/end sarcasm

1y ago  The Hub

@Lone_Ranger We’re headed towards collapse of modern civilization for many reasons. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

Thing is, you can’t educate 95% of men to be strong. They need to be molded from birth and environment. Words aren’t going to cut it. It will be a long time before enough strong men arise again, probably far beyond our lifetimes.

Also, Russia is no threat. They experienced a massive braindrain the last year, anyone with a brain escaping conscription is doing so. Demographic collapse. Their army and weapons suck.

China is the threat.

1 1
1y ago  The Hub

@Lone_Ranger I made some mild throwaway single line tranny comment. Stupidly so in purplepilldebate. Over a year, that sub was the reason for 4 out of 5 admin suspensions even though it was less than 5% of my activity. The head mod at the time, Mrs_Drgree is a twofaced bitch, that will actively look for posts from guys she can boot up the ladder while the women say all types of shit. She will claim “She’s only doing her job.”

Also, the admin suspensions became a common thing since December 2021 after a decade posting with no change in posting content.

As always, use VPN and just change identity. Falsify details of personal info, Edit old comments with a script and then mass delete them weeks down the road. You never know what they do with the info on their platform. I wouldn’t be surprised that they actively supported the Jan6 witchhunt above/beyond warrant.

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1y ago  The Hub
Comically Serious



First off, when I say "speaking women's language", I don't speaking the way a woman would. If you just copy the things women say, or their patterns of speech, they will react with revulsion, and rightly off. It's fake, and you're trying to bullshit them.

What I mean by speaking their language is speaking from a knowledge of their worldview and priorities in a way that is relevant to them.

Here's what an example would look like:

Let us suppose that I have encountered some chick at a party who is complaining about how women are oppressed and men are horrible because it's not safe for a woman to walk around in certain neighborhoods at night.

So, this is an evil man-hating feminist, right? And if I'm trying to pump and dump, I should change the subject, or better yet, avoid her, because you can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear, right?

Well... maybe.

But suppose I don't want to fuck her, I just want to communicate with her... effectively.

If I interpret her words as a man would, I would say.... Bullshit. You are in fact, far more safe walking the streets at night than a man would be. We have the statistics, and we know that men are far more likely to be attacked by strangers, far more likely to be injured, far more likely to be killed. You are in a position of privilege, and pretending to be the victim in order to rubbish men.

This wouldn't foster any sort of productive dialogue. It would all be true, of course... IF we interpret what she says literally. But women usually don't speak literally. They speak in metaphors, and they don't see that as obscure or deceptive, because they are so familiar with this argot that it's crystal clear to them, and to any other woman who is listening.

It doesn't always occur to them that men have our language, and don't speak theirs.

In woman-speak, what she's saying might mean something different.

Maybe if I understand that women primarily talk about emotions rather than facts, she's not saying men ARE horrible, she's saying she FEELS horrible because she's afraid of men.

And then, if I also understand that women use hyperbole to express vehement emotions, then I know she's not saying she's actually in that much danger, she's saying she feels very afraid, and it's very uncomfortable.

So then maybe I put the pieces together and realize that she's not afraid of being murdered or raped by a random stranger. She doesn't think that's going to happen at all. She KNOWS the odds of that are astronomically low.

She's afraid of feeling helpless. When some strange dude, usually a stormtrooper, catcalls her on the street, her problem isn't thinking she's going to be dragged into an alley and raped. She knows that's almost never going to happen, because even stormtroopers mostly aren't that anti-social.

Her problem is that she knows he COULD, and if he did, there wouldn't be a damn thing that she could do about it. Compared to her, he's basically a wild animal, like a wolf, leopard, or baboon. If he decides to be aggressive, she's toast. She is dependent for her existence upon his forbearance.

Now, notice that when I explain it that way, explain what she's actually saying, you find it a lot more relatable, right? It suddenly makes sense. Nobody wants to be vulnerable to people they don't trust.

But women don't preface every sentence with the disclaimer "I am talking about my emotional experience and feelings, not my factual beliefs"... of course they don't. Because that's what they are ALWAYS doing, every time they open their mouths. And other women understand this. So it would be a waste of breath.

Women generally only discuss their factual beliefs when they are done discussing their feelings (this takes a long time), or in certain technical settings where there's nothing to have a feeling about (math class, etc).

So how do I deal with this (verbally)?

That depends what I want, but let's suppose I want her to stop saying stupid shit about men. That means I need to exert influence on her.

Now, I could do this by being attractive to her, or invoke cues suggesting I was I high-status person, so that she would moderate her language to please or appease me. But that would take time and effort, and wouldn't change her habits in general, just towards me.

If I want to cure her of her habits of saying misandrist shit, I need to educate her in a language she understands.

So I start by articulating her feelings to her in my own words. Yes, this means literally explaining to her how she feels. The goal here is not to tell her how she feels, however... it's to demonstrate to her that I actually understand her point of view and feelings.

I'm going to say that I understand that walking around feeling like anyone can be a predator and hurt her is probably very frightening. If I were in that position... I'd be mad... because we men tend to express negative emotion through anger rather than fear.

Next, I'm going to legitimize her emotions... telling her that they matter in and of themselves, not because of this or that fact. In this, I am subtly beginning to ease her away from her bullshit, working her around to the idea that she doesn't NEED to make up stuff about the actual level of danger to get her feelings taken seriously.

(Mostly, when women lie about their experiences of oppression or danger, they are doing it because they are afraid they will not be taken seriously unless they embellish the story.)

So I will then say that it's not okay for her to have to walk around feeling like this. That's no way to live. Even if, statistically, men are much more likely to be attacked and hurt than women are, women do have to deal with this constant feeling of helplessness and vulnerability, and that's a serious problem, because that kind of ongoing stress prevents us from doing things, makes our lives just generally suck more, etc.

So, what I've done there is insert the observation that she's not REALLY in more danger than men, she's in less. But I didn't present it as a refutation, I presented it in the course of showing understanding and sympathy for her actual problem, which is living in fear.

She'll be able to let go of the false allegations that women are in more danger, or that men are all vicious, because she no longer needs them in order to get her real problem taken seriously.

After that, I can teach her about how rubbishing men doesn't fix her problem, because she'll still feel vulnerable. I can teach her about the great 9mm equalizer that allows her to take control of her own safety, and allows her to walk around at night knowing that IF everything goes sideways, there's something she can do.

And eventually, I can even teach what this men-are-savages kind of rhetorical sounds like to men, and how it makes us feel... like we are hated for being born, like we are on trial all the time, like we are guilty until proven innocent, like we are second class citizens.

I can teach her to talk about her feelings in ways that aren't bigoted and hateful.

But all of this in predicated on getting her into an active-listening state. Women are very, very unreasonable in their default talking-to-strangers mode. But once you get them to believe that you are listening, understanding their feelings, and taking those feelings into consideration, they become much more reasonable.

This doesn't mean giving them their way, or taking orders from them, or agreeing with them when they are wrong, or suppressing your own viewpoint. Do any of those, and they'll hold you in contempt, and you will deserve it. Be a man and stand up for yourself, just learn to understand what they are actually saying.

Also understand that this is not something to do with every woman. Some of them really are crazy misandrists. Some of them simply don't have the character and value that would make it worth your while to invest this much effort in them.

Speaking womanese is not a way of life. It is a tool to put in your toolbox, to be available for your use when it will help you.

When you understand the language of women, things are possible...


... which would not otherwise be believable.

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1y ago  The Hub

@Lionsmane8 Hope not.

Btw, just to add, I never got the entire story but she had maxxed out credit cards in college from tuition that was being flagged as minimum paid the first year or two but afterwards getting paid in full and then run up alot but paid down routinely. Probably some prostitution or sugar daddy situation including travel.

Her husband is about 10 years older, in software, and may be part of it all. Or not.

1y ago  The Hub

I think my best friend broke a girl years ago as a complete normie. They had a good relationship and he was thinking of marrying her. To cut a story short, he has inherited money and after some gold digger experience before, had her investigated, mostly for credit score and stuff, dug into the rabbit hole himslef and came up quite a past. A lot of it was kinda obvious in hindsight but love goggles. He let her off gently with the "It's not you, it's me vibe". She never knew of his money until later.

Weeks down the road, she caught wind of his digging from friends of friends, figured things out more or less, and stormed at his place pitching a good, hysterical fit. He let her have her piece without fighting back at all, being depressed and out of it. As she wore herself out, he said something akin to "It's really too bad, I thought you would have made a good mom, but our values don't match so I don't see it." It didn't go over well.

She upped soon after and after a few more confrontations where he refused to engage but she kept up bringing what he said... we see half-a-year later she married some nerdy dude and apparently got knocked up soon after. Along with making him aware of birth announcements, copies of those preganancy X-rays, baby shower bullshit... every year on mother's day - she calls, emails, voice messages, and photographs him whatever her mother's day presents and cards underlining words and shit. Usually multiple venues and avenues. "World's BEST Mother!" on a mug and that type of crap. From the first years on when it was her husband buying or writing that stuff. This Christmas he got a copy of the kid's kindergarten report card, tests, photographs of some wannabe Martha Stewart dinner she made and holiday decorations and happy family photos. Along with every step of the kids' lives since the last update. She's on number three and hoping to pump more out. And then pages of digs and taunts at his childless life and comments about his latest social media and social life. It would be kinda creepy wholesome, other than the hours spent on the psycho stuff.

No morale to the story other than women be crazy. I wonder if he inadvertently left a former party girl better off by daring her into a trad lifestyle. She wasn't near the wall back then and no interest in kids before. He's afraid he'll see her on the news one day for not good reasons.

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1y ago  The Hub

@coolsocks00 people getting weird about obsessing over coagulated baby’s milk over here.

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