9mo ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv Then take my usage of white as western germanic, northern france, scandinavia, and Britain which was the recognized western European phenotype back in 18th and 19th centuries... and not the more modern academic one stretching down to Egypt.

9mo ago  The Hub

@woodsmoke "People have been predicting the "browning" of white populations, particularly in the U.S., for quite some time now."

It's already happened in Brazil and other places. You don't tend to see it when the supermajority is white because the mixed kids often go blend in with the other races and don't self-identify as white.

"I've known a number of people who are 1/4 black, Columbian, Indian or whatever else; had they never told me, I'd never have thought of them as anything other than white."

Then you really can't really recognize white faces too well. Not my problem. 80 years ago, people could often tell what country in Europe a white was from. Generations before that, they could tell they weren't from the same valley. But technology and movement.

Anyway, if you have problems telling 1/4 black from white, you need to get glasses. Next thing you telling me Kim Kardashian is white.

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9mo ago  The Hub

@Jzekyll It's a partially self-correcting problem in a way, as the population darkens, there will be less excess to sustain it. Token blacks at corporations and quotas? That'll be gone. Affirmative action? Can only succeed with super amount of excess. All these welfare programs that essentially make blacks appear equal to whites will be slowly and inexorably stripped away because it can't be sustained.

Otoh, whites won't exist anymore come time. In a thousand years, China will still be chinese, India will still be Indian, Japan will still be Japanese, Middle Easterners will still be middle eastern, and Africans will still be black.

The white world otoh will be brazilianized. In large part due to a victim of its own success. And also led like a lamb to slaughter by other powers.

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10mo ago  The Hub

Dumb question. What's the difference between forums.red and trp.red?

I realize forums.red has a more reddit like interface, which I greatly prefer because it's easier to track topics... but then when I click on any tribes there it gives me the TRP.red default layout. Is there anyway just to make forum.red layout permanent?

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10mo ago  The Hub

@TwoInchesOfShaft Yeah, no problem. I'm fluent in conversational german and have friends who come here to the states all the time, so the mixing is automatic on my part. I like the language, it's beautiful in its own way, and can be sung excellent.

It's just I actually cringe hearing German rap (or even American movies dubbed into German, or vice versa). I seen the original so it's like hearing Google Translate attempt a language, somehow it just doesn't fit. Or isn't quite there, an uncanny valley effect.

Plus any rapper worth a shit is going to do it in English for American audiences, so only the "best" from Germany are 3rd tier imitations to start.

10mo ago  The Hub

Crazy Lady, mother and "Tiktoker" upends her family of 4 kids including her daughter-chemicalled-into-transson from Oklahoma, "leaving behind all her possessions" and "having to start from scratch". "Some trans activists are now referring to the situation in the USA as an active anti-trans genocide."

Btw, she's spreading this far and wide on reddit herself. Oy Vey, lesbian single mother is soon going on the tranny-trail-of-tears to avoid the Nazis. Oh the trans-humanity!


1 1
10mo ago  The Hub

@Bozza I can confirm from personal experience and family and friends, women do not need to be successful to get a swollen head. They'll ride the coattails of a successful man and over time she will eventually convince herself that she's Santa Claus that runs it all and he just the reindeer listening to her commands.

8 + 4
10mo ago  The Hub

@TwoInchesOfShaft Looked up a few of her songs. German is really not a language for rap.

2 1
10mo ago  The Hub

@redpillschool I haven't been there in years but AM was always half-filled with women and yapping betas of the Wil Wheaton variety or worse.

I wouldn't ask those lapdogs how to tie shoelaces.

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10mo ago  The Hub

@deeplydisturbed Current leftist ideology basically boils down to consoomerism. That's why you almost never see individual companies criticized for being too woke (unless bottoms up). Or why Fox News is ganged up on by the rest of the mainstream. Leftists are as authoritarian and as religious as anyone else, if not more so, taking marching orders from someone up above.

Everything is to get the most consoomers now, at the expense of society as a whole in the longterm. Family Unit? "Doesn't matter." Intact neighborhoods? "Don't care this quarter." A society that can function longterm, putting out functional responsible adults? "Yawn, that's like what, 20 to 30 years away?" Like South Africa, the shit will hit the fan sooner or later but there will be nowhere to run to.

In 60 years, we'll see the post-WW2 period to coming Crash as a prime example of why "multicultural" "democracies" are always a facade and farce that will always be destined to fail. Assuming 90% of us didn't die in famine or civil war.

All this goes well beyond Reddit. Reddit is just the interface between top-down media and bottom-up media and it has been long censored so only well-approved bottom-up rises to the top.

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