@carnold03 You forgot the real #7 which is: assert dominance by pissing on the dude next to you.
9mo ago The Hub
Dating apps are fucking odd these days. I understand why, but it still perturbs your boy.
Real life approaches aside, because that's actually a lot more fruitful - in terms of the online sphere, I actually have had way more success on places like Facebook these days, over any dating site.
There was a time quite a few years ago when I had dating apps just to increase the amount of extra pussy flow within my rotation, and I'd get a lot of good matches consistently. These days it's absolutely barren, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who can attest to that. Plenty of high value dudes experiencing the same thing. "You have to be top 5% blah blah blah". I consider myself above the average and it still sucks.
Yet, I can pick and choose girls at will on Facebook (as an example), and have had a lot of success purely with this. So not a complaint, but actually an observation: dating sites do not represent your value as a man.
Read MoreI always tell guys the story of how i fucked a girl relentlessly a year after i unmatched her from Hinge. She wouldn't even respond to my messages and i didn't recognize her in person nor did she recognize me a year later when we crossed paths.
In person she wanted the fuck out of me and I drilled her relentlessly for 2 months in multiple holes multiple days a week. She was always horny af for me
On OLD i was an inconsequential loser to her and in person she asked for MY number and badly wanted me.
I think the longer girls stay on old the pickier they get. When hinge etc was newer in popularity girls gave more chances but when you have 10 billion likes you only go out with top 5% plus
9mo ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx I don't think I have a story example like yours specifically, but similarly I hear a lot from girls, "Wow, you look so much better in person", SO I guess I could contribute a lot of my recent OLD site failures to shitty pictures, but then those pictures have always netted me success too elsewhere so I don't really get it haha.
Another problem I've encountered with dating sites these days as well is this tendency to moderate and remove your pictures. It's not like I'm putting dick pics up on my public profile, just pics of me shirtless etc, but apparently that's considered 'inappropriate' now - yet, girls are entitled to have bikini pics on them. It makes absolutely no fucking sense to me, and honestly is handicapping me, especially since I'm not on OLD sites to look for a fucking relationship.
Read MoreI guess I could contribute a lot of my recent OLD site failures to shitty pictures
OLD is literally 95% photos
Every time I've ever seen a guy shit on OLD for it "not working" and i review his profile, his pics are cringey low quality awkward shit. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
since I'm not on OLD sites to look for a fucking relationship.
That's your first mistake. Girls get on old cause they suck at real life and end up getting hookups instead
Your OLD doesn't need shirtless photos. Here is a photo a girl used on her profile but this is a prime example of quality photos chads have and why they are succeeding
Second Chad quality photo she had on her profile because I can't upload two photos at once (I should just image combine them)
9mo ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx I agree with @coolsocks00. Yeah, it's cool that she's tricking out on a mountain bike (My ex girlfriend was sick on a BMX too), but I want to see how fit your body is, how pretty your face is primarily. I'm not trying to penetrate your hobby.
To juxtapose that, I do however have chad-level pics of me playing drums, some shirtless, in motion as well. Others of me smiling walking down the street and lookin swagged. I've had compliments on all of these photos from women at one time or another, but apparently they no longer work on dating sites haha. I'm really inclined to agree with you though as well Vermillion on that pictures make up 95% of the appeal, but that women aren't necessarily looking for ONS on them.
but that women aren't necessarily looking for ONS on them.
It's not that they are looking for ONS, it is that the sexual marketplace in OLD just leads to it.
You have 80% or more of women (it's probably like 95%) swiping on the best profiles. They'll stop on some lesser ones just because but they are swiping in the best ones because more times often than not those profiles still swipe them back. Then 90% of men are getting almost no matches or very few.
So almost all women on OLD are gauranteed sex and dates, a small tier of B men even smaller group of A and S-tier OLD chads have all the women. Because they have woman-like levels of choice, they could just run harems and they often do, making most women short term flings by consequence
9mo ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx What I wanna know is where are all these mystical top 5 percenters? I wanna see what their profiles look like, and see how it compares to the average.
9mo ago The Hub
@Lone_Ranger It is. Easily. I only have to walk into a bar and I've got female attention. I just think OLD used to actually be a useful tool, but now it fucking sucks donkey shit.