1y ago  The Hub


I'm not holding out for anything - I married a 20-year-old debt-free virgin with no tattoos before you were born. There were plenty of people who said the same thing then that you're saying now, and they were as wrong then as you are now.

These are the unpleasant facts: since the SexRev got into full swing in the 1960s and 70s, most women aren't wife-grade. (We could have a discussion about what percentage of men are husband-grade, but that's a different topic.) A man has three options: 1) hold out for for of the few wife-grade women, 2) settle for a woman who's not a wife-grade woman, or 3) stay single.

In my estimation (and according to the divorce statistics), Option #2 is the worst. What you (and all the people who told me I was being unreasonable when I was single) are trying to do is reclassify unworthy women as being wife-grade in order to dangle the illusion of Option 1 in front of guys who don't want to be single. But calling a woman wife-grade doesn't make her wife-grade, and divorce courts and debtor's prisons are filled with men who thought otherwise.

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1y ago  The Hub
Comically Serious


How interesting really depends on if those asshats cross the river or not.

Step #1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6vsvgedtta

Step #2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=errmixmejmc

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2y ago  The Hub

@Godblessusall on #2 if you're wanting a higher body count because you've seen how high others are that just screams insecure to me. Don't put your happiness in pussy.

2y ago  The Hub

@jormigaso if a girl tells another girl that you have a small dick all that does is make Girl #2 want to find out for herself.

Same if the sex is good.

2y ago  The Hub


Id like to try a committed relationship some time.

For what, though?

You are committed though. Committed to #1 on Mondays, #2 on Weds, #3 every other Thursday. ..

2y ago  The Hub


Fix your posture.

You are leaning in on every picture with your face in it.

Like @Kloi mentioned, better head shots is another thing.

It'a evident you are working out a bit & trying to improve.

But for fuck's sake, shoulders back, chest up, spine straight.

Chin up & with a slight tuck.

Get your hands out in view & visible, not in your pockets & nearby.

Start mewing, if already mewing, fix your mewing form.

Ditch the pedo stache like you have in the third pic.

Try a beardstache like Henry Cavill one had if you're into facial hair.

Or, just grow a well groomed stubble.

Going pic by pic:

Pic #1 = You're leaning in like you're insecure about yourself.

Make yourself the center of the picture, not the background.

You're going after women, not a photography career.

Other than that it's mostly posture.

Pic #2 = Same as Pic #1

Pic #3 = Look at the camera, fix your form.

Pic #4 = Unneeded, adds an abundence effect, but it's epsecially useless to have it since it doesn't contain your face.

You must be attractive to women first so they can acknowledge all your hobbies later.

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2y ago  The Hub
Desperate for a flair


Who the fuck wastes any time tryin to show value to a 19 year old girl, other than saying what is needed to be said to fuck her?

You are mixing up two completely different types of people:

  1. Good men, quality men, solid men all work hard when they are young to establish themselves. Like Chris Rock says, these are the "pussy later" men. These men tend to do best in the long run.

  2. Players and boys who are jumping through hoops (or just have it like that) to impress 19 year old girls. They are "pussy now" men. These men tend to fall apart after 35-40. No one wants to work with or befriend this sort of man.

Man #1 does not fuck around at frat parties unless he has homework done and just needs to get laid. Man #2 probably cheats on exams and gets papers written for him.

Sure there is overlap in the Venn circles here, because nothing is black and white. But this is the more realistic view IMO.

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2 69,000 fcks
2y ago  The Hub


Best of luck to you in your endeavor.

I hope it works out for you, but I am a little skeptical and I feel that two women living in the same house is a recipe for disaster for a couple reasons:

  1. Women hate each other and will constantly bicker and fight with each other even when they are not competing for a man's attention. Multiply that by a factor of 3 to 5 when you add actual real and justified jealousy into the mix.

  2. Women are herd creatures and will actively work together to make you the common enemy in the home.

  3. Dread works best when the woman has the ability to use her imagination about what might happen, not necessarily what is happening. Them living under the same roof allows them to share notes, eavesdrop, and conspire with each other to accomplish #2 (above).

  4. Even if you have some serious Master and Servant Apex Alpha Chad game, frame, and King Schlong control over women (and/or the chicks are seriously low value) it will become tiresome very quickly.

  5. It is your house. Your fortress of solitude. Where the fuck do you go now to decompress, chill, and do your own thing uninterrupted?

It is a good fantasy and can be done, but it just seems like a metric shit ton of work to juggle multiple women living in the same house whereas you can easily juggle multiple women whom live at their own place.

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