8mo ago  The Dark Winter

@destraht I will have to watch this later, but I will say one thing: if you are going to do some nefarious operation, Hawaii is the perfect location given it's relative isolation to the rest of the country. Far easier to pull of any plans when no one can really see for themselves so easily or put up much resistance.

9mo ago  The Hub


but rather a situation like we see in South Africa

That's a concern I share, especially considering the open hatred of white people that is so prevalent on social media and elsewhere.

9mo ago  The Hub

@Typo-MAGAshiv One concern I would have is not that white people are not going to be "bred out" or have no future population at all, but rather a situation like we see in South Africa, where whites are a minority among a population that is hostile to their very existence. Along with that, possible conflict among ethnic lines as many western white (or formerly majority white) countries where a large amount of death is the result.

Maybe this will not happen, but I foresee many white people going through hard times. Perhaps the concern I have will not be as big of a factor as the general collapse/decline of many of these western countries. But either way, white people will have some form of struggle (though not exclusively white people, as collapse will affect everyone in some way).

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10mo ago  The Hub

@adam-l I didn't know he had a site or did anything beyond the MRP subreddit. Huh. *checks* it seems he's still married.

Thing is, just because he got lucky doesn't mean it's a good idea to recommend marriage to other men. One of the things I admire about both fellow WAATGM mods @lurkerhasarisen and @houseoftolstoy is that they both recognize that they hit lottery-like odds finding the wives they did, as well as recognize that the laws and culture make marriage a bad deal and bad idea for men, and so do not recommend others get married.

In fact, as I said previously, even the other MRP mods recognize that marriage is a bad deal for men and recommend against it. Their subreddit is there to help men who are already married before finding out about the Red Pill. And here's the kicker: a good number of them still end up divorced. Just because a man straightens himself out and fixes his shit doesn't mean the wife is going to fix her stuff or turn the reins back over to their rightful owner. And sometimes the MRP man fixes himself, looks at his wife, and asks himself "why the fuck am I putting up with this God-awful bitch?" and files for divorce.

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10mo ago  The Dark Winter

For all pain that can come from seeing the ugly truth of reality, there is one positive benefit that comes from it. You will have already priced in a lot of bad events that may come, and will be less likely to be shocked as a result. For those like me who are living in the US, we may find our standard of living go down with our and other governments going full retard on the world stage. But we will not be caught off guard nearly as much as the libtards who think the US is still on top.

Speaking of the libtards, they show just how quickly they abandon supposed principles in line with the narrative. They were those that previously were the biggest opponents of the US military industrial complex, but now whether they are aware of it or not, are the most ardent supporters of that institution. All it took was for the propaganda factories to talk about how "important" the Ukrainian "democracy" was and now they are all about the US being militarily supreme.

I do not want to see WWIII, but I will not suffer great shock or despair if/when the US military forces finds themselves losing to the militaries of Russia and China. It turns out that you cannot contend well with a grandmaster when you are so used to beating your 5 year old nephew at chess. The US is in this exact state, where we do not realize just how out of practice we are at fighting someone who can properly fight back. Add in all the awful Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives that are also affecting the military, and we really are going to show how washed up we are when we think "we still got it."

We have yet to see truly hard times, but they will be coming. At the very least, we should be mentally prepared. But being prepared in other ways is good too.

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11mo ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
A Strategist Among Tacticians


You're missing the point that @houseoftolstoy and I are making, and it's encapsulated in your assertion that, "I'm technically a christian."

No... you are not. A Christian is a follower of Christ who has accepted His sacrifice as the payment for his/her sins. There is no infant baptism in Christianity because Christianity requires a conscious choice to follow Christ. Even churches that practice infant baptism either out of a sense of tradition or because they adhere to false doctrine don't assert that it confers salvation if you reject it as an adult. Having Christian grandparents is utterly irrelevant to your standing, too. As for going to religious classes... you said that you don't accept that what you learned in those classes is true. Sitting in a church or a catechism class doesn't make you a Christian any more Christian than sitting in your garage would make you a Buick. Also, religious observance is not something you do because of "tradition." That's just play-acting. Who's the audience?

Again, such distinctions may seem trivial or even foolish to a non-believer, but that's because a non-believer cannot really understand their significance.

I will also echo what Tolstoy wrote about non-religious marriage. There is literally no point to it. Marriage legitimized sex... because fornication is a sin... because God says it's a sin. That's it.

If you don't believe in God then the entire rationale for marriage disappears... you might as well just live together. Like Tolstoy said, I also have repeatedly stated that if the state that issued my marriage license informed me that the license was invalid, my wife and I would not be any less married than we are.

Having said all that, it's telling that @moorecom pointed you to Tolstoy and me. We are different, but the reason why we're different makes all the difference. There's something in you telling you to seek out (a younger version of) men like us. You're not going to find any where you're looking, because of those reasons.

Should you start attending a solid church to find a husband? No. You should attend a solid church to set you on the path toward salvation. If you find a good husband as a result, it's a win-win for you. (Or rather a WIN-win: eternal > temporary. )

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11mo ago  WhereAreAllTheGoodMen
Unchivalrous Christian

@moorekom @lurkerhasarisen I concur with Lurker's statement about marrying atheists as a Christian. Given the whole being "evenly yoked" when it comes to marriage, you are not signing up for a good time by marrying someone who in the onset is not a believer as well. I would question how strong someone's faith is themselves if they are willing to marry someone who is not also a believer.

Marriages between denominations can work, but they do have their challenges. At the very least, you have most of the same core beliefs. The same cannot be said when you are crossing over to other religions, and especially atheism.

Yes, people can convert, but the conversion needs to happen before there is any marriage on the table. It would be foolish to jump into a marriage thinking that you will convince your spouse to change their beliefs. Anyone who has that expectation will most likely find disappointment.

Also, I do not see much of a point of a non-religious marriage. What, you think that having the government having some papers signed makes anything special? You might as well not go through any of that if you are only doing that for the government to recognize your marriage. Conversely, if somehow the government came and said my marriage was abolished (for whatever odd reason), I would not see any significance to that, as my marriage only has importance to me and my wife in relation to God.

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11mo ago  5th Generation War


The countries listed as positive examples (Norway and Belgium) have fertility rates at 1.7. Below replacement. Is that really something worth bragging about?

How about we take a look at any country with a fertility rate above 2.1. How much do you want to bet that "fathers not helping out with the chores" is not a strong correlating factor in the birth rates there? Maybe, there is something else that is a bigger factor. I will spoil it: empowering women/feminism lowers birth rates.

I'll drink to that.

11mo ago  5th Generation War

@Antelope The countries listed as positive examples (Norway and Belgium) have fertility rates at 1.7. Below replacement. Is that really something worth bragging about?

How about we take a look at any country with a fertility rate above 2.1. How much do you want to bet that "fathers not helping out with the chores" is not a strong correlating factor in the birth rates there? Maybe, there is something else that is a bigger factor. I will spoil it: empowering women/feminism lowers birth rates.

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1y ago  The Dark Winter


but perhaps they might serve a purpose when they tell us the US will not just outright win.

There is no chance in hell that the US could do well against China now that they've completely limited Russia's options of playing both sides for its own benefit. Russia would simply support China. The two of those joined at the hip for that purpose are just not beatable.

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