2mo ago  The Hub
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2mo ago  The Hub

@lurkerhasarisen @polishknight

If I could go back in time and trade ten points of IQ for ten inches of height, my life would have been VERY different.

A hypothetical RL character sheet min-maxxing ("I'll trade two points of wisdom for two points in charisma!") is very different from willingly mutilating oneself and ruining any athletic ability, plus what you originally told that idiot freak about looking like and being as clumsy as a baby giraffe.

I’d be in the top 2% of intellect rather than top quarter of the top 1%, and I’d be very tall but not freakishly so.

I don't remember what my IQ score was, and learned to stop caring when I realized i couldn't just coast through life like I coasted through most of school. I do remember that it was freakishly high, and I was tested multiple times because they thought it was either a fluke or that I had cheated somehow, especially because I couldn't focus or sit still in class.

[the rest]

So with my intellect, combined with being 5' 11", and apparently being better-looking than I had realized when I was a teenager, I had all the tailwinds a man could possibly need, so life should have been easy, right?

lol nope.

Advantages you don't realize you have aren't really advantages at all, because if they aren't leveraged, they do all of jack shit. Tailwinds are useless if you don't know to hoist your freaking sails.

And like i mentioned previously, I was bullied too. My bullies even frequently stole my crushes!

And believe it or not, the height thing bugged me as well. I was the first man in several generations of family history not to hit at least 6'. It bugged the shit out of me as a teenager, but after I'd been an adult for a few years, I realized that it meant all of jack shit. Almost no one knows the difference.

Thanks to all the Owen Cook videos that @Adam-l has been posting lately, this YouTube short popped up in my feed and seems relevant:


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3mo ago  The Hub

@adam-l mental note to watch/ listen to this later

Roosh was my intro to PUA back around 1999, 2000 or so (also my intro to the Red Pill when I looked him back up in 2012, 2013 or so but that's a story for another time). I was an avid user on his seduction BB until I started making strides IRL and did that shit Rollo frequently makes fun of: "thanks a lot, but I've got it from here! Bye!"

Anyway, a lot of users recommended Mystery. I looked into it, saw the fuzzy hat, makeup, etc and thought to myself "what a faggot" and dismissed him out of hand.

I have since come to learn that everyone in the Manosphere owes him a debt of gratitude, though I still think he's a fag.

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3mo ago  The Hub

Haven't watched this yet, but here's some nostalgia.

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3mo ago  The Hub

Fuck. It just dawned on me.

In The mask of sanity, Cleckley describes case after case of male psychopaths, and the devastation that their patents, and in particular their mothers, feel about their sons. Interestingly, almost all the cases Cleckley presents are from affluent, upper-class families.

Combine that with the observation that high-ranking female chimpanzees spread their genes mainly by boosting their sons' mating success.

Add in the fact that male psychopaths ate insanely sexually successful.

Factor in that psychopathy is a radical personality configuration, initiated at the very early years, and most notably the first year, in which the mother is practically the sole caretaker.

Turns out that there might be an unconscious process by which the wives of the ultra rich turn their sons into psychopaths in order to reap the genetic payouts of their future sexual success...

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3mo ago  The Hub


Even if they do eventually, you'll survive it. A new pussy does wonders.

But it seems that your problem remains: you prioritise that women, instead of something else, cover your needs.

3mo ago  The Hub

@First-light I believe she outlines a natural dynamic between the sexes. As a woman, she obviously cares only about what she gets out of it, and I suspect the "other places" in which she talks about what a woman should give, fall short of any equitable exchange of value.

I remember reading about some Oceanean tribes in which, once the husband died, the wife's family killed the wife with a ceremonial strangling. There are stories of wives demanding it, while, practically, it was usually waived. It's a practice I don't endorse in any way, of course, but maybe that's the level of devotion that would correspond to the privilege of being "contained and owned". Throw in the husband's right to concumbines. The exact opposite of the woman's right to branch-swing.

3mo ago  The Hub

@adam-l I liked the bit where she said she wasn't going to talk about what a woman does for a man but gave a huge list of what beta needs to do for princess -the entitlement cracked me up.

Women really like the things she is setting out but guess what men really like women to do a lot of stuff for them in return. It takes an exchange. Its not a case of simp performs constantly to care for princess and in return princess occasionally puts out while getting on with fulfilling her empowered life as a strong independent woman who don't do nothing for men except what she wanted to do anyway -like tidy her home, cook her dinner and raise her kids and complain it is a huge sacrifice to do what she wanted anyway. What does she offer him? When is she there for him in small but valuable ways like he is there for her?

Do all this and you will stand a good chance of playing beta to a woman who is ready to settle (rode the carousel till the wall loomed). Make your life's work pleasing ("containing and owning") her you will have a fair chance of keeping her happy as odds on a more attentive simp of equal or greater SMV won't come up to monkey branch to. But how great a deal is this really??

Who is really being "contained and owned" here? Ask to whom is the value really passing in the relationship? that should give you the answer.

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3mo ago  The Hub
3mo ago  The Hub


I can understand it clinically, but cannot connect or empathize with the mindset and fetish itself.

Yeah, as soon as I pressed "Post", it occured to me that that's what you'd mean :)

The fact is that foot fetish is everywhere nowadays. It seems to have skyrocketed, and given the beating men get in the current culture, it's something to be expected.

Psychoanalysts have that notion of object replacement or something, which quite consistently explains all deviant sexuality. I believe it fits modern neuroscience: these attraction circuits need something to work on, and when the road to pussy is blocked, other things replace it.

Now, the interesting thing is that this replacement process might actually have adaptive value, in that it keeps these circuits alive: neurons need to work in order to survive.

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