3y ago  The Hub


OK this is too good.

This is Carl Rogers, the acclaimed number 1 psychologist in the world (#2 is Ellis, #3 is Freud). The Average Divorced Slut in therapy tries to avoid the responsibility for fucking up her daughter by divorcing her dad in order to fuck around. He reaches a point (34:00) where he validates her for having "wholesome" experiences. She gets excited acknowledging it. She apparently remembers of getting Alpha-fucked. Then she goes on a crying tirade about a "problematic" relationship with dad, in order to hide behind it, and the Arch-wizard Rogers swallows it all.

The number 1 psychologist in the world, owned by the Average Divorced Slut. That's what Psychology has come to.

4 1
3y ago  The Hub

@Fawk_Face The questions I have:

#1. How legal is it to sell "coins" for fiat.

#2. How would we implement an exchange for it?

If we didn't use crypto, we could keep it on-site and make it not real coins but just virtual currency. But it could never be changed back into $$

If we did use crypto.. there's some complication there.

Tell me more, I am intrigued

3y ago  The Hub
Garage Chief

My house foreman's name is Sergei, the builder that he brought on is named Sergei #2, my main remote work contact is named Sergei. It's how it is.

3y ago  The Hub
Trollop Periodical


Is sluttery good for society? Probably not. But that doesn't mean I ain't gonna capitalize on it.

more or less true. i think the most 'environmentally-conscious' thing a man could do (environment meaning social environment, of course) is to realize that there are two types of girls.

  1. n=0 or 1
  2. n>1

like catch-and-release fishing, there's a way to do environmentally-conscious behavior. don't take a girl's virginity, no matter how ugly she is, without intending to be serious with her. you're really just screwing over the next guy.

for girls who are category #2, it's a free for all. why? they're already screwed up in the head. they won't get hurt and damaged the way that taking a girl's virginity and dumping her ass would. all those hormones that ensure bonding are no longer functional with a n>1 girl. a girl who loses her virginity will bond hard with the guy even if the relationship is pretty shitty. but a girl who already fucked another guy is not going to bond with man #2, or #3, or#100.

it's crazy how people are OK with a car's market value dropping in half the moment it's owned, but they can't admit that this is true for women and their virginity.

i don't know if i explained any of this right but if you got a question just ask.

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3y ago  The Hub


thanks for the response.

1.) i may have over analyzed, but like I said originally, I havent had any contact with anyone in a while , so this was important to gauge my skills at many different points.

2.)Learned this lesson a while ago

3.) she did not wear leggings. She had a very professional but sexy demure fashion sense. Conservative but well fitting.

4.) All said and done on that front :)

5.) #2

3y ago  The Hub

Brotip #2: Serialize Your Dating


3y ago  The Hub

@Apollo This is why a funnel is required, it avoids stepping on ones own dick.

Lump things into three categories:

  1. Name recognition
  2. Proof of expertise
  3. investment

You have to ask yourself what purpose each social media account serves. Each one only links to the one below it (e.g no hard patreon pitches in a name recognition) so people can invest at a level they feel comfortable with, no one feels like they are being pitched, and you aren't wasting time giving content to people who don't want it.

If I had to map all that, I'd say the TRP.RED, Dischord, Youtube are all #2, Joe Dees twitter is a #1 and Patreon is #3.

It makes sense why there is slow to non growth on the channels, no one learns the names of anyone here. Don't know the name = don't get curious about more content = no youtube and TRP growth to see people show they know their shit. No one sees expertise (or at least competence) so no one invests.

Everyone here was dickriding the commie Californian train for so long they never bothered thinking that there's some merits to approaching this as systematically as we do everything else to do with sexual strategy.

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3y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool I wish people would be convinced by evidence, but I doubt it.

Trump stood behind chloroquine, and the WHO and other progressives condemned it, The Lancet published shaky studies against it. Now The New England Review (that's the #1, Lancet is #2) questions those studies, and is about to get them retracted.

This pandemic, together with the underlying general crisis, makes the search for truth really complex.

4y ago  The Hub

@redpillschool I think it's going to be challenging getting more people onto this site unless reddit does something drastic, as you essentially need different strategies for the different audiences that might come here:

1) The content creators - E.g GLO - A lot of these guys are already on here, but if they don't engage with the site fully, then you won't have the content to attract an audience. Direct outreach will probably work best for anyone not already on here.

2) Red Pill Aware people - These will be people already on the sub-reddits. E.g /r/theredpill, /r/marriedredpill, /r/purplepilldebate, and manosphere blog readers - These will be the core readership and will need to be targeted on their current platforms, which can be done by engaging in discussions on those platforms and linking to relevant content on here.

3) Normies - Aside from word of mouth, which you have no control over, this is going to be about getting found in organic search. This is why the content creators are so important. You want a guy typing "Why won't my wife have sex with me anymore?" into Google to end finding a high quality article written by #1 and being discussed by #2 rather than ending up reading some shitty article on The Guardian telling him that he needs to do more washing up. The best way to tackle this is to have someone do the research to know the sorts of questions that normies are asking, a good place to get an overview is answerthepublic.com and then try to get someone to write an article for the site on it. You will also need to build the authority of the site (basically referring domains) to start getting traffic to the site this way.

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4y ago  The Hub

Kill the beta inside you by getting bigger, faster, stronger. Part 1

It's a given that you should workout if you're a man. Nowadays you can see skinny guys or fat guys everywhere. Hell is there even something more disgraceful when you're next to a woman and your arms and legs are skinnier or fatter than hers? Or when you show everybody how weak and pathetic you are by not lifting properly aka not knowing what the fuck you’re doing therefore not building the physique that scares the betas away and makes the Stacies go wet?

Does that mean that you should be doing rep after rep after rep like an enhanced bodybuilder when you're a natural average Joe? No. Does that mean that Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting or CrossFit is the only way to become the strongest and most athletic version you can be? Again, no.

The issues with most people working out at the gym.

Issue #1

Know why you're there and what your goals are.

I see people at the gym I'm going to and they honestly have no idea what they're doing. They do light weights to "tone", think that everybody that lifts heavy is on steroids or sarms, they even consider heavy lifting as ego lifting. There's a difference between using heavy weights with proper form in order to get stronger aka not being a weak ass bitch and between doing backbreakers instead of deadlifts and knee crackers instead of proper squats. Use proper technique and don’t snap your shit up. If you learn how to deadlift properly then you’ll perform similar day to day tasks without risking inury, plus you’ll be able to lift heavy shit.

Issue #2

Repeating old habits.

You can't fucking do the same thing over and over again without progressive overload and expect it to fucking work.

While the saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it" can be applied on multiple occasions in life, the gym isn't one of them. If you've been benching the same way week in and week out and you're not progressing at all or even becoming weaker then why the fuck do you keep doing what you're doing?

Issue #3

Stop Simping.

Stop going to the fucking gym to stare at that hoe's ass. She's dressed like a hoe cause she's a hoe. She’s only looking for attention and validation. Don’t give your validation away for free. That hoe that's hoeing is none of your concern. You're in the gym to gain muscle, get stronger and become the best you can.

Issue #4

Failing to plan=Planning to fail.

If you don't have a plan you're gonna fail no matter what in life. More so in the gym. Stop relying on the basic "routines" every "personal trainer" at your local gym creates for the masses. They don't work. The average person who works out runs linear periodization, gets newbie gains, builds a dogmatic belief that linear is the only way to go. He then inevitably plateaus and claims "I don't want to get too big", "If you train heavy you're going to get injured", because that is what he CAN'T accomplish, obviously. Now ironically he gets injured because of all the muscle imbalances he develops by bro splitting forever/not conjugating. Sooner or later he quits or gets on the juice.

Issue #5

Use common sense.

Stop believing all the magazines or the "celebrity transformations" or the fitness YouTubers.

The majority of them are taking something that you are not. Whether that's SARMS, HRT, Deca etc. It wasn't the "lots of protein, rice and broccoli" or the "eating every two hours". Know your starting point, set short and long term goals, create a plan to accomplish set goals, be realistic about it, achieve set goals and rinse and repeat. And don’t expect to look like Ronnie Coleman or Arnold when you’re natural for fuck’s sake.

Issue #6

Stop wasting your time.

Stop being lazy about your physique and your goals. I know that you love hating on those that achieved something that you didn't through hard work, whether they used steroids or not they put in the fucking work.

Just because you didn't try to do it, it doesn't mean that you can't. Stop being a lazy beta loser and get to work. "Oh but it's hard and I'll go tomorrow and I'm tired from work". Shut the fuck up. Unless you're genuinely injured then you should take your fat ass to the gym and train accordingly.

Issue #7

It’s a Mindset.

You gotta stop wasting your time looking for the right training partner. "But me and my buddy go together to the gym, it doesn’t matter that he never lifts weights and believes that he’ll bulk up way too much if he even looks at a barbell, right?". Listen here you incompetent fuck, what are you going to do when your sorry excuse of a training partner bails out on you when it’s leg day? Or when he simps? You’re not gonna be motivated to go by yourself, right? That’s why you should primarily train by yourself and if you happen to lift here and there with somebody else then it’s not a big deal. Stop relying on others for your results and success. If you talk about having a mindset of abundance, then you gotta develop that said mindset in the gym and outside of it.

Issue #8

Being afraid to push yourself.

Yes you’re going to strain, yes you’re going to sweat and yes you’re going to fail. It’s about what you’re going to do when you fail. What you’re going to do when nobody’s watching. That’s what seperates the winners from the losers.

Issue #9

Be obsessed about improving yourself.

Make adversity your bitch and succeed.

In Part 2 I’m gonna lay down some a basic template of what I think is one of the best ways to train and achieve your fitness goals whether you’re trying to get that football or athletic scholarship, or you're training to be a bad ass in life.

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