8mo ago  Financial Independence

@Lionsmane8 making more money is not really the problem at this point really. Life in tech is also really often mundane and boring. I'd rather start cutting my hours.

8mo ago  Financial Independence


Use that money to hire some engineers/collaborators.

Find clients, buuld solutions for them, make more money.

8mo ago  Financial Independence

I managed to save close to 100K over the last 4-5 years. No idea what to do with it though. I work in tech, been focusing mainly on increasing my salary and now I believe it's time to start doing something with the fruits of my labor. Where do I start? How can I invest/spend it? I don't own a house, just a car. Any help, advice or links much appreciated.

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10mo ago  Financial Independence

@Durek_The_Bald Gold is high indeed right now... but if the new BRICS currency launches sooner than later, then gold 3000+ is a very real possibility.

It being around 2000 though, lots of downside possibility.

Gold bugs seem to include a lot more wackos and conspiracy theorist types than the general population, is one fact I've discerned. Therefore, careful who you listen to if making buy/sell decisions.

What would really be smart is to dig out the old sluice box and pan, and try to find a few ounces oneself. My experience there is, lot of work for not very guaranteed results.

10mo ago  Financial Independence

Redacted giving shit financial advice:

So I was listening to Redacted the other day, and was baffled by the poor "advice" given on the stock market.

Check this out from 8:05:


It's a message from a sponsor. But the anchor throws in some personal "advice" as well, like: "With all the chaos around the world now, I am personally investing in hard assets like minerals, gold, silver etc".

Now, I'm not an expert or anything, but even I know you buy low, and sell high. And right now, due to said "chaos around the world", hard assets are freaking expensive. It's a bubble that's going to burst the minute the conflict in Ukraine gets resolved (probably after the summer, next spring at the very most).

Investing in that market now, with the prices already so inflated, and a tanking of those prices right around the corner, sounds like a sure way to lose your money. A much better strategy is to invest in markets that are doing poorly now, but will improve once the conflict is over, and goods and services start flowing again across the East-West divide. I've already got a 24% return on my index funds simply by following that strategy - and that's even before the conflict is over.

I don't trust these guys on anything. This is grifterhood 101. I get forwarding a message from a sponsor for pay. But forwarding a message or a product you can get behind is one thing. Grifting poor advice and shit products is a totally different matter.

Fucking grifters everywhere. Don't trust anything or anyone - especially don't trust people who seem to be "on your side".

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1y ago  Financial Independence



Man I don't even see other people commenting on this post say otherwise than the US.

You can also try Southeast Asia, or Japan.

1y ago  Financial Independence

@deeplydisturbed north africa. Most people are white there.

1y ago  Financial Independence


Which country or place should I move to? We all know that the US is in steady decline due to crime, socialism, high taxes, delinquency, high-on-drugs population, etc. I just don't see anything good that could possibly come from this place anymore. I am highly disappointed in the United States.

I'm doing my research and trying to make a decision as to where on the globe I should relocate. About me:

  • Profession: accountant,
  • Work entirely online/remote,
  • 28 year-old white guy,
  • Single, no kids, no debt - can leave the US easily.

My main priorities are:

  • Low crime,
  • Low income tax,
  • Need PLENTY of sunshine. I live in San Diego for that reason.

What's my best bet?

Honestly? California. You're likely already adept in spotting threats there than anywhere else you might go and may have relatives and friends you can call upon.

Use your idle time to make the acquaintance of the urban gardening and hippy communities that operate in San Diego. Learn their ways of composting, urban gardening, and branch out from there. Trade your accounting skills for access to other goods and services. Buy/build yourself a home in whatever Californian small town that otherwise meets your criteria to retreat to, so you can regularly de-stress from city life. Talk openly and warmly about your new hobby of urban gardening, but tell absolutely no one about your retreat home.

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1y ago  Financial Independence


Mediterranean countries are a steal.

1y ago  Financial Independence

@chadinthemaking69 @Sergei_Rachmaninoff_Is_Alive wants to move to a different country

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