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2h ago The Hub
I think my favorite part of the game is when you both know you want to fuck each other, but neither of you are saying anything about it, so the conversation between you two becomes a normal conversation but with this dirty undertone. It's actually hilarious.
7h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Norway is a fairly homogeneous society, so I was curious about the vaccination rate. In mid 2022 it was about 80%. And like other advanced western country, it has a low birth rate and a lot of elderly people. So who likely wouldn't get the vaccine there? Sick elderly people on their death beds or with serious health problems is one such group. So of course the numbers came out how they did. No one informed seriously thinks this thing works, either for preventing infection (that 95% relative risk reduction is a mirage and joke given hoe the trial was conducted) or preventing deaths. It wasn't even tested for the latter.
7h ago Ask TRP Forum
Problem Coming Into Terms With Oneitis
I’m trying to truly understand how to accept that I, with my first ex-girlfriend will have to move on.
Now a little info, to keep concise. we dated for 4 months, I lost my V to this girl, And shortly after had to move states, involuntarily.
Around that time I was definitely reading up on game, self- improvement, etc, it’s been some years since, and a year or two ago I peaked in life and contacted her when I had the money to make a move, but lost everything I had financially and mentally (not to be sad about that, just fyi).
Now I started from the ground up, with balance this time. but I guess I simply can’t accept the fact that I have to be a man and let go. We didn’t necessarily end on bad terms, being around her felt as part of my mind that put me in homeostasis but the anxiety about her still lingers. as of now, I’d shoot her a message once and a blue moon but not text 24/7, just on the side while getting back on improving, etc. And from what I ‘perceive’ she doesn’t necessarily seem indifferent, I said last week we would ft, and she was down.
Now the main part is, coming into terms that I can’t resume that relationship with her since I’m in a different state. It would be pointless and I can’t make her hold on.
If that’s not the case, would it be wrong to chat otp with her as in for closure to end things positive, and change my perspective on breaking up, and btw I broke up with her but we didn’t have that talk after, kind of a cliffhanger, she knew I had to move.
TL;DR Tell me I’m a B*tch or something so I can move on, logically I want to but my emotions are acting like a simp. Last week I encountered a HB9.5 and didn’t do shit, wtf is wrong with my brain? Is it pheromones or what?
Read More1h ago The Hub
@Stigma Imagine if these stats had been the other way around and men had been more likely to survive. Imagine how much more money would need to be spent to equal up outcomes to prevent sexism. But happily it was only men and we all know they are more likely to die. Probably deserve it...
This is a problematic covariate for that reason. Health conscious people who regularly seek medical and preventative services are going to have lower all cause mortality already
This study failed to do a time lag methodology of before and after the vaccine
They could have only grouped people by vaccinated status (from general vaccines or not) with comparable groups who did take that vaccine (it's easy to do that in a stats program as covariates) and then they could have run a t test on the time lag or some other contrast statistic. That would have been more of a controlled experiment and not correlation
14h ago 5th Generation War
A blatant breach of official divisions of power in the US government structure. CONGRESS has control of the purse strings and spending. The President can veto new legislation.
A) this may be the first time in my life I've seen a leftist give two shits about the powers given to each branch by the Constitution. I hope you expressed this same concern when Clinton, Obama, and Biden all overstepped boundaries.
B) DOGE doesn't actually control anything. They only give information and make recommendations.
C) while Congress can allocate funds, the Executive Branch (of which Trump is the head) can alter how each department uses its allocated funds. USAID was given wide discretion with virtually no oversight. That ends now.
The problem is you're not used to this shit yet. It's a rite of passage bro. Don't let everyone give you a load of bullshit. The first few breakups are going to hurt. When you get more abundance they won't be as bad. It natural to catch feelings and it's fine to be sad. Just don't stay that way.
I say allow yourself an allotted about of time to miss and feel sad about your loss. Let's say 15 minutes. Feel all your feelings, cry if you have to, then move on.
Time will make you feel better and so will fucking other women.
You've got this bro. This is all normal. Ride out the bad feelings you have a future with lots of potential and fun adventures with slutty women! Remember to have fun.
9h ago The Hub
This appears way too thought out
It's just a limit I've set for myself to not get into the texting too much, too much meaning weeks. The sooner I know if she's down or not the sooner I can move on either to a new girl or to meet with her.
The only reason a woman would not see you again
They did see me again, that's why I keep saying that I'm fucking up somewhere.