2w ago  The Hub

@Durek_The_Bald no way. I just respect them so much, I just can't stop.


1 1,000 vcards
2w ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv This is the sort of respecting women schedule you'll see from either someone competing in the Respect Olympics, or from a complete amateur. I suspect the latter.

Unless you're being really meticulous about respecting different parts of them each session, this sort of stuff is only going to lead to over-respecting a.k.a. disrespect.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not as you're respecting women your respect for women grows. It's when you rest in between respecting them. And that is why I respect women no more often than 5 times per week tops.

1 4
2w ago  The Hub




A) I'm not a fan of those words

B) that post is full of a lot of "rah rah rah" crap, though it's decent advice for those who are newly-unplugging

C) the guy who wrote that post is a full-on, psychotic idiot

2w ago  The Hub


Ahem..."always DARE, never DEER". Works on men with women brains too, like height trannies and stuff.

1 2
3w ago  The Hub
3w ago  The Hub

@lurkerhasarisen I suppose it makes some sort of logical sense, that when a woman gets to 50+, and needs to shave her moustache regularly, she starts thinking she can educate men on what it's like to have a cock.

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