1y ago  5th Generation War

@redpillschool It's going to cause a meltdown at ICANN if they don't stop this shit. I don't think these idiots understand the box they are opening.

I remember the days of just using IPs. Sounds fine by me!

1 1
1y ago  The Hub

@WokeDown Don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do. I had one SF bay area nutbar leftie only and ever refer to me as "nazi." Even when I was three holeing her after she called me for a visit. And I'm pretty even going when it comes to politics, meaning I never put it into anyone's face but I was always very clear about my opinions when asked. Imagine the kinky shit she would do with a muscled up maga hat dude.

1 1
1y ago  It's Fake!

@slutmagazine "a total of 376 Americans " Who the fuck funds this garbage?

1y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool hah. they removed the top post to lower visibility but left all the affirming perv replies.

1y ago  TRP Shit-Posts (SATIRE)

@whytehorse2021 Play with his huge tits at the same time?

1y ago  Ask TRP

@DanielLarson There is no profit in shoveling a sewer you will never shit in. Let someone else get dirty.

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1y ago  The Dark Winter

@RedPirate751 Might just because there aren't a lot of virgins to bang any more. It's a dying marker.

1y ago  It's Fake!

@slutmagazine the fag that posted it cut and run. This is why it's best to post archive drops of these threads.

1 1
1y ago  The Hub

@TiberiusBravo87 Walk around the mission in SF these days and you can get the experience for free.

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