4h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx OMG, that's funnier than the actual expression!
I wonder if Elon Musk himself had a hand in making this AI digitized version of aspieness?
13h ago 5th Generation War
you're being way too alarmist,
You, like virtually every other Trump fan I see and interact with, are acting waaaay too passive and accepting, presumably because it's "your guy."
taking your cues from the Democrat politicians
There's not a single Democrat politician I like or respect right now, much less take cues from. Projection, or intellectual laziness to assume so?
who are screeching
Emotive language that predisposes speaker and user alike to disregard any and all substance to what is actually getting discussed. A type of propaganda. Does this originate in your own mind, or are you picking it up from your sources? You've used emotive language repeatedly when referencing "other side."
Everyone I know who is drawing Social Security has experienced no hiccups. [VA stuff that follows]
Maybe not YET, but have you zero concern for what will be done with ALL of the information that Elon Musk and his employees collecting information from the entire treasury system down the road?
What is "targeted" is the bloated excess spending that isn't necessary, such as the excessive mid-level management bureaucracy.
To the extent that this is true, I'm quite glad for it. My concern is that these particular targets are like candy to conservative audiences, and as such they sate their curiosity and diligence opening the way for actions that even conservatives do NOT want. I've seen this play out over and over through the decades and it's the exact process that brought America to the current state of Forever Wars and mass Civil Asset Forfeiture in airports and on highways.
Read MoreSee? I knew that with sound arguing I'd swing you to my point of view. (:
The Socio-Sexual Hierarchy: GAMMA
Vox Day explains the nature and the behavioral patterns of the fourth rank of the male socio-sexual hierarchy, the Gamma male. For those seeking information on modifying their tendency toward Gamma behaviors, check out the Graduating Gamma series and begin with Step One: Physical: alphagameplan.blogspot.com/2015/02/graduating-gamma-1.html
#2015 #2019 #Youtube #Voxday #SocioSexualHierarchy #SSH #Gamma #Men #Males #Rank #Education #World #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare
How to not get bored of fucking the same girl?
I have a pretty big lay counts, i used to go out every week ends, approaching etc ... but i'm recently in LTR it's been 9 months now, and im already bored of sex with her, depsite the fact that she looks great, younger than me, hot, she gives me chad treatment everyday
i want to meet & seduce other girls so badly
how do you cope having sex with the same girl years? Legit serious question
after a few months i always get bored of the girl no matter how good she looks,
I dated too many girls, and i just cant stop chasing for novelty ...
even if i had the chance to date the most beautiful girl in the world like margot robbie, i would get bored after some months for sure
im cursed i guess?
18h ago The Hub
@adam-l The problem is they will never address the elephant in the room when doing "science" for this shit. There were separate organizations in Brazil and Italy warning of genetic differences in susceptibility to corona viruses due to gene expression differences related to key receptors. Africans and Mediterraneans were of particular concern, given long running genetic science before COVID-19. Well, oddly enough, a casual look would tell you that indeed mortality rates seem to match that, but since we can rarely even talk about such things, we will never really know. In other words, the science is all baked in trash now and frankly ignoring it will achieve the same outcome as trying to embrace it.
Just look at what actually happened...
In all kinds of crises, be it pandemics, wars, or natural disasters, excess mortality is used to gauge their impact. Excess mortality is the difference in the number of deaths during the crisis, as opposed to what would be statistically expected (compared to previous years etc).
During 2020, the US suffered a stagerring 480,000 excess deaths.
That's either due to the virus (which is my position), or due to the countermeasures (which seems to be the position of most of you guys).
It's quite easy to see what's the truth, if you look into countries that had almost no countermeasures, such as some African countries. Turns out there was significant excess mortality in these countries, too.
So, the excess mortality was due to the virus.
What's not convincing in that reasoning?