1w ago  The Dark Winter

Trump shot. P.w is down.

1w ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!

@redpillschool he's ok. Just grazed his ear.

Shooter dead.

1 1
1w ago  The Dark Winter

@redpillschool I'm old enough to remember the attempt on Reagan. Wonder if this shooter will turn out to be anything like the kind of nutcase that Hinckley was. His weird obsession with then child actress Jodie Foster would make grist for all kinds of Red Pill theorizing and speculation!

I don't like Trump as a person or the prospect of him as President again, but I'm REALLY glad the attempt wasn't successful! As it stands, this event will probably turbocharge Trump's popularity in the short and medium term.

5 + 1
1w ago  The Dark Winter
US Constitution rox; u sux!

When I posted the reply to which I'm now replying last night, it was immediately after a google search and turning on Fox News because @redpillschool's post was the first I'd heard or read about this. Wife and I ended up watching/listening to Fox News for the next few hours.

I'm probably gong to sound like a wacky conspiracy theorist here....

1) how the fuck was that shooter able to post up on a rooftop, out in the open line that? So many lessons were learned from the Kennedy Assassination, and Lee Harvey Oswald was at least indoors and several feet back from the window (which is the best way to do it). Normally, there's security on any roof anywhere nearby, or at least security with the ability to see every roof. This dude shouldn't have been able to even get set up, let alone take the shots.

2) 130 yards. That's really close when using a rifle. It's a miracle he missed. If Trump hadn't turned his head when he did, this would have been a different story. This could be Providential.

3) Fox News ended up showing an interview a BBC correspondent did with one of the attendees who tried to alert police to the presence of the shooter. The guy had a red beard and a MAGA visor (as opposed to the usual baseball cap). He and a few others were trying to point out the presence of the guy on the roof to some police, all of whom just acted lost and confused. They didn't even bother radioing the countersniper teams on other roofs to take a look.

4) the FBI, yes, the same federal agency that hates Trump the most and meddled in TWO Presidential Elections already, is heading the investigation. Great.

Given all of this, I can't help but suspect that the feds wanted Trump dead, and that the plan was to allow the shooting to occur and react to Trump's death, with the shooter willingly sacrificing himself (they'd have to shoot him, after all: too many people witnessing it to allow an escape). Trump moving his head when he did saved his life and threw a monkey wrench into their plan. Their reactions were mainly going through the motions because of all the witnesses.

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3 6 + 2
6d ago  The Hub

@Jocbro have you tried giving her a good dicking?

Doctor prescribed

1 6 + 2 5,000 fcks
6d ago  The Hub
Scarf-wearing fruitbat


TIL: RPS is a doctor. Who would have thunk it?

1 2
2d ago  The Dark Winter

Reddit was already a cesspool but holy shit the Kamala astroturfing is really going hard right now.

3 4
2d ago  5th Generation War

I'm not a big Matt Walsh fan but this looks good.


1 1
2d ago  5th Generation War

@redpillschool I really liked his other movie. I think this will be funny and also piss me off.

1d ago  The Dark Winter


This is how media works. It may always have been this way, but now it is BLATANT.

The Uberwhite presence in the US has gone from influence to nearly complete control. They are clever to leave a few small spaces for us losers, racists, and misogynists for the optic.

Sheer brilliance on a global scale. I actually admire the complexity of their strategy and the centuries long commitment to this endeavor.

Nothing like this has ever existed in human history.

Enjoy it brothers. There is a lot to learn.

They own reddit now. Ellen Pao was the first big signal. Removing /r/atheism from the default subs was another hint of things to come.

Let it go.

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