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24m ago The Hub
Brothers, I've lost my way, I know this isn't a space to vent, but I totally lost my way with women. Should I start with the Reddit sidebar, and where can I find the old askTRP forum?
Thank you.
39m ago 5th Generation War
Nah, the foreigners have all the good jobs now. The STEM ones you can't do.
2h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma The Labour party is like a divorced post wall princess with a huge wish list. Your post wall love, get real. Last time you were in the game you had some value now??? Last time you left office you had already spent all the money. Now you arrive when there are big debts. Out of date tax and spend policies being applied to a broken economy.
You are post wall love. Adjust or perish.
@Vermillion-Rx I am very sorry to hear of your most distressing discovery. It must be mortifying to learn that you only have a tiny weeny minuscule maggot in your trousers not the mighty python you once thought.
While I would strongly suggest never going in the showers at the swimming pool and always turning round in changing rooms to avoid the universal ridicule of men, you should not fear the judgement of women. When did you find one who could measure the sugar right in a cake? When did you find one who could put small woman's town car into a parking space straight? Moreover when did you find one who actually wore her real dress size? The label on that dress she got from Walmart says 10 but if you were foolish enough to take her to a proper uptown fashion shop and she wouldn't get into a 12 by Channel.
The ladies are happy with their dresses being sized down -it makes them feel better about themselves. She picked that dress because it said it was a 10. She might not have if it had said it was a 14. Similarly size your micro penis up and they will be happy, tell the truth and they will pick another one off the rack.
Read MoreJust found out my dick isn't actually 6" IT'S OVER!!!
[TheRedPill] [Rant/Vent]
I make 6 figures and I'm 6'0" and i thought my dick was 6"
I was used to measure my dick 3x a day growing up waiting for it to finally hit 6" and I got lucky one day finally, because it stopped growing right after i became the proud owner of a fucking horse cack.
Well, i was measuring something totally unrelated today with the same ruler I used to measure my sweaty cack with and i realized the first notch doesn't start till a few mm deep. I accounted for this and I'm 5.92 inches
Women won't love me anymore now that I'm not 666. No guy wants to brag about being 665.92!!!!! IT'S OVERRRR!!
14h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma It takes serious training to get a body like that. I would think at least 8 hours a week in the bar. With men like him, we need fear no famine.
14h ago TheRedPill
@Typo-MAGAshiv being red pill doesn't mean everything about the world is bad just means you realize dating is broken you can still make money , start a business , get a dog , get a cabin , go hunting and smoke a fat blunt !! just cause there are 304s plotting on you doesn't mean everything about the world is bad