4y ago The Hub
@MentORPHEUS What's the point, really? Reddit normie cucks are easily predictable in their behavior. We all know how they'd respond to different types of comments. The hamsters there work in overdrive. Arguing on social media is useless cause the overwhelming (delusional) majority will downvote you to oblivion and feel good while doing it due to social validation from the voting system.
4y ago TheRedPill
@redpillschool Guys should stop looking at porn with crazy in it so they don't need it to get aroused
4y ago The Hub
Coronavirus debate is getting FIERCE. You know the ultimate insult of 2020? Being called a sheep. On one hand, you have the people who think the virus is a hoax calling other people "sheep" for being manipulated by the government and media. On the other, you have people who believe that the virus is obviously real and that these hoax-calling neanderthals should stop being such "sheep" by being manipulated from internet conspiracy theory cult leaders. Who will win in the end?
4y ago The Hub
Can anybody explain to me why there are 2 genders? Why not 3 or 4? Explain with biology, evolution, and all that science. Is there any kind of explanation or not?
4y ago The Hub
@anislandforyourself Closest thing in earth biology are insect colonies that have breeding members and asexual specialized workers, so 3 or more adult forms.
Science fiction writers have come up with many alien species with complex mating strategies. A common trope is two nominal "males" and a nonsentient female.
4y ago The Hub
You'd think that guys who consume a lot of porn would put women on less of a pedestal since their libidos are being satisfied by pornography, but it's actually the opposite. Men think of women as sexual objects thanks to pornography and the sexier this sexual object is ( aka the higher on the hierarchy), the more power "it" has. If the guy doesn't have the corresponding male power, then he is "out of her league". The less porn you consume, the more you think of women as being just people, the less you value attractiveness and, consequently, the less you put said women on a pedestal. Let's not let our sexual urges dictate our thinking.
4y ago The Hub
Do you guys agree with women wearing hijabs to hide from the fiendish male sexual gaze?