18h ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair


Red pill = feminism


That’s one take

I’d actually like to hear more

The logic might be sound

21h ago  The Hub

@Vermillion-Rx Triggered libs self-deleting themselves from my life would ordinarily be great. UnHinged Female Libs just require a second profile that quacks like a duck, just like they do.

22h ago  The Hub


Well to be fair, sometimes I think to myself "there's no way this can go any lower" and lo and behold it goes much lower.

Any and all.

Books: 48 Laws of Power BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO DAYGAME TOM TORERO The Tactical Guide to Women - Shawn Smith Rational Male The Players Handbook Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends & Influence People No More Mr. Nice Guy 12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos

And I'm forgetting something for sure.


Most of Uncle Vasya's

23h ago  The Hub


I think that Red Pill ...Is the 4th Wave of Feminism

Then you don't understand it at all

1 4
23h ago  The Hub

@Vermillion-Rx let it burn. Let it rot.

That shit's funny.

And like you said, if they filter an eggplant emoji for example, they might miss out on a man they want to meet.

Oh well!

'There are only two types of men, but of course I chose the one wahmyns complain about! Tee-hee!' | WhereAreAllTheGoodMen | Forums.Red
23h ago  The Hub



Don't cave into its demands to call it "she"

23h ago  The Hub


Let it be. I spent 30 minutes yesterday burning expensive gas trying to look for a parking spot. I'm all for a demographic collapse at this point.

23h ago  The Hub


OK, answer this straight: how much sidebar and Red Pill reading have you actually done?

You mean the chapters of the Side bar PDF or the recommended books?

Any and all.

You seemed way too astonished at the frivolous bullshit reasons women will supposedly reject a man for.

23h ago  The Hub

@MentORPHEUS I searched it back up, and @redpillschool was the one who came up with it

23h ago  The Hub


[unhinged rant essentially saying "if I never personally witnessed something, it can't possibly have happened elsewhere"]

Hey, you know what? I was a child in the 1980s, and I don't remember ever seeing any such thing as a "pump jockey".

You're both lying-ass motherfuckers!

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