5mo ago  The Hub

@Lionsmane8 everyone in the world is in favor of genocide. Genocide is at the roots of our hindbrain. The same hindbrain that controls the desires of women is responsible for our pattern recognition when determining friend or foe and choosing when to war.

“Complicit” and “resistant” are moralizing words used by people in order to rationalize their own opinions.

The truth lies in Genesis, if you ask me. God said Ishmael will be a wild donkey and turn against everyone for all eternity.

5mo ago  The Hub

This is not a repudiation of red pill.

5mo ago  The Hub


This is why men can’t love women.

They can’t think.

As much as they want to shame us for wanting to get our dicks wet, I swear to god, if you aren’t in their pussy calling it yours and demanding that they subject themselves to your dick, they don’t even know who they are.

Fucking black pill, you’re making sense.

“Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor.”

Alexis Carrel, "Man, The Unknown"

5mo ago  The Hub


What unites all men is that we are the sex that loves, but is not loved.

There are two possible times to swallow the red pill: before and after you have kids.

If you are lucky to get it before you have kids, you realize that the best you can do is get desire from women. Maybe a poor substitute for love, but that's as good as it gets. Here, I'd say we are a bit behind in highlighting that men can't cover their emotional needs with their children, because children are a net cost. I.e. it's the problematic men who put their children in the place of emotional providers.

Then, you can be the unlucky one to find the red pill after you have kids. Taken together with the wife, you get to be the material and love provider for a whole bunch of kids, getting very little in reward. And, having taken the red pill, you can see it, and know it won't change.

The good thing about knowledge is you can apply it to protect, at least, your children.

Sure, knowledge can crush even quite a strong ox. But ignorance definitely crushes masses.

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5mo ago  The Hub

@Aging-Chad One of the neighbors in my Area Watch group regularly responds to detailed field reports and even direct questions with "ok". In his case I chalk it up more to the ESL factor.

This screenshot you posted though... oof in the gut.

5mo ago  The Hub

You wanna know what I hate about red pill?

I’ll tell you what I hate about red pill.

It’s all bullshit. Every single thing you read here is bullshit. If you follow redpill you will end up alone and unhappy. You will look at everyone around you and wish you had what they have.

You’ll see them at their barbecues, holding their bud lights, with their kids hugging them from time to time, and you’ll sit listening to them tell you about their perfect lives.

And you will crave it. You will fucking crave it. But then in an instant you will recognize the death in their eyes as their son hugs them but they don’t even realize how much that little man wants his father but his father is too god damned poisoned to know the difference.

And that’s why I hate red pill.

Because the red pill taught me that I was on my own before I knew it. Even when I was desperately clinging to someone hoping they would love me as much as I loved them.

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5mo ago  Red Pill Me

@Donny577 I’m living in an apartment, alone. 3 bedrooms I furnished for my kids but they’d rather be with their mom in their home.

I lost 100k divorcing her and she got everything I wanted. I live every day of my life alone, wishing I never pulled the trigger.

But if I didn’t, I would be asking the same question you are: “how can I be free?”

Freedom is hell. Captivity is hell. Choose your hell, live by it, and die by it.

5mo ago  The Hub

This is why men can’t love women.

They can’t think.

As much as they want to shame us for wanting to get our dicks wet, I swear to god, if you aren’t in their pussy calling it yours and demanding that they subject themselves to your dick, they don’t even know who they are.

Fucking black pill, you’re making sense.

6mo ago  The Hub


Captain Vasectomy power. Gets to play with fire and escapes unscathed.

6mo ago  The Hub

They love it when they aren’t good enough.

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