1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly
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1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly


1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly

Guy stuck his dick in crazy ONCE. She's back months later on Christmas Eve, attacking him and breaking windows.


1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly

@financehardo420 Lmao epic. Betas don't get that we're just having fun and take everything personally because they're mentally weak

1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly

@MentORPHEUS lol. other night I start chatting w this chick I’ve flirted w previously. Apparently her boyfriend was a fatty that was 3 times my size in both height and weight. He immediately got aggressive with me; telling me to “get the fuck out of here bc that was his girl”. I looked him dead in the eyes and said “say it nicely and i will; but if you speak to me disrespectful like that I’ll stay right the fuck here buddy.”

After a whole scene of him pretending to want to fight me and me not flinching, I finally walk away. Start talking to one of my plates (note: her friends fuckin hate me lol). End of the bar this guy tries to start shit w me again. Starts accusing me of creeping on girls and even gets me kicked out of the bar at closing (I’ve never met dude before, his girl was at no point in time uncomfortable talking to me, and the other girl I had literally fucked like a week or so ago).

Has his boys fake holding him back as I flip him off while hopping into the other chicks uber to go back to her place lmaoo

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1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly

@MentORPHEUS no good deed goes unpunished

1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly

Personal story about stopping to help a stranger in need that left me feeling I should have just kept on driving. Bitch did a few hundred dollars damage to the car; luckily I owned a repair shop and had parts on hand to fix it, but it cost me an impending sale.

After 11pm exiting one of LA's busier freeways, there was a traffic jam at the bottom of the ramp after a sharp curve where a stalled blacked-out vehicle was stopped in the middle of 3 lanes and stuck halfway into the lane of cross traffic. When the signal was green, cars kept pulling up right behind this one, then cutting around causing near misses and repeated horn honks. When the signal was green for cross traffic, cars kept having to merge around the disabled car.

I stopped behind and walked up to the driver window. It was a woman about my own age, early 20s, and my professional mechanic sense quickly sussed out that her alternator had failed, she drove till the battery was discharged too much for the car to run, and had coasted to the bottom of the ramp with no hope of moving another inch under the car's own power.

The intersection was a busy frontage road along the freeway with no parking on either side, but straight ahead across the intersection was the vast, completely empty parking lot of the biggest mall in the region. A lone security vehicle was patrolling back and forth the whole time, yellow lights on top strobing. Importantly, there were no shrubs or anything obscuring any part of this parking lot, so the first empty spaces within were clearly visible to passerby; no place hidden or isolated.

I asked the girl if she needed help and she said she was hoping a tow truck would come soon. (This was in the 90s long before cell phones.) I pointed out that the free Freeway Service Patrol wasn't operating till 6am and that cars were getting really close to her, and that I would give her car a push to the safety of the parking lot to wait for assistance, as cars squeezed by me honking.

She was not very responsive or cooperative (I slowly got the impression she had been drinking) but finally agreed to the pushing plan. I made sure the steering was unlocked, in neutral, no parking brake, and said to roll the window down so she could wave to signal me for any reason.

A veteran of pushing disabled vehicles and aware of the risks of bumper misalignment allowing damage, on the next green I gently got her rear axle rolled through the dip, and when both vehicles were on the level crown of the intersection, gave the car a good push.

Right at peak acceleration, she suddenly changed her mind about the whole thing and pressed the brake with all her might and HELD it. The rear of her car lifted, my front bumper dove under hers, and in an instant the plastic grille and headlight buckets on my car were broken and the sheet metal curled back. This was a car I had for sale, with a potential buyer coming to view it first thing the next morning.

Now both of our cars are stopped blocking the far half of the intersection. Cars coming off the freeway kept running over one of my headlight buckets with sickening plastic crunches. I went to her window and asked WHAT HAPPENED???

She didn't have an answer to that, but what she did have all of a sudden was a very snippy attitude.

Then the mall security truck which had spent the last 10 minutes pretending to not notice the dead car came to an abrupt stop in front of us and the two fat fucks lept out in full White Knight mode, rushing me like they were stopping an active abduction. Quite pissed, I just said SHE NEEDS YOUR HELP and left the scene with her car still blocking lanes.

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1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly


I looked for green ones and this is all I got.

Imagine they're in a swamp.

1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly

@deeplydisturbed different stones!

*gasps in ogre-speak*

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1mo ago  Women Behaving Badly


It's all good. Keep it on.

I will only see you from behind anyway.

Ask your mom.

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