5d ago  The Hub

@adam-l "lonely" is an emotion, and a negative one.

Learning to enjoy solitude (if you don't already enjoy it innately) is positive.

4d ago  The Hub


If so how did you process it?

My two cents on that, rather obvious ideas.

There are two things to take away.

One, to build up your capacity to accept that things might end.

Two, to realize that once things start to get bigger, you have to share your power and status, create a hierarchy, and keep defending your position, if you want to keep it. You might not be in for it, understandably, and so ending it might suit you better.

Then there's a third thing: once a psychopath ingrains him/herself into the group, the group is pretty much doomed: the bloodsucker draws energy from the infighting, while you expend energy. It's not viable.

2d ago  The Hub

Apparently it's terrible when a woman is dependent on her husband. It's ok and wonderful when she's dependent on her shrink. Or her yoga guru. Or her shoe addiction (that's so empowering).

2 3
2d ago  The Hub

@Vermillion-Rx this test is sexist. It's based on the reality principle (not the pleasure one).

1 4
1d ago  The Hub


the puzzle (why women perform so poorly) is far from solved.

LoL! What's so puzzling about "about half of women are far removed from reality"?

2 4
1d ago  The Hub


the puzzle (why women perform so poorly) is far from solved.

Hell, it's not even that complex.

Their spacial reasoning fucking sucks, even the ones who are somewhat grounded in reality.

Ever watch women parallel park? The only woman I've ever seen who didn't absolutely suck at it was my grandmother. I've never seen another woman parallel park worth a shit.

Ever watch a kids' dodgeball game? Girls are terrible at it.

This is also why [they suck at estimating height, distance etc]( www.forums.red/p/whereareallthegoodmen/275761/fatty_with_height_standards_is_terrible_at_guessing_height_t)

2 4
1d ago  The Hub


It's ok and wonderful when she's dependent on her shrink.

And whatever drugs get pushed.

1 3
1d ago  The Hub


And whatever drugs get pushed.

I mean, there are now top psychotherapists, like Irvin Yalom and David Burns, that call out Big Pharma for pushing their drugs.

The antidepressants, that are taken en masse, have only proven effective for serious depression, and they are worthless for mild to average cases.

1 2
1d ago  The Hub

@adam-l I hope more people realize that

1d ago  The Hub


The female imperative is about gender supremacy.

Transfer of power, transfer of dependency.

It's all about power and control.

It's about leveraging female sexuality to gain ever increasing leverage over male Labor.

Being "dependent" on your owned labour is a threat to the slavemaster.

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