9y ago The Hub
Hey all, welcome to #atacertainpointhashtagsbecometoolongtofunctionasanythingbutanironiccriticismonthelimitsofmetacommentary.
9y ago The Hub
@redpillschool, I suppose this is the blogging equivalent of 'hello world' coding. #TRP.RED #hastag
8y ago The Hub
And we're live! Big props to @RedPillSchool and all the testers!
8y ago The Hub
If you're starting from square 1, always remember that functon > form. Better to be the strongman than the pretty boy.
8y ago The Hub
@Gaiusscaevolus Unless you're pretty like me, in which case....
8y ago The Hub
The 'Anger Phase' is useful as a sort of hard reset on how a man interacts with women. It hits the pedestal with a sledgehammer and causes it to come crashing down as he over-corrects his views/interactions with the women in his life. Eventually he'll calibrate like most humans do, but the smashing of the pedestal is necessary.