2y ago Development Updates
We need sth against those annoying scam/troll accounts in the forums. It's getting out of hand.
3y ago TheRedPill
Hello guys! Here on TRP we learn mostly how to handle women so that they don't damage you or waste your time. I've practising RP-principles for some time now and also experienced improvement. Now I'm seeing that I also struggle with other dudes, which is annoying in leisure-activities and hanging out with friends. (RN I don't care too much about women, since I'm trying to rebuild my life, but it would be good to have those skills for later)
How can I deal with other men? Especially the ones that try to dominate you, your conversations (interrupt you, don't listen to you, etc.), bully you, etc.? How can I deal with competition? I experience this quite a lot in my martial-arts club where I'm quite low status and ppl are quite sassy with me. I could leave, but since I'm in the national squad and it being very difficult to find sth with similar quality I wanna stay.
In university it's ok sometimes but not always, and here's more at stake, bc. that could affect my career. (Also I try to have a network of women for platespinning later, but it seems more difficult bc of the male competition)
Is there any RP-Advice or are there any ressources to read?
Read More3y ago TheRedPill
What do you guys think about using girls that friendzoned you as "a wingman" to get to her girlfriends? I read a lot that it works and tbh it makes sense, since you might get the social proof and easier access. But would a girl that rejected you be of any use in getting girls? Wouldn't she try to sabotage you, since she doesn't see you as high-value f**k-material? Should I stay away from girls that rejected me in general?
Out of sight, out of mind. Unless the woman is your wife or blood related to you, you shouldn't concern yourself with thinking about them when they're absent. She's friend-zoned you for a reason. You're creeping on her when she's nowhere to be seen hints as to why that happened. Just accept that you're not important to her, never were, never will be, and move on with your life pursuing women who don't yet know you exist.
To help in that regard, consider investing in a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, also known as the late Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's mirrored on several sites and a podcast. While his media is a bit pricey, it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from, but I would also suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. If you've already found you'd like to read his book, save yourself a search and give this scribed link a gander.
Read More3y ago TheRedPill
What do you guys think about using girls that friendzoned you as "a wingman" to get to her girlfriends? I read a lot that it works and tbh it makes sense, since you might get the social proof and easier access. But would a girl that rejected you be of any use in getting girls? Wouldn't she try to sabotage you, since she doesn't see you as high-value f**k-material? Should I stay away from girls that rejected me in general?
3y ago TheRedPill
@unholyguacamole I understand this part and I'm working on combining those things with my behavioral/personality... But tbh I don't know how to (successfully) deal with competition. I mean I can be quite succesful with a girl but that doesn't matter when there's another dude right there who can AMOG me (if that's happening idk tbh) A few months ago I got pretty well with a girl (25) at work(I was almost the only dude there, so there was no competition) that was married, but I didn't wanna pursue further cause I didn't like those circumstances... but I won't have this odds with all girls, especially now that I'm in a quite maledominated university... I can pull it off, but not with competition and that's rlly fckin frustrating ... so tipps/links/videos/books etc. for that would be helpful
3y ago TheRedPill
Hello! I need some advice here: I'm not so bad with women 1on1 but when other dudes come in, I often lose her attention pretty fast, even when he seems less confident and assertive. How can I avoid being outmaneuvred like this and keeping/building attraction? (This happens kinda always. It doesn't matter how well I do with the conversation, as soon as somebody else joins I lose) The environments I'm in are usually the university, my martial arts club and sometimes smaller hangouts. (I'm 20 soon btw.) Trying to be assertive doesn't work, bc I would come off as insecure and try-hard. (obviously) How can I stop losing the girls to other dudes this easily?