1w ago  Ask TRP
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big s i p

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2w ago  Ask TRP

I’m a 21-year-old college student, currently earning $1,500 a month from my business and training in boxing for about nine months. Lately, I’ve been feeling increasingly feminine, and I think it might be due to spending so much time with my partner. I find myself constantly wanting to be with her, and I’m worried this is affecting my mindset and performance. I also feel like I'm goofy mentally and in how I move, which is unusual for me.

Today, during sparring, I was more fearful and kept flinching, which is not like me. I’m concerned that this shift in my behavior is impacting my confidence and effectiveness in the ring. I could really use some advice or support to help me regain my focus, balance, and most especially my masculinity. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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2w ago  Ask TRP

I set my friend up on a date. He didn’t polarize and got friendzoned. How do I debrief him?

Hey guys. The other day I met a friend of my girlfriend that reminds me of one of my buddies. I tell each of them a little about each other, and they’re excited to meet.

I plan a double date at an arcade since we’re all nerdy, and after a pit of playing games all together my girlfriend and I allow them to do their own thing.

My friend is usually an awkward and unsociable guy, probably some tism and what not. In a way he was alright - he was not nervous and didn’t make a fool of himself, but he refused to take any chances or, in effect, engage in any polarizing behavior. He was perfectly staid and proper and since he didn’t make any moves, he didn’t light any kind of spark in her, and she told my girlfriend that he was nice but she interested romantically.

Are there any good resources I might nudge him towards that will teach him the need to generate attraction and how to develop those skills? Kino, polarization, etc. He seems to think he did an excellent job and this was just bad luck, even though he was as placid as could be.

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2w ago  Ask TRP

Hey guys, longtime lurker, first-time poster. Wanted some takes on a friend of mine at work. This guy's always flirting with this new girl and she does seem to be into him, doing a lot of them telltale signs of an interested lady. Now that he's on the way out and going part time, he asked her out but did it by text which i think is pussy shit lol, he claims its cause he doesnt do that stuff on work time and doesn't see her otherwise though. She's totally blanked him and i'm thinking he's messed up and's gonna have serious trouble if he comes back at all. But then i'm thinking maybe i'm just a pussy for not having the guts to ask girls from work out lol. any thoughts would be appreciated.

2w ago  Ask TRP


Avoiding the ‘no’

(Edit add: This is after I’ve already got them back to my room/theirs, or isolated to a private area… Hook up has happened, the ‘presumption’ was that sex will be following)

Hello, fellow RP bros.

Here is a problem I have faced on the many occasions and it rather annoys me.

We all know that you follow her actions, not her words… However, when they start pulling out the ‘no… I can’t be doing this…’ (hamstering that she ain’t a slut) etc-etc-etc statements - despite her hand still resting on my cock - I am immediately done as I do not wish to ‘force’ myself upon them.

I don’t care if it’s their hamster defence mode, or being playful, or etc… As soon as I hear the dreaded ‘no’, I stop immediately, thank them for their time and leave (or get them to go).

So my qs is… Any of you have some tactics, or methods that works for you, so that you auto bypass their hamster defence and they don’t event think about uttering the word ‘no’?


I'm just stating an observation here, but this reads like it happens quite often for you. I'm thinking you're getting rejected regularly, not just at the point of initial contact like most guys even before you can think to get these girls back to some place comfortable to bang. So I'm curious, how do you deal with the women who otherwise reject you outside of the situations of last minute resistance? How do you handle the chicks who flake on you, stand you up, ghost you, and so on?

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2w ago  Ask TRP

@TitusTorquatus this is my last roommate to a t

2w ago  Ask TRP
Senior Endorsed

i think this is another category of computer toucher

1 4
2w ago  Ask TRP


I'm 33 and I lied about my age to my 18yo gf, not sure what to do

I basically look younger than my age, and most girls actually believe i'm 23, when in reality i'm 33

I started lying about my age because i had girls super into me, and when i end up revealing my age, it doesn't work out

I usually don't care to lie about my age when it's plate/ons/fwb stuff

I met this 18yo girl 3 months ago at a festival, and she is really nice, smart etc ... only had 1 BF

the problem is that i lied to her from the get go when i met her, i claimed i was a 23 yo student

and now its been 3 monts since then, she is very attached to me, and i like her aswell but damn lying about everything is just too overwhelming

i just dont know what to do, either end things or tell her the true?

what would you suggest bros?

That you stop concerning yourself with what a group of strangers like us think, provide this girl you're dating no further lies, and go with your gut regardless of the potential consequences which may result from divulging this truth to her. If you want to tell this girl you're dating the truth as to your age, then make a plan, then follow-through, and do it. I'd suggest that if you both frequent bars, pubs, or other business that check ID, you swap each others ID cards so you both know each others date of birth. When she asks questions regarding your age, confirm that your ID is telling her the truth as to your date of birth and ask if hers is as well. When she asks about the difference of ten years and if you earlier lied, apologize, and offer to make it up to her. Grant her the time to process how she wants to proceed with that revelation be it a week, or a month or two, but otherwise make no more unnecessary attempts to lie to her from here onwards.

Aside for that, consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.

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2w ago  Ask TRP


Too goodlooking/Women flirting for attention

If you think this is a troll post don't reply and move on.

I have very good genetics and get a lot of attention from women just based on my looks. Now recently I have realized there are 2 pretty big drawbacks to this that make it "hard" for me to meet new women:

  1. Women will flirt with me just for attention, like staring smiling etc. even if they are in a relationship and not willing to actually cheat/give me their number. I know to a degree this is normal but 95% of attractive women will give me some kind of IOI (at the very minimum repeated looks, but usually stares or smiles) and it's impossible for me to tell for sure which ones are actually interested without approaching and asking them directly if they have a boyfriend/want to give me their number. This isn't a problem when doing real cold approaches, getting rejected is fine, but I'm trying to find relationship material in med school where people know each other so I want to limit the amount of approaches I do. I approached 5 at school so far and 3 had a boyfriend, 1 was on a break and got back with her bf a few days later, and 1 was single.
  2. When I dont get that level of attention I'm fucked because I dont know what to do. When a girl gives me repeated glances but wont show a clear signal like eye contact or smiling, I assume shes not interested and only checking me out because I look good. Normally this isn't a problem because enough other girls give me the attention I need but I'm wondering if I'm missing out, if the girls who aren't super flirty might actually be more worthwhile? Should I stop filtering these girls out?

Consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.

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3w ago  Ask TRP


Girlfriend clicks on profile of attractive guys on Tik Tok

O I (28M) admitted to my girlfriend (30F) can I search girls up on Instagram. She responded back saying “how would you feel if I searched guys up?”

I told her it’s different between man and woman. I asked her if she does, and she says she doesn’t, but if she’s on Tik Tok and a video of an attractive guy appears, she may click on the profile.

Is this concerning? She admitted she might click on the profile, but won’t go out of her way to search up.

She doesn’t have Instagram, just in Tik Tok.

Other relevant points:

  • she doesn’t have male friends
  • she has proven she shuts down a guy talking to her the moment she noticed him hitting on her

While it might be time for you to seriously examine your internet usage habits, don't panic. You won't be losing your girlfriend over this by a long shot. However, I would strongly advise that you consider investing into a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, who until his passing was also known as Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's archive is mirrored on several mens focused sites and a podcast. His media is a bit pricey, but it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from in RP aware circles. I'd suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. To save yourself a search, give this scribed link a gander to find out if his book is something you'd like to add to your library. It should also be available on libgen.

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