1y ago  The Dark Winter

Not exactly sure how accurate and realistic these war game exercises are, but perhaps they might serve a purpose when they tell us the US will not just outright win. That is, assuming our politicians are not retarded enough to go through a full scale war with China.

Some excerpts:

The game was ultimately cut short because of time constraints, but its conclusions nevertheless presented the Select Committee with a sobering reality: Resupplying Taiwan with arms and other critical supplies after a CCP blockade had been imposed was not possible.

Likewise, without additional basing options with regional allies, the U.S. side risked immense casualties and its stockpiles of long-range missiles being depleted in short order.

Yep, we would not be not fighting goat herders here. We better be ready to have a lot more than just a few thousand casualties.

Likewise, for every consequence the United States was willing to impose on China in the game, the CCP regime had its own response prepared.

In response to being booted from the SWIFT international banking system, for example, the Chinese side cut the United States off from all Chinese battery technology, used in everything from iPhones to electric vehicles."

So war with China would necessarily mean that the environmentalist retards would be told to shut up so we can mine. But that assumes that our own politicians are also not complete idiots have drank their own Kool Aid on "climate change" hysteria. At least some of them must know that it is all a crock of shit.

I would prefer we not go to war with China. I am not feeling all that much patriotic fervor when our government hates me for being a straight white male. Along with all the other gay and retarded policies that our government currently forces upon us.

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1y ago  5th Generation War

@houseoftolstoy Maybe I'm just paying attention more these days, but it seems as though a lot of the best and brightest old-school high military and intelligence operatives are drawing a line in the sand that they're not going to ignore the current regime anymore (as in a general sense, not even just Biden group, but the entire bullshit system) because it's destroying America. Not as in just bad strategy, but that it's leading to the end.

Perhaps this is what an expat Russian in the 80's (if he could manage to get away) or 90's would have starting feeling like as the USSR was crumbling and being looted. It's kind of a weird thing to need to take up a position that is completely against a nation for that nation to have any future.

It brings up question like What is a patriot?, What is a country?.

It's also possible that a nation to be transformed such that it's never coming back, and that even when the new paradigm is finished in generations that it's still not ever going to back to what it was that you liked so much about it. I think that America has passed that point such that it can't just continue. That it's going to break, and it will never be glorious 1998 again before Bill Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagal Act.

As America breaks it will lead to many very boring discussions similar to "What is the real China, Mainland China or Taiwan?".

People like me who left are just unwilling to get onboard or to tolerate what America has become. So I've already all but completely checked out anyways, but is it un-patriotic or even treasonous for me to want America to fail in it's efforts? America is engaged in a war, but they haven't signed official documents declaring it as such. So is my loyalty to faceless politicians and bureaucrats who play word games of saying without saying, or is it to the constitution, or to the American people?

My position is that if America were to fail at this adventure then it would be the best thing for it. The time for semi-casually getting off global reserve currency status crack-cocaine was missed when Ron Paul was not elected president. Once that happened it was never going to be an easy let down. Plus or minus some years, or a decade. Instead of losing that on America's own terms, it's rather going to be ripped from it on other people's terms. That happening is just not my responsibility. I was out there putting Ron Paul flyers into hands, etc. I knew that was hopeless, but that was the only possible way of clearly presenting the message that the only real question is what comes out the other side of it. Americans though chose the hardest way possible.

So is it even America anymore? The old memories of the parts worth saving hardly exist. I don't have any faith at all that what will come out of this collapse is going to look like anything that resembles the good parts that were worth preserving during a flip over. If that is the case then it's America in name only. Furthermore, if I'm from California and my family is almost all completely on board with the current California way (which embodies the larger national problems) being the correct path. So is it even relevant to save people from themselves (and against their own will as they would like to do to me, ex; forced vaxxes)? America isn't even my ancestral homeland.

So basically, what is the point of supporting America?

For me the answer is a lot easier at "no much". It's much more difficult for Americans who pretty much do not like their government or system anymore, cannot see any hope for it, but are stuck there due to age, family, or something else. So they'll move to another state.

Now though we're starting to see weaponized legal system from one state to another at al levels, such as the charges brought against Trump. He bailed on New York for Florida, but now his time spent in New York has been weaponized against him. Similarly many financial advisers recommend to high net-worth individuals to not even set foot in California due to how aggressive that they are at making claims of residency in order to be able to hit them with state income tax.

People are quickly going to discover that the US is not as much of a super nation anymore as it is a collection of warring states held together only by history, and pork barrel spending.

Minus the shared history part, Moldova might as well be the 51st state due to how it's completely held together by American NGO funding, and other John Perkin's described Suits -> Jackals -> Military methodology. How is Moldova any less of a US state than Virginia is? They both completely exist in modern form due to Federal government funding.

Without that Federal funding (repackaged as WhateverBank if you must) then Moldovan allegiance evaporates just as fast as the allegiance from the guy who is being paid to either; Not grow corn, or rather even to grow it for misguided ethanol production. When the paper currency is worthless then you'll find out what people really think.

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1y ago  5th Generation War
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1y ago  The Dark Winter


Funny that the state sponsored media mentions how low gas prices "cooled inflation,"

The great irony here is that when prices were skyrocketing at 15% or more per year, the government and state sponsored media claimed that it topped out at "only" 8-point-something because the official number doesn't include fuel amd food because of their volatility.

Of course when those trend downward (even for a moment), they claim that they have inflation beat.

1y ago  The Dark Winter

Funny that the state sponsored media mentions how low gas prices "cooled inflation," as I just witnessed gas prices increase by 40 cents a gallon in just a week.

And they of course will always claim that it just all these individual factors driving inflation rather than money printing. But what can we expect from the direct media arm of the state?

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1y ago  5th Generation War

@SSeuSS I can see where you would not have them everywhere or not in places where that could be an issue. I would argue that even with those in mind, you can have locations designated such as parks and sections of land designated as green spaces.

Not saying it is an outright replacement for actual forest areas and larger scale parks, but little bits can help.

1y ago  5th Generation War

@woodsmoke I don't see why urban areas cannot have actual trees. I have seen plenty of cities around the world still have places for trees, whether they be designated parks or just in the sidewalk area. As @Typo-MAGAshiv pointed out, the extra expense makes it not worth it. As I recall, trees can take care of themselves once they stick out any culling stage events (I can imagine many young trees do not make it for a variety of reasons, but that is just nature at work).

Who does not like seeing trees? Tell me who these people are, I really want to know.

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1y ago  It's Fake!

@Lone_Ranger @houseoftolstoy I fucking hate the income tax on general principle, especially the so-called "progressive" tax rates.

"Oh, yes, let's penalize production and achievement. Trying to be upwardly mobile? More punishment!"

I'm all for getting rid of it and replacing it with a national retail sales tax, such as the FairTax.

Here's a fun fact: it was originally against the US Constitution to tax income. They had to pass an Amendment to start it, and they fudged the numbers on some of the states' legislatures votes to ratify it. Additionally, the income tax was originally only supposed to be a temporary measure to fund World War I.

That's the thing about governments: once they have power, they rarely cede it back.

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1y ago  It's Fake!

@Lone_Ranger >The reason billionaires vote for The Dems is because the Dems wont' tax billionaires.

Same logic applies to the call for more auditing powers by the IRS. Because "we have to stick it to the rich!" Except that if you are rich, you are most likely already being audited on a regular basis. No, the extra auditing powers are meant for the masses. Though I suspect it is less about getting more money out of the people but rather about control.

This is also why I am very wary about the implementation of central bank digital currency.

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1y ago  The Hub
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