WAW1.2: Do Looks Matter To Women? The TRUTH:
@RPFerro thanks for the answer, I broke it off since this girl was little crazy to me. Demanding things or getting irrational if I left her on seen on whatsapp. Also playing mind games,like manipulating me to take her to the beach(I want to rape you, but on the beach).All of this not in the femenine, flirty way,more like in the crazy tone
"What I find odd is that I ask you a lot of things and you never seem to be interested in me"...I am honestly not interested in this girl's life. Am I doing it right, guys?
First fat girl that hits on me, GYM's results are starting to show up. "Hey what's your name?" she said "why?" I asnwered "ahg, forget it". "No, tell me" "Just forget it". I guess she felt rejected and wanted me to chase her. I just ignored her because she did not past the boner test.
Beyond basics and foundation; there a lot of adivices that contractict each other, some say "smile" others "do not smile bc you look like a beta" etc. I feel like game styles are like the GYM exercises where you need to stick to a routine for a while and see what happens.
7y ago The Hub
@Elfclan30 Stop actively pursuing; she'll come closer under her own power or wobble and break. Regardless, keep looking for plates so you get a taste of abundance by spinning 2+ at once. From there, your frame will be much stronger; it's a much better mindset from which to choose and possibly enter a LTR.