suspended license, try it out
4w ago The Hub
Weininger later in the book amusingly moves this dualism into Judaism and Christianity (he converted 1 year before his suicide)
He equates Judaism with femininity and decries both as forms of cowardice and the primary reason for modern societal decay
@TitusTorquatus The ebook I read had only a couple of typos, if I remember well.
2mo ago The Hub
Good approach. The forever TRP/plate spinning guys are either entirely at peace with that lifestyle or utterly stuck in it
The latter group misses those .001% connections with women that can absolutely happen, or pull some shit that runs them off
The way I've beaten this into the thicker skulls of certain guys is "clearly you acknowledge and believe that there is a sexual hierarchy, a social hierarchy, even a physique hierarchy. Is it that hard to believe there is a romantic or emotional one?"
2mo ago The Hub
Supremely gay and smells European
We will dominate you for hundreds of years to come and you and your obsequious governments will continue to bend the knee
3mo ago RP Memes
Boomerangs are always motivated by momentum shifts. The obvious one is a breakup on their side, the less obvious ones are things like "oh my God I'm almost 25/30/35" or "I've been so boring the last year".
I do agree that major macro events like an election, a holiday, or life plan changes (people tend to move in the spring) can cause multiple at once
You have the same issue as a million other guys who spent all their time on the internet reading shit instead of doing things
You come here posting about pussy when you have no friends. Girls will not fix this. There is a much deeper social deficiency here